- I love horses! Just saw police horses at multicultural festival and had to share that π festival is awesome! So much food & performances! #
- Ok Canberra peeps, I'm playing at 1.45 at stage in front of Canberra theatre. Gig includes "under the milky way" with digeridoos π #
- Listening to ppl discuss the importance of international dialogue, but not with any ideas for implementing results. Very academic view IMHO #
- Librarian said all libraries in Australia late last year agreed collectively to openly share out of copyright works. Nice! /cc @wittylama #
- Heh, question on whether Wikipedia is dodgy, answer, all sources shld be challenged & children taught to question. Gr8 answer π @wittylama #
- Am being reminded about the importance of permissive copyright (eg cc) in sharing & preserving knowledge. @wittylama #opendata #freeculture #
- Listening to @wittylama give a great talk about Wikipedia and GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives & museums). #
- Just got unsolicited call from Optus "as a previous customer" trying to sell me stuff. I thought I was on the do not call register… >:/ #
- RT @KateLundy New post: Digital world expands for people with print disability http://bit.ly/fLCx2s #web20 #gov2au #accessibility #
- Holy crap. RT @BernardKeane The plan to destroy Wikileaks: http://bit.ly/gylkxh <- Sorry, paywall :/ Story also at http://bit.ly/eJTLU2) #
- My new favourite listening while at work – http://remix.nin.com/ I've even uploaded one and have been inspired to do more π #
- Ps, for those in parliament house, if you've heard a likely offkey whistling or humming of the imperial march today, I apologise π #
- After watching that Volkswagen ad, I have a mad urge to stroll around parliament house dressed as Darth Vader or maybe Darth Maul <grin> #
- For those interested from the #gov2au lunch today, our #publicsphere methodology is reasonably well explained here http://bit.ly/eZJD2T #
- Totally AWESOME! π "Volkswagen harnesses the Force" http://www.crikey.com.au/2011/02/08/force #
- Great to meet you today @DelibThinks π Fun and thought provoking discussion. #
- Great albeit short definition of #opendata for Aus gov depts/agencies by Fiona on Govspace http://bit.ly/g4tDvA #gov2au #
- Awesome, OAIC consultation on Aus Information Policy. Check it out & get involved π http://oaic.govspace.gov.au/ #gov2au #opendata #opengov #
- Ppl at #gov2au lunch asking how to promote consultations & manage potential manipulation. My answer, community devel & ppl contextualisation #
- Suggestion for #gov2au lunches, one talk and then a few 5min case study talks by attendees to share the knowledge π /cc @craigthomler #
- Listening to @delibthinks at #gov2au lunch. Remembering importance of both targeted consultations & relationship analysis to give context #
- Who else is going to hear @wittylama on his awesome British Museum experiences? http://www.nla.gov.au/events/showevent.html?q=58185 #gov2au #
- I'm playing a gig (just a supporting role) at this weekends Multicultural Festival in Canberra π Come along! 1.30 Sat in Civic Square #
- I'm don't usually repost my own old blog posts, but was just reminded of this: stick figure safety instructions π http://bit.ly/fTIC8F #
- Erk, need to remember to wait for music to finish uploading to Soundcloud before pushing a blog post. Sorry folks! First time mistake π #
- Just got laughed at by @netde for ordering a creaming soda. Frak you man! π #
- A favourite song care of Fallout 3 – wish I could listen to that soundtrack over New Vegas :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMMV_RoEMxE #
- Very interesting article: "Twenty reasons why it's kicking off everywhere" (revolutions, uprisings, etc.) http://goo.gl/5M3Lq /via @jdub #
Category: Government
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-06
- If this hommus isn't at least 40% garlic and 40% lemon, I'm claiming false advertising π http://t.co/e0T6bmG #
- Check this out π my mum designed it and my dad made it. Beautiful design table π http://t.co/dyQEF6E #
- Why does everyone want to frame challenges faced as "wars". The "war on <insert newest trend>" meme is getting old :/ #
- <stab> π @Loquacities @dermottbanana #
- I get sad when people assume "feminism" is extreme. Most women today would be considered extreme 100 yrs ago. A few don't define the whole #
