- Haven't read email all weekend! Watched Thor which was surprisingly funny once you struggle past 1st 20 mins & lots of Gung Fu #perfect #fb #
- Having an amazing weekend. Feeling relaxed, happy and very grateful for all my awesome friends π A motorbike ride tmrw to top it off. #fb #
- Oh noes! I have to miss @actwonkdrinks as I need to drive straight up to Sydney tonight. Next time π #
- RT for thurs stream π New remix us up. This one is particularly pretty & sad I think. http://t.co/lwMXGsd #
- Going to sleep now, really happy with that last recording. My voice is starting to actually sound ok π #
- Just recorded vocals for and published a new song. It's a NIN remix but this one is particularly pretty & sad I think. http://bit.ly/eblTKQ #
- Chilling to "What if everything around you isn't quite what it seems. What if all the world you think you know is an elaborate dream." #NIN #
- Was amused to see "Skynet" was trending and had to find out why. Thanks Interwebs for the dooms and giggles π #
- Just wanted to tell the Interwebs a Happy Birthday for @jdub today π #
- So I rode the motorbike from Canberra to Yass for the first time, woot! Trucks are really big! Was buffeted about but fun nonetheless π #
- Man, things get real when people feel the need to describe exactly how to deal with a kangaroo collision on a motorbike. Thanks @case_pres! #
- Added my 2c on Internet culture to @stilgherrian's Patch Monday podcast on Geek culture http://arseh.at/67c w @NickHodgeMSFT @SilviaPfeiffer #
- I dropped in to my sis for cup of tea in my way home & decided my first Canberra-Yass trip shouldn't be @ night. More bike riding tmrw, yay! #
- OK, doing my first "big" motorbike ride between Canberra and Yass now, wish me luck everyone! π It's only 45 mins, but my longest trip yet. #
- .@NickHodgeMSFT Heh, you all did quite well. There's always things I'd add but it was very interesting π Congrats! /cc @silviapfeiffer #
- Ha! It's a brilliant way to optimise your networks π @paulwallbank /cc @carolduncan #
- Awesome Patch Monday on #geekculture @stilgherrian & thanks for the kudos <blush> π http://arseh.at/67c /cc @silviapfeiffer @NickHodgeMSFT #
- Thanks all! Will (try to) be safe! π @bawdo @eleybourn @LaPeninaEffect @daryl68 @phonakins #
- Thanks all! Will (try to) be safe π @murray_w @tracywallace @fitzie_curtin @alexmyoung @richardford @findingsimple @kelisha /cc @jdub #
- Terrible but hilarious #fail π RT @joshgnosis: You can't enter heaven unless… http://t.co/kjNs1EW #
- Heh, totally @johnallsopp, kung fu panda = best movie ever! I included it in a speech on martial arts π http://t.co/jqsx6vu /cc @CathStyles #
Category: Government
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-17
- .@jdub & I both passed bike p's! For those wondering, we hired a 125cc scooter for him as Packet wouldn't survive π Bumblebee was great! #
- Got my motorbike P's!!! Yay! Was extremely nervous and nerves led to not getting a perfect score, but nevertheless, I passed!!! π #
- Definitely worth a read, no less relevant in Australia. RT US wants to take an axe to New Zealand IP law (updated) http://t.co/lwmNMbt #TPPA #
- Incredulous. Adams: 'if you react badly, you don't understand' RT Dilbert Creator Deletes Misogynist Rant (via @Jezebel) http://t.co/cBtrxIx #
- Argh! Is anyone travelling between Canberra and Yass today from whom I could get a lift? Small logistics issue I'm trying to sort out :/ #
- Hey @kelisha, check out most recent recording foo π Now up on shiny myspace page (experimenting) http://www.myspace.com/clamourouspenguins #
- Heh, in ur tweet streams, causing ur confusions @kelisha! π /cc @jdub #
- Watched Rio today with a friend & her kids. I loved it! If you can ignore inevitable falling in love scene in such movies it's hilarious! π #
- Ha! Figured out myspace issue. The songs wouldn't play, but after I verified the account (by email) now it is all working. Makes sense π #
- PS – please leave a comment on at least one song, it'll help encourage my band mates π @xfitzyx @shorebuck @DavidLMackie #
