Yesterday Jeff and I got a Wii. When Jeff was convincing me (and I needed convincing as we already have computers and a gaming console), he tried saying that it could help us get fit. I thought this was laughable, but, as I love gaming I relented and we got one (by pre-ordering the day before, we got it cheaper too! ๐
Anyway, holy crap!!! It is seriously the best gaming platform ever! The controllers are completely intuitive, and come wireless with rumble and sound. Boxing is actually like boxing! The games that come by default are awesome. You create a Mii, or an avator for yourself with _loads_ of tweaking options, and then your avatar can be used in all the Wii enabled games, so you end up building a profile through whichever games you are playing. It takes only a few minutes to get used to it, and it is really, really fun. Totally recommended!
Oh, and Jeff was right. The fitness training and sports games really do make you work up a serious sweat! Who knew a gaming console could finally get to the point of being better for your fitness rather than completely detrimental ๐