- Wow, only just discovered @ABCNerdzilla, awesome stuff for geeks! π http://www.abc.net.au/local/sites/nerdzilla/ #
- "Recomms include 10yr cybersecurity plan", srsly? RT @AusIT Australia's cyber security 'weak': Report http://bit.ly/g4aA32 #
- Hi @sloanie666, you said this morn that show would have something about "running out of Internet addresses". This this story happen? Thx! π #
- Holy crap! Mainstream radio going to talk about ipv6, progress π on 666 am Canberra #
- Everytime someone says "illegal immigrants" to describe asylum seekers I want to cry. Seeking asylum is not illegal, ppl should calm down #
- I stand with the Egyptian people. http://j.mp/StandWithEgypt — Join me by making this your status message today! #Egypt #
- Interesting idea, professional network for IPV6 implementers RT @gogoJERSON <snip> The gogoNET v6 social network http://bit.ly/gogoNET #
- Very interesting article by Ross Gittins: A rabble without a cause http://t.co/wjLr6E6 via @theage #
- Am trying to rebalance a small lack of protein in my diet. Perfect excuse for banana smoothie in a hot day π #
- My thoughts, and I'm sure many others are with Queenslanders as cyclone yasi hits today π Take care everyone and be safe #
- RT @lukehopewell New open source council to level playing field in Aus govt IT procurement http://bit.ly/dL5UYl #win #gov2au @zdnetaustralia #
- This is really cool π RT AusMPtweets Australian MP Tweets
Words most frequently used by @KateLundy on Twitter http://bit.ly/i0G6Do #auspol # - Currently playing with ogr2ogr for transforming Mapinfo files into whatever you need to use π Yay for geospatial funs! #gov2au #datavis #
- Hey everyone! Help contribute to the relatively small amount required to Digitise the Dawn! π http://digitisethedawn.org #
- Changed at work & forgot work shoes. Lovely coworker offered beautiful but precarious heels. I hope I survive π http://t.co/YvEWeqQ #
- This is awesome RT @abcthedrum: Politics & media have outdated ideas on gender that don't match reality says @sunili http://bit.ly/e7pPLM #
- Am very excited, current learning the root form of most martial arts today: Da Mo's "18 hands of Lohan" π #gungfu #
- Everyone should also watch Vint Cerf on the importance & history of the open internet http://linuxconfau.blip.tv/file/4683393/ #lca2011 #
- Everyone should watch this: IPV6 and the #IPocalypse http://linuxconfau.blip.tv/file/4692762/ #lca2011 #
- Why is it not common practise to reply-to-all!?! It's so much more efficient when you've a few ppl! Embrace community dialogue people! π #
- Has anyone played with http://www.spatialkey.com/? It looks pretty cool. Yes this is part of my ongoing quest for #datavis toys π #gov2au #
- Great articleby Mel Campbell: Loss of basic female skills or loss of basic journalistic skills? http://bit.ly/hhwqRD (currently paywalled) #
- Very interesting: "Inside Story – Egypt: The youth perspective" http://www.crikey.com.au/2011/01/31/egypt/ /via @crikey_news #
- Amused at "low skill" jobs in census pertains to academic qualifications. My dad is a refrigeration mech: highly skilled "low skill" job π #
- Wow, do I really speak this fast! My "applying martial arts" talk with link to blog post http://linuxconfau.blip.tv/file/4693392/ #lca2011 #
- I need to do a blog post about #lca2011 it was an awesome and inspiring conf. Will put my favs moments & must watch talks on blog π #
- Heya @pennyhagen & @moldor, basically anything under $1000. I'll be getting decent bike later, but need something to practise on now :/ #
- Have to go for my motorbike P's in march so now urgently need a bike to practise on. If you know of a cheap 2nd bike pls get in touch π #
- Very much looking forward to multicultural festival this weekend in Canberra π http://t.co/Ll3QUee #
- Listening to a radio presenter lament on the Egypt situation as it pertains to her travel plans. Disappointingly narrow. Switching stations #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-30
- Picture of @geo_melb next to the building wr are working on for floods cleanup today, see water lvl? :/ http://t.co/QpisXcK #lca2011 #
- I want to see gps maps for how ppl get to Ballarat for #lca2012 I'm really excited about this! π http://t.co/8bRzZTJ #lca2011 #
- Update, won 50 to 47 π Playing my 3rd game of go with @aguidodavis, I'm the black stones π http://t.co/5UL4nLQ #lca2011 #