- I've put a bunch of music up on soundcloud at http://soundcloud.com/greebo-1 Am thinking of submitting Cover My Eyes to Triple J… #
- ARGH! Have just created a MySpace account for a band project (to experiment) and it is just awful to use. Perhaps back to SoundCloud I go :/ #
- ~/o Cos every night I call, every night I fall again. o/~ The Crow album never gets old. Helping me with some late night work π #
- .@RevolutionaryOz #troll #
- Best community devel skills you'll find are in open source community. If you can herd developers to cooperate you can do anything π #gov2au #
- Good consultations need 1) clear scope 2) code of conduct & 3) real value placed on input. Ppl self-govern if they care. Me at #gov2au lunch #
- Good to hear @alisonmichalk is pro an approach to consultations that doesn't enforce barriers to entry such as logins. #gov2au #
- I believe the term is herding cats π See geek community RT @bytetime: Shepherding as an approach for online community managers #gov2au #
- At #gov2au lunch & @alisonmichalk spoke of "sock puppets", ppl with agenda who skew consults. We found good network analysis can help w this #
- IMHO, online community manager/development skills should be sought out for every function/office of government π #gov2au #
- It's sometimes hard to remember, but life is just a ride. RIP Bill Hicks. http://t.co/TDwH4kV #
- Watch @katelundy on the ABC News 24 Pollie Panel at 4.30pm today π Live online at http://www.abc.net.au/news/abcnews24/ #
- Interesting, looking at RT @peterhau what is your choice for importation of data from paper base? have a look at this: http://bit.ly/dHzmGy #
- Thank you VMWare for making Ubuntu images available for download. Makes my web app testing so much easier! π #
- Fascinating, truly RT Word Cloud: How Toy Ad Vocabulary Reinforces Gender Stereotypes http://j.mp/i4DNAR via @AddToAny #
- .@thewinchesterau Absolutely, for sure, just saying build your own means secure your own, which is a lot of work/expertise /cc @purserj #
- .@NickHodgeMSFT Not that I'm perfect, but at least I'm aware of the issues and seek out advice where I lack skills :)) /cc @shirro @purserj #
- .@NickHodgeMSFT Absolutely! Too few ppl learn really useful website devel skills (seqarchability, accessibility, UX) /cc @shirro @purserj #
- It amazes me that people insist on still doing Dreamweaver courses for gov, when ppl are rapidly moving to CMSs which are far more useful. #
- Haha!!! You clever clever man, thanks! π What diff gov websites are running via Netcraft RT @shirro http://bit.ly/hkNs68 #
- RT @chatsbury Just too good @acarvin: Hilarious. RT @sarahraslan: type 'illuminati' backwards in your browser with a .com at the end… #
- Does anyone know of a report compiling what all Federal government websites run on? I make do with http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph/ π #
- Seriously awful reporting. No pros or cons of FTTN/FTTP apart from cost then asking ppl their opinion? Poor analysis. http://bit.ly/h6IpWz #
- I love how big companies who would make lots of cash publicly criticise gov on blocking ASX/SGX merger as blocking progress. Whose progress? #
- Went to Good Charlotte with low expectations which were thoroughly met. Did renew a desire to listen to Pennywise so not complete loss π #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-10
- The Yass show, this is what I paid $15 for π Love it. http://t.co/zK5yE1C #
- OMG, $15 to get into the *Yass* show. Not sure its going to be worth it but should be fun π #
- I might just go with a Q3HD video recorder which has amazing directional mics, and avoid wireless @steve_evil @moldor @stilgherrian #
- Can anyone recommend simple wireless microphone that would plug into video camera with an audio input? Am looking around but limited options #
- Interesting read, inc the comments RT The messy business of cleaning up carbon policy – Unleashed http://t.co/0IYLJQY via @abcthedrum #
- Booked in for P's test on motorcycle on 17th April (only date between now & when L's expire. Nervous! Also falls on wedding engagement π #
