Stan Beer – “The Linux Test Pilot”

This is awesome! Stan Beer is a well known IT journalist and 6 months ago he knew very little about Linux. Through working with him on Linuxworld Australia he started to get into it, and now he is chronicling his adventures with learning to user Linux at home in a well written series called “The Linux Test Pilot“. His first look was at Ubuntu which he seemed to have enjoyed, and I’ve just been told that a Novell engineer has been over at his house helping him test drive Suse 🙂 Rock on Stan, have fun and let us know if we can help you out. I’ve asked James to interview him for the Linux Australia podcast he does, so we’ll be able to hear directly from Stan what it is like to be a brand new user of Linux. I think listening to people like Stan keeps us in touch, and helps us understand the challenges to overcome before world domination 🙂