- Playing my 3rd game of go with @aguidodavis, I'm the black stones π http://t.co/5UL4nLQ #lca2011 #
- I'm in n518 to play go (board game), got a good group π #lca2011 #
- Is influencing market a strawman? A customer has limited influence but what about a citizen? Can't gov be tool for freedom? #lca2011 @mpesce #
- I get @mpesce's points about protecting oneself, but it's really through communities that we establish & maintain change. #lca2011 #
- RT @Jerub:RFC822 is broken in a bunch of ways so you can't use it <- Can you extrapolate? A blog post would be interesting π #lca2011 #
- "The IPocalypse: I blame Vint" @mpesce #lca2011 #
- .@mpesce talking about Plexus (RFC2822) as a way to disaggregate social networks and restore privacy to users. Interesting. #lca2011 #
- .@mpesce's freedom guide 1) distribute everything 2) transport independence 3) secure everything 4) open everything 5) resilience #lca2011 #
- .@mpesce says you can encourage market to do right thing. I think market not so easy influenced, also need direct incentives #lca2011 #
- .@mpesce's guide for freedom/anarchists: 1) distribute everything 2) transport independence 3) secure everything 4) open everything #lca2011 #
- "The price of efficiency is incredible vulnerability." (@mpesce) I think this applies to everything, inc procurement policy. #lca2011 #
- .@mpesce's answer to the issues of freedom is anarchy? #
- .@mpesce: "Without privacy there is no liberty" #lca2011 #
- .@mpesce: The Wikileaks saga has demonstrated that the Internet is fundamentally not free. This is why we need to fix the prob #lca2011 #
- .mpesce on wikileaks: info released was "inconsequential" yet resulted in major changes (eg Tunisia) Wikileaks were then checkmated #lca2011 #
- .@mpesce talking about how easy it to manipulate people when they voluntarily give up info about themselves (eg Facebook) #lca2011 #
- "People around you are not just friends, you should choose them carefully because they are epidemiological vectors" Heh π #lca2011 #
- .mpesce looking at how peer learning can be for good (reading, weight loss) or evil (fast food, smoking) and relating this to tech #lca2011 #
- "A resource shared is a resource squared" Cute overview of the value of openness by @mpesce #lca2011 #
- .@mpesce bought into the whole IP protection spiel when he started & got burnt. With VRML he realised sharing openly was better #lca2011 #
- Haha! π sleep(); RT @RancidBacon: @piawaugh Awww, cute. Made a slight edit: http://t.co/KsiVW0F π #lca2011 #
- Had some contributions for the #lca2011 music compilation, great stuff! http://conf.linux.org.au/wiki/Miniconfs/Music Anyone else? π #
- Haha! π Cute photo of @jdub and I utterly exhasted on day 4 of #lca2011 Thanks for the soft lighting too π @f3ew http://bit.ly/fzNaak #
- Listening to Sridhar on OLPC Australia. Been a while since I was involved, they seem to have matured. Great work Sridhar! π #lca2011 #
- Congrats to Minister Gray, AGIMO & Open Source working group for a sensible & practical Aus gov FOSS policy! http://ow.ly/1s0gJ1 #lca2011 #
- Holy moly! "Aus Gov agencies will actively participate in open source software communities and contribute back where appropriate." #lca2011 #
- "purpose… is to inform agencies of requirement to consider open source software in all software procurements" http://ow.ly/1s0gJ1 #lca2011 #
- Good timing π RT @AT_too: Government's Open Source Software policy released by Special Minister of State http://ow.ly/1s0gJ1#agimo #lca2011 #
- Haaaahaha! Best. Photo. Ever. RT @t3rmin4t0r: At the PDNS – http://t.co/N0ya3ME #lca2011 #
- Wow, amazing! *Everyone* should watch Vint Cerf & Geoff Huston RT @Ycros #lca2011 videos starting to go online http://linuxconfau.blip.tv/ #
- Twitter is suggesting I follow Shane Warne. What have I done wrong!?! #
- Awesome! RT @digiphile: do you have questions for US #gov20 ppl on #Gov20 Radio? Pls ask/vote http://t.co/6snGj7p #gov2au #lca2011 #
- Yay! They were really hot! (No Srsly, my hands got burned) RT @mattyhope: @xrobau: http://t.co/wTDZy4i #
- Yay, yet another #lca2011 perk is the availability of cool cars π http://t.co/cOrwuaR #
- Why does "what about companies that own ipv4 addressing" feel like the fossil fuel vs green energy commercial interests debate? #lca2011 #
- Geoff Huston throws us a lifeboat of what can be done. Write software that supports v6 because right now using v6 sucks #lca2011 #