- Come along to a #gov2au lunch next week at Parliament House π Great speaker & opp to mingle with other #opengov peeps http://bit.ly/fufcPM #
- Just had a possible silver lining in what has been a pretty dark stormy cloud. Here's hoping others see it that way #cryptic #
- Oooh, parks and reserves info published and mapped by Mosman Council, pretty! π http://bit.ly/hO8r37 #gov2au Data @ http://bit.ly/hIJY6w #
- RT @Rarebeasts: The song sounds great! I like really the start when the electric guitar comes in. -> "Cover my eyes" http://bit.ly/fi62tj #
- New song recorded, mixed & published! π Feedback pls! This one's a bit rock though it starts slow "Cover my eyes" http://bit.ly/fi62tj #
- OMG, how did I miss this! IT Dashboard code is on sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/it-dashboard/ Time to play π #gov2au #FOSSFTW #
- Interesting RT @MarkusMannheim Public Sector Informant in todays @canberratimes: ACT politics, FoI, OSS, psephology & more! #gov2au #opengov #
- Wow, great instrumental by the band of a friend of mine. Violin, guitar, drums, cello and an up beat awesome sound π http://mysp.ac/gIapZu #
- Interesting… RT @larsyencken Laws are like software, but they're also like medicine. http://bo.st/if8Dtk #opengov #gov2au #
- Interesting RT @larsyencken: @piawaugh Laws are like software, but they're also like medicine http://t.co/VFWCfYS #opengov #gov2au #
- I think one of the biggest & most challenging changes needed in gov is capacity for agile evolving devel approach to policy #opengov #gov2au #
- Question to @FergusHanson whether govs can just pull plug on internet, ppl obv don't realise the power of routing around damage π #opengov #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-03
- Wow, an awesome day! Art, renovations, a gig, roller derby, coffee with several groups of awesome folk & then a martial arts show-n-tell π #
- Am at roller derby and Susie won a shirt in the raffle. Woot!!! #crdl http://t.co/08kXjnv #
- AWESOME! π I'm feeling it! RT @CRDLderby (CanberraRollerDerby) @piawaugh We're with you! It's going to be a fantastic night! #
- "Dual authenticity": we have lots of identities (geek, martial artist, muso, Aussie) that don't nec clash and we can maintain authentically #
- Waleed Aly spoke on a fascinating concept. "Dual authenticity": holding multiple diff identities (belief, country, interests) simultaneously #
- Aly: "the argument that welcoming multiculturalism leads to a separatist society has very little empirical evidence" #
- Aly: "multiculturalism has turned from an economic and jobs dialogue to a dialogue about fear and personal safety" #
- Aly: "The distinction between international and domestic are really breaking down." #
- Waleed Aly live from aph main ctte room now "Multiculturalism, Assimilation & Politics of Terrorism" http://t.co/sWyC4pa http://t.co/1g6zmUA #
- Just had to RT π @chatsbury: #ff flying the flag for gov 2.0 and a sweet tweeter – our taxes at work are well spent with @piawaugh #
- Interesting article, particularly the bit about "national service"… "Abbottβs new era of work for the proles" http://bit.ly/fvVX3W #
- Waleed Aly broadcast live from Parliamentary Library at 1215 "Multiculturalism, Assimilation & Politics of Terrorism" http://bit.ly/hSE4h4 #
- Very interesting, Minister Combet's article on China and climate change http://bit.ly/fqtvPV #
- .@annabelcrabb US #opengov folk I'd also recommend are @dominiccampbell @du4 @adrielhampton @govfresh @digiphile & of course @VivekKundra π #
- Yay! After months of wanting to go and missing out, I am holding a ticket to a Roller Derby battle in Canberra, this weekend! Who's with me? #
- Just had confirmation at #opendata #oznetfreedom that data.gov is really closing as per http://t.co/I7KT4wi I wonder what new strategy is? #
- Currently hearing kudos from US folks on Australia being world leaders in designing ubiquitous high speed bandwidth #opendata #oznetfreedom #
- ? from JJJ "is tech working against need for secrecy". Answer: tech improves transparency but secrecy also necessary #opendata #oznetfreedom #
