Software Freedom Day 2006!

This year I am on the board of Software Freedom International, the group that run Software Freedom Day. There is some awesome stuff happening this year, with a competition that includes the folk from LUG Radio, and some FOSS stars. Everyone has a chance to win both signed tshirts and tasty hardware. The competition includes both individual and team prizes. Here is an excellent mockup of a logo done for Australia 🙂

I’ve also written up a short “Why Software Freedom Matters” on the Software Freedom Day site which also mentions that there is only one week left to register your teams!

Mockup Australian SFD Logo

So the idea is that we are going to be keeping the official SFD logo from 2005 which is basically a sun coming over the mountains with a beautiful sky. Then teams around the world can build their own SFD based on the theme! I mentioned in passing that it would be cool to do an Australia SFD logo using Uluru and, as is often the case in the FOSS world, Phil Harper sent me a picture within a few days of his impression of my idea.