- Geoff Huston gave kudos to Aus fed gov actually procuring ipv6 capability, but questions internal vs public facing services #lca2011 #
- RT @dwmw2: US DoD is apparently refusing to buy certain network/software products from companies not deploying #IPv6 internally. #lca2011 #
- For those interested, Aus gov ipv6 strategy by AGIMO along with preso on progress (Oct 2010) is linked at http://t.co/SavWlyw #lca2011 #
- Vint Cerf and Geoff Huston: playing good and bad cop in the world interrogation on ipv6 #lca2011 #IPocalypse #
- Geoff Huston's talk is making me very sad. Just realised light at the end is the v4 to v6 tunnel is a raging fire :/ #lca2011 #IPocalypse #
- Haha! Geoff Huston: "when you out it in PowerPoint its all so plausible". He says only ~15% 6to4 implementations really work #lca2011 #
- Geez, IANA will run out of addresses in Feb 2011. Holy cow! http://t.co/JL7l1Aa #lca2011 Hope AGIMO ipv6 plan is implemented (gov) :/ #
- Geoff discussing challenges to openness in networking inc openinternet debate "If you don't have open address we can't communicate" #lca2011 #
- Listening to Geoff Huston on the challenges of preserving time in network design, how open=good but staying open is really hard #lca2011 #
- Interesting project to check out – End Software Patents: http://t.co/TzYwBmC #lca2011 /VIA email to conf list #
- Awesome photo of Vint Cerf by @andypiper http://t.co/N0hbzMv #lca2011 #
- 10.30pm and I'm exhausted.#lca2011 is extremely tiring but amazingly inspiring π #
- Great call from @purserj, obviously my meal consults of some slaughtered Wiggles π http://t.co/omIFFFD #lca2011 #
- I wish ppl would learn that gov is not binary. There is a lot of complexity & many smart ppl. Want to fix stuff? Be constructive #lca2011 #
- Martial Arts BOF info updated: meeting tmrw morning at 0730 at building F for those interested π #lca2011 http://bit.ly/euDTKV #
- Schmid giving eg of gov dept wanting to roll ubuntu out to desktop, but not knowing where to start. OTF can provide support to gov #lca2011 #
- Schmid: gov needs to better share knowledge to work together, to get unbiased fit for purpose intelligence on IT procurement #lca2011 #
- RT to #lca2011 @govfresh: @Danjite Might want to look into govhub (http://t.co/YEQSugr) and Civic Commons (http://t.co/8kr3GSZ) #opendata #
- Stephen Schmid talking about the Open Technology Foundation. Awesome stuff to support #opengov http://t.co/Xf8nakV #lca2011 #
- Great comment from attendee at #opengov miniconf about how long term benefits of open tech is what will win procurement argument #lca2011 #
- Lisa Harvey: perhaps don't assume you know what is best for a person with a disability (wrt website design) #lca2011 #
- Listening to Lisa Harvey talk about NBN as an "innovation multiplier", #opendata challenger & opps for local councils & #opengov #lca2011 #
- Listening to catalyst talk about their work in nz gov/education, awesome stuff with Drupal and Moodle π #lca2011 #
- #lca2011 ppl interested in the AGIMO coe stuff should read all of http://t.co/gYtAOd8 including the comment responses from @sherro58 #
- Whitehouse.gov is a Drupal site, and everyone in congress has a Drupal site too. Woot! π #lca2011 #
- Brisbane city council just rang & shield have something substantial to do on Sat for floods cleanup, yay! #lca2011 http://t.co/oP3qH8H #
- Hooper: "we need the flow of information, we need globally open approach. We need law, technology & policy to be aligned" #lca2011 <- yes! #
- Hooper in #opendata copyright can be for commercial good, but can also be springboard for innovation (eg, copyleft) #lca2011 #
- Hooper: Cc-by good for gov but also good for unis, gave anu ip policy which embraces cc & open source for researchers #lca2011 #
- Reading Jim Gettys blogpost on #bufferbloat http://bit.ly/hXSEI1 #lca2011 #
- Cerf: InterPlaNetary Internet – current space comms point to point, looking at how to improve space networking – see IPN #lca2011 Wow… #
- Those coming to Martial Arts BOF, we're doing it at 0730 tomorrow morning at bld F. Unless someone comes up with a better idea π #lca2011 #
- Cerf: Privacy is not a technical issue, it is a decision made by people, so companies/gov have big responsibility #lca2011 #
- Heh π Vint was a bit "embarrassed" about IPV4 as he was the person who thought 32 bits was enough π "It was an experiment" #lca2011 #