- Tunisia revolutionary: "I am not the leader, the network is the leader", sounds very similar to early geek culture #opendata #oznetfreedom #
- Interesting point, "social media makes weak ties stronger" #opendata #oznetfreedom #
- The US folk are taking about engagement vs updates but there is also a place for updates, see qld police with floods #opendata #oznetfreedom #
- Be interesting to see how US keeps open data up to data or avoids over classification (which avoids release). #opendata #oznetfreedom #
- Now talking on how #opendata is important for gov transparency, Obama has ordered all non-classified data be released #opengov #oznetfreedom #
- It's interesting hearing US gov staffers about how they see the internet as key to international diplomacy & freedom #opengov #oznetfreedom #
- Brilliant indeed, love it RT @GrogsGamut Brilliant RT @markatextor: Some pretty accurate analysis here http://twitpic.com/4f5vch #
- Ever listen to a song so awesome you can't help dancing at your desk whilst being very productive? Some amazing stuff @ http://remix.nin.com #
- .@Tweet_Mate @EllyfromOZ Not sure what happened to @latikambourke's URL, but it is at http://bit.ly/ejtnYJ π #
- Looking forward to this π Hooray for regular #gov2au lunches! RT "Gov 2.0 Canberra lunch – April 2011" http://t.co/5ubKj3d #
- Argh! If there are any excel macro gurus out there, I could really use some help! Record Macro sucks! Have been researching but am stuck :/ #
- Am very excited that FutureGov is coming to Australia. Should be a great event for our #gov2au community & agenda π http://bit.ly/f1zI11 #
- .@CraigThomler I heard a fascinating case study of marine data being released publicly and within weeks a fishing company cleaning up :/ #
- Thought you might like this given out discussion the other day π @latikambourke Tweeting for your Country: http://bit.ly/ejtnYJ #
- Interesting. Dick Smith has a grant for a young person to try to tackle skills development & sustainable growth in Aus http://bit.ly/fPbzyf #
- "There ain't no rest for the wicked, ain't nothing in this life is free". Why does that song resonate so much π #
- .@trib Heh π I've been playing some Borderlands with my bro. It is awesome! One of the best 2-player games I've seen, also gr8 single #
- For Assassin Creed fans, silly and quite amusing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc8JwTfDtA4 #procrastinatingbutgettingthere #
- Know any awesome #gov2au or geospatial projects? Get your nominations in by 6pm tonight for Gov 2011 ICT awards! http://bit.ly/heOKqs #
- Also relevant to @BernardKeane piece IMO. RT @abcthedrum Theatre of war doesn't excuse racism in cyberspace http://bit.ly/h9AjCR #
- Did boxing yesterday briefly, I love the feeling of bruised knuckles in the morning π #
- Feeling the weight of several blog posts I owe. Life is not being kind in allowing me the space to write atm. Sorry folks! :/ Maybe April π #
- .@peterhau For sure. I think routing around damage is key π So freedom, self-determination, meritocracy, logic, for many a sense of justice #
- I'm amused at ppl who talk professionally on #socmed & online comms with awe & enthusiasm but miss the sig role of geek culture/philosophy #
- Katter also blamed all sides for privatising Telstra which he says led to issues of inequality of access in Australia. #
- Wow, Katter speaking in the House about nbn (I think) & berating turnbull for opposing replacement of unmaintained privatised network #
- Music thought: I'd love to see David Bowie do a cover of Hurt. The Johnny Cash version is awesome. I love "I'm afraid of Americans" π #
- Seriously @mpesce, I'm suggesting casting world as black/white doesn't actually help deal with life which is more complex. What's the prob? #
- .@reselsnark Heh, good point. Hi @GreatDismal, I'm writing an album of rock/industrial songs based around your work, if your interested π #
- Will soon sinish a mashup of some NIN instrumentals into a William Gibson inspired song, the first of hopefully a Gibson inspired album π #
- .@elerimai Face avatar engaged. You suck π #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-27
