All my friends that ride a bike willl be very proud of me. Jeff and I decided to get bike in a plan to get fit, and while he is away this trip I’ve borrowed a bike for a couple of weeks. All last week I was busy, or it was raining and I kept putting it off, but I had a bonfire to go to last night that was about 12kms from my house. I thought “how hard could it be” and with a little research launched into Sydney traffic on a bike (I haven’t been on a bike since I was little!). Apart from a few mistakes, it went great! I really loved it! The drivers around me were nice and my only regret is a very sore bum I think it is time to buy a bike so any comments or suggestions are welcome! Plus bike urls that are useful
I ended up catching the train home, but I’m pretty happy with my first attempt, and will be starting to ride to work which is about 16 kms away