- Listening to Vint Cerf discuss the design concepts and evolution of the Internet. Awesome & funny π #lca2011 "Openness is really important" #
- New blog post: #lca2011 talk: Applying martial arts in real life http://bit.ly/gCcehe Comments welcome π Will post video when available #
- This is why I love both #lca2011 and Matthew Garrett π http://twitpic.com/3sygfx #
- Check out the latest Blender movie, it is *awesome* & beautiful although sad. Sintel http://www.sintel.org/ #lca2011 /via @silviapfeiffer π #
- Brianna "The problem w theories that reinforce gender stereotypes is power is usually left in hands of men, I want some of that!" #lca2011 #
- Listening to "neurosexism" talk by Brianna Laugher – throwing around nature vs nurture & assumptions vs reality of gender diffs #lca2011 #
- "Apache: changing the world by proxy" from @noirins Heh π #lca2011 #
- Listening to amazing & inspiring talk by @noirins about using tech to help deal with disasters and poverty. Def check out recording #lca2011 #
- About to give a talk about martial arts in the workplace, applying combat theory to everyday life π #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-23
- Have landed in Brisbane for #lca2011 hurrah! Looks forward to seeing everyone and seeing the awesome lineup of speakers! π #
- Hey #lca2011 people! We need a few more people to volunteer with flood cleanup to get a decent team π http://conf.linux.org.au/wiki/Floods #
- Parkour lesson #1 learning to jump, run up walls, hang and launch from ledges, leap. No injuries yet, feeling a little assassins creed π #
- Transparency is Never Enough: The Strange Case of Australia and OOXML http://bit.ly/eqRfKZ #
- New Post: Music: Greed http://bit.ly/fWG2pj #
- Hey #lca2011 ppl! Please volunteer some time to help with flood relief cleanup in Brisbane π http://conf.linux.org.au/wiki/Floods #
- I've said it before, but the brutal legend (game) soundtrack totally rocks! Best metal compilation ever. #
- Brilliant! Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes. The Joy of Stats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkSRLYSojo #gov2au #opendata #
- Alright Martial Arts people going to #lca2011 come along to the aptly named Martial Arts BOF! http://bit.ly/eRgYsT #
- "Australian schools use Government data to teach data analysis skills" http://www.spacetimeresearch.com/esa-datagenie.html #gov2au #opendata #
- Anyone of sensitive disposition or queasy stomach should never subject themselves to sorting through spam comments. It's… an education. #
- Hi @Pollytics π In floods, pricing & mortality post I don't understand the CPI graph. There must be more categories or is All Groups wrong? #
- Good article by @stilgherrian: Steve Jobs' illness & Apple's future: a culture of understatement & mystery at Apple http://bit.ly/ho3iAV #
- Just been told about IT Relief effort for flood victoms around Australia http://j.mp/gKRIbg You can donate h/w or time π /via @bubbiting #
- Thanks @jarichaust & @kelisha for volunteering to help with the #lca2011 flood relief in Brisbane π http://conf.linux.org.au/wiki/Floods #
- Also #lca2011 definitely still happening in spite of flooding. Attend if you can, it's an incredible conf! π http://lca2011.linux.org.au/ #
- PS – It was @jdub who suggested that hundreds of #lca2011 attendees might make a useful contribution to the Brisbane flood efforts π #
- I've set up a wiki page for #lca2011 attendees to assist with floods effort in Brisbane, pls RT π http://conf.linux.org.au/wiki/Floods #
- Short description of my Haecksen talk for linux.conf.au "Applying Martial Arts to the workplace". Enjoying talk prep π http://bit.ly/gYzB5d #
- Wow, you *must* read "Machiavelli 2.0: The Fundamentals of Network Society" http://hir.harvard.edu/machiavelli-20 #gov2au #opengov Thx @jdub #
- Interesting: "Software Engineer ranks as the Best Job of 2011" http://www.careercast.com/jobs-rated/10-best-jobs-2011 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-16
- Ok peeps, got a table at golden harbour in Chinatown for those coming to yum cha π #
- Also now reading Clausewitz… fascinating. #
- Reading Musashi, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Saul, Hobbes. I'm going to be a bundle.of fun for anyone silly enough to engage me in conversation π #
- WTH!? Got a notification that someone asked questions on "True Knowledge" about me inc marriage age & nationality. That is just plain creepy #
- Does anyone else get annoyed when a "WORLD TOUR" of a band you like ends up being North America? Gar! #
- Persistence: when everyone expects you to fail but you go ahead and rock anyway π http://twitpic.com/3piabx (see purple runt) #
- What's this I see? Not one but TWO Roma tomatoes in my garden π yay! http://twitpic.com/3pi9gw #
- Why do I torture myself with being subscribed to mailing lists with cheap international flights? :/ Every day another temptation. #
- Am appreciating the free wireless, resources and wonderful ambience of my local library (Yass) to concentrate. Libraries are awesome! #
- Interesting article: WikiLeaks Founder Lurks Beyond Reach of U.S. Law: Ann Woolner – Bloomberg http://t.co/UzBmR85 via @BloombergNow #
- 2010 FOSS report: Australia amongst highest number of developers per capita π Very interesting http://bit.ly/icfbKZ #foss #gov2au #opengov #
- I'm coming to Sydney this weekend, who's up for yum cha on Saturday? π I need number to book, so pls DM me for details π #
- Also, QLD Police running a good Facebook presence for Brisbane floods http://www.facebook.com/QueenslandPolice #qldfloods #gov2au via ausnog #
- Goodness, livestream of Brisbane flooding up at http://queenslandfloods.crowdmap.com/ with additional video footage (via AusNOG) #
- Have discovered Mixxx, a wonderful tool for mixing songs together, beat matching, and DJ-ing. I used to beat match for a mashup I'm doing π #
- Hilarious! π The Plague to "Hollaback Girl" http://bit.ly/hn3dBW and Prehistoric to "Toxic" http://bit.ly/h55Gpa #
- This is an awesome approach to teaching history using youtube and good music π http://tinyurl.com/4r5zphw (via @aramadge) #
- RT @julieposetti ABC Australia is using @ushahidi to crowdmap the #qldfloods devastation http://queenslandfloods.crowdmap.com #gov2au #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-09
- Chocolate ninjas with the leftover dark chocolate π http://twitpic.com/3oek9l #yum #
- Decorated (badly) ginger ninjas π http://twitpic.com/3oejks http://twitpic.com/3oej4m #
- Naked ginger ninjas! http://twitpic.com/3oed6q #yum #
- Come on ppl, come to bbqs π @NETDe @peterhau @grmsn @ruthellison @jim_croft @craigthomler @bradheadland @willozap @camcgr #
- It's funny, I check Twitter daily (almost), Facebook weekly and LinkedIn monthly (almost). I get on IRC when on holidays and close to lca π #
- Don't forget bbq this Sun, 12 at black mountain peninsula for #gov2au #web20 #actwonkdrinks ppl π byo everything. #picnicleaks #
- WOW! Crowdsourcing reports of feral animals in Australia, nice π Open through Jan 2011 http://feralmonth.crowdmap.com/main #gov2au #gov20 #
- Wow! "Immigration Nation:The Secret History of Us" SBS project to share Aussie stories http://www.sbs.com.au/immigrationnation/ #gov2au #
- Hi @trent_reznor π Awesome work on Social Network music & HDA! PS – I'm working on some remixes from Ghosts atm that you might like π #
- Went to zumba tonight. Am now exhausted and neck is locked up :/ think I'll stick to jogging and gung fu perhaps. Might try it once more. #
- Yay! Going to catch up with the wonderful @klepas tomorrow, very excited because he's going to introduce me to Parkour π Should be awesome! #
- Am looking forward to linux.conf.au in Brisbane, I need a tech fix and to just hang out with my own kind for a week π #lca2011 #
- Wow, is this new? "I understanding the information I provide eBay can be used to prevent potentially [?!?] prohibited or illegal activities" #
- Heading to #BBQ20 v1 & v2 will be Sun at 12 π @bradheadland @willozap @netde @camcgr @peterhau @ruthellison @grmsn @Jim_Croft @craigthomler #
- Let's postpone #bbq20 just in case. Sun 12pm? @bradheadland @willozap @netde @camcgr @peterhau @ruthellison @craigthomler @grmsn @Jim_Croft #
- If it is raining at 12, #bbq20 will have to be postponed π @bradheadland @willozap @netde @camcgr @peterhau @ruthellison @craigthomler #
- Wow, rise in civilian casualities in wars over last century: WWI=10%, WWII=50%, Vietnam=70%, Iraq=90%. http://bit.ly/g5cBQA #pilger #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-02
- Poor puppy Po has been shaved and now looks odd π http://twitpic.com/3m7e37 I'm yet to be forgiven. #
- So who else is coming for the Open BBQ tomorrow!? http://bbq20.eventbrite.com/ Will be good to catch up with people post the silly season π #
- Anyone else having trouble using new twitter interface atm? Keeps asking for cert auth then failing to post. Old interface working fine. #
- Have spent a bit of my hols working on my Gung Fu school website. Check out "animal styles" π http://www.mountaingateacademy.com/ #
- Now to go do some work/hacking/recording/coffee. I'm sure people will pass on the message about the open BBQ to the many I haven't @'d π #
- Open BBQ invitations π http://bbq20.eventbrite.com/ @OZloop @case_pres @Loquacities @peterhau @TagAlongTess @jmacmullin @Blinddog2001 #
- Open BBQ invitation π http://bbq20.eventbrite.com/ @gordongrace @wragge @willozap @tom_worthington @zuzu @elerimai @miladyred @NathanaelB #
- Open BBQ invitation π http://bbq20.eventbrite.com/ @trib @leighblackall @sherro58 @petersalexander @TheotherMCG @katinacurtis @grogsgamut #
- Eventbrite up π #picnicleaks http://bbq20.eventbrite.com/ @NETDe @Jim_Croft @bradheadland @craigthomler @netde @grmsn @ruthellison @camcgr #
- OK #gov2au #web20 & #actwonkdrinks peeps! RSVP for #picnicleaks BBQ π http://bbq20.eventbrite.com/ Should be fun! #
- Open BBQ Mon 3rd at midday for #gov2au #opengov & #actwonkdrinks folk π http://bit.ly/g54Lls BYO food/drinks/families GOTO 3 BBQs area π #
- Is everyone happy for this to be open invite for opengov, web & wonks ppl? @bradheadland @craigthomler @netde @grmsn @ruthellison @camcgr #
- From midday on sounds good π At the bottom/3 bbq areas http://bit.ly/dMsO1U @bradheadland @craigthomler @netde @grmsn @ruthellison @camcgr #
- Re 3rd, I reckon park w BBQ. More scalable π How about http://bit.ly/g54Lls? @craigthomler @NETDe @grmsn @ruthellison @bradheadland @camcgr #
- Ps, also a bit of matrix π Tron was the first 3d movie where I enjoyed the 3rd d π #
- Just watched Tron, wow. Awesome! Seemed to be mix of best of terminator (many young john connor moments) & star wars. Def recommend π #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-26
- I'm up for pool & bbq but how much capacity? A few others to invite π @grmsn @NETDe @ruthellison @bradheadland @craigthomler @camcgr #
- Final hugs for all my fellow workers today! π @shorebuck @outsidethecubed @marcoostini @jmacmullin @bubbiting #
- Hugs to all my fellow workers today! @vanaalst @CbnGal @tony_lewis @Mvandervlugt @grumpymojo @TagAlongTess @OZloop @flare2004 @neridahart #
- Hugs to all my fellow workers today! @Jerub @peterhau @xfitzyx @senectus @shigawire @Djelibeybi @vk2ktj @steve_evil @chris_bloke @makarakarn #
- Hugs to all fellow workers today! @tweetingtechno @micktleyden @allisonhornery @R_Chirgwin @Kriegaffe @aguidodavis @Glebe2037 @John_Hanna #
- I wonder if being born is akin to the EULA in a box which asserts "in opening the wrapping you have agreed to the following conditions"? π #
- 3rd is great π going once… twice… now, venue? Bbq or cafe is 1st choice @RuthEllison @bradheadland @grmsn @craigthomler @camcgr @netde #
- Re lennox gardens, they need 14 days to process permit :/ @bradheadland @grmsn @piawaugh @craigthomler @camcgr @ruthellison @netde #
- Need a location first π Suggestions? ANBG cafe for something diff? π @grmsn @craigthomler @camcgr @ruthellison @netde @bradheadland #
- Hell yeah! Augmented environments? RT @ComputerworldAU: …futuristic halfpipe for the Tron Legacy premiere – http://j.mp/guzANK #
- So who else is working today? π #
- Am getting all riled up about hobbes and seeing the implications of any form of social contract to placate the masses & create power #
- I know its silly but I love having a garden and watching flowers bloom day by day π http://twitpic.com/3itxym #
- Interesting "We're not there to call someone a liar" (journo) Is it the media's job to differentiate truth? http://bit.ly/eTW9e5 (7mins) #
- Haha, just gave my Nanny some lollies for Christmas, and she said "thanks for my lols". Love it! π #
- Have just gone in ballot for bigdayout gold coast txt. Wish me luck! Between tool, john butler trio, rammstein & iggy, I'm excited π #
- Someone told me this morning they were having a great day, when I asked why he said "every day you wake with a heartbeat…" Great point π #
- PS – with that last tweet, I do not endorse the video π Beautiful and disturbing sound, but the video is very Meet the Feebles :/ #
- Oh, wow. This is both awesome and disturbing. Thanks @limburger2001!
Kermit the Frog doing a cover of Hurt (NIN) http://bit.ly/gX9fKZ # - Listening to Hurt by Johnny Cash. Such an amazing cover, never fails to amaze π #
- Interesting: RT from Crikey: NBN: Alan Kohler reviews NBN business plan | Crikey http://bit.ly/g6cVit #
- A little worried re outdated geodata tho :/ RT @grmsn Victorian Spatial Council releases online map guidelines http://bit.ly/e0yw0S #gov2au #
- π RT @arcwhite My $0.02: better IT folks on policy than economic guys. Those guys accept *models* as reality. At least we know how to test! #
- Heh, "read the label". V insightful π RT @MadamQ Photo: Nyal: How a mother can be sure about buying medicines. http://tumblr.com/xoy13g63bw #
- "IT wonks dominating the policy front, that's a frightening thought" says economic guy on #thedrum I say the geek will inherit the earth π #
- OMG! Favourite lolcat ever! http://chzb.gr/hVJZKc Thanks to my dear friend Peter Miller for emailing it through π #shaolin #gungfu #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-19
- Was at costume event tonight & met V. No aliteration, no sexy voice, nor knowledge of #cablegate Dullness of wit & blade. V disappointing! #
- Interesting article: "Wikileaks did not commit a crime, House Judiciary chairman says" | Raw Story http://t.co/SHF0wZk #
- Just heard the word irrepressible used in a speech, can't help but think about Monkey Magic π #
- Am at a launch of an exhibition of 100 years of #Canberra in preparation for the 2013 centenary year. Check it out at Parliament House π #
- For #web20 and #gov2au types check out http://DrupalDowunder.org – early bird rego open til xmas and call for sessions still on π #
- At a history trivia night, having fun learning how crap my table's long term memory is π also learnt that assassins creed trumps hsc π #
- RT city_news: Canberra CityNews Blog – @KateLundy inducted as WICked patron http://bit.ly/ftG8yB #canberra #
- I wonder if we could fairly divide the world up into those who know the Mario Bros theme song, & those who don't? π #
- Am at a #WIC event talking to some interesting fellow techie and #opengov women π #
- At a #WIC event (women in computing), chatting to some fellow techie & #opengov women in Canberra π @katelundy about to speak. #
- Latest song recorded by the wonderful Martin and I! Feedback please π http://bit.ly/fpM9aH #
- Does anyone else find it unsurprising that some ppl are calling for "regulation of the Internet" due to #cablegate http://bit.ly/hMIksb #
- Yeah, read that π Love it! RT @benpaddlejones Chromaroma – the gameification of public sector information: http://clic.gs/21dT #gbl #gov2.0 #
- It's amazing how a little pain can give you focus, bring your dreams & reality into sharp contrast, help you redefine. Lots of thinking atm #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-12
- There's a lot of security theatre atm around #wikileaks See feeling vs reality of security by Bruce Schneier http://bit.ly/evVFoX #wikileaks #
- Annoyed at security 'experts' jumping on #payback bandwagon. "Anyone can now take down a website! But we can protect you". Nothing's changed #
- Going home with a slightly prolapsed disc in my back. Joy :/ Yay for pain! #
- Heh! TOTALLY! RT @case_pres: I want a Bat Cave as well. But I'm holding out until the NBN rollout so I can get real broadband in my cave #
- Sometimes I want to move to the electorate of Batman, adopt a secret identity and spend my days fighting crime with awesome onomatopoeias π #
- Who else is going to the Canberra roller Derby this Saturday?! Very excited π http://bit.ly/g7cs5M #
- Wow, this is a pretty useful geocoding converter tool I thought others might find useful π http://bit.ly/dSYhtl #opendata #datavis #
- Glued to the #cablegate & #wikileaks activity. What a fascinating day. Is this a tipping point? I think so. #
- Awesome work π RT @elerimai: Who is @grogsgamut? He's the dude on the cover of the CityNews this week http://bit.ly/4uv5m #grogsgate #
- Kevin Rudd just said on a live Sky News interview that Assange has the right to be presumed innocent and get consular support #cablegate #
- I asked a cab driver what he thought was the most important thing in life. Without a pause he said "one's parents". What a nice thought. #
- Awesome! π RT @kristydarby hehehe –> Dr. Seuss does Star Wars http://bit.ly/gv8HdF #
- Posted video of @katelundy's talk at #media140 from Oct http://bit.ly/cyi80E Discusses media, gov, online & changing expectations π #gov2au #
- This is *cool*. Global maths and programming competition for kids. Just wish Python was included π http://bit.ly/i93K4X #
- Slides from Creative Commons & Public Sector Information event are now up, check them out! π http://bit.ly/dpv9Fm #ccpsi #opendata #gov2au #
- Cool #gov2au eg for travel analysis http://kaggle.com/RTA $10,000 award for best model which will help inform NSW travel planning #gov20 #
- Can anyone tell I was on holidays all last week π I think I've already made up my tweet quota for last week π #
- A week old, but interesting media release from ACCAN on consumer & competition safeguard bill: http://accan.org.au/news_item_full.php?id=122 #
- RTing for work hrs π – Great article by @katelundy in The Aus on multiculturalism in response to Mr Howard http://bit.ly/ep2JC4 #auspol #
- Cool, Armidale & Kiama getting telehealth π RT @australian: NBN to help elderly patients in NSW http://bit.ly/gsSXw0 #auspol #
- Great article by @katelundy in The Aus on multiculturalism in response to Mr Howard http://bit.ly/ep2JC4 #auspol (disc: I work for her) #