- Gotta run, need to do some recording. Perhaps we should borrow from the awesome lca talk and call it "Geek my ride"? π @NewtonMark @moldor #
- Went for motorbike ride whilst upset today to clear my head. Wasn't sure it was a good idea but felt awesome, certainly helped my headspace. #
- Just played at a wedding and included a rock version of "say a little prayer for you". Sounded awesome π #
- Just awesome. "Sorry. Wr don't send search and rescue teams into plato's cave" http://t.co/UdP50ht #
- Yass peeps: fill out the Yass public transport survey up π http://www.tpmplanning.com/yass.html (pls note, survey design somewhat lacking) #
- I wonder if ppl in peace are more comfortable with language of war than those who are not. Reading Crikey's "bring on the bloodbath" email. #
- Interesting RT @abcthedrum: Chris Uhlmann: Plotting a balanced course in a climate of angry grievance http://bit.ly/gO8erk #
- Something like Gibson's Lo Teks? π http://bit.ly/fHFJnH RT @alexkidman The streets of Byron are awash with tech journos hunting in packs. #
- Looking forward to seeing Limitless. Looks fascinating from a number of perspectives π #
- & West π RT @miladyred "People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or prostitute" Daria #
- Currently reading articles by Henry Jenkins on "spreadability". Very interesting for #gov2au peeps http://bit.ly/gJ3v0u (via @chriswinter) #
- RT to #gov2au π RT @NicholasGruen: Isn't #Gov2 just a movement of people trying to figure out whether they're Clark Kent or Jimmy Olsen? #
- RT to #gov20 #gov2au π RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov http://bit.ly/9wJBs5 #
- Interesting π RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov http://bit.ly/9wJBs5 #gov20 #gov2au #
- Interesting π RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov http://bit.ly/9wJBs5 #
- The fantastic talk by Dr Karl Braganza from BoM about climate variability and trends is now up at http://bit.ly/9B5hmK #
- (I know I've been using twitter too long when I start naturally writing tweets that are 140 characters long without having to edit ;)) #
- It's so awesome that @ParlLibrary tweets bills entering parliament, it's a handy way to keep up with what's happening π Thanks! #gov2au #
- Hey @jameskliemt, would love your thoughts on the opps and benefits in gov agencies using social media given your experience π #
- Lots of fun and good discussions at @ACTwonkdrinks tonight π #
- Q about noticeable effects of weather in talk by BoM. A: if we only respond to climate change we notice day to day we miss the big picture. #
- People should check out the Aph parliamentary library talks online π http://t.co/To6Q3Bl #
- BoM is currently differentiating between dry areas and actual droughts which are a notable diff in norms as opposed to just being dry. #
- BoM: temps consistently increased decade on decade, rainfall decreased in regularity & increased ferocity but still trending to drought. Wow #
- BoM: its the shift in the mean of climate data that demos real change in climate over time, not extremes. There is a trend in heat events. #
- BoM: we look at the ongoing information. Extreme events are of interest but are not the only data that demonstrate climate is changing #
- Sort of ironic that I'm sitting in a briefing on Australian climate by BoM *inside* parliament house. Perhaps we should go outside π #
- Abbott addressing his flock. Thought I'd have a sticky beak at the carbon tax "peoples revolution". Lots of Lib placards http://t.co/qGiz5gM #
- This is quite fascinating and debunks a lot of myths we hear much too often. "Gay Sex vs. Straight Sex" http://bit.ly/hn21wg #
- Brilliant, stumbled across this demonstration of how #datavis can go horribly wrong or be inappropriately applied http://bit.ly/goIdX4 #
- Cute #datavis of #qanda tweets RT @mtats: RT @tweeveetv: Last night's #QandA in 60 seconds; http://t.co/pMaFMdd #
- Nope, awesome! π RT @grmsn http://www.thnk.org/blog/maincategories/heres-your-chance-to-hack-the-government/ you see this? #opendata #
- Mwah ha!! π RT @jkonga: @piawaugh Be nice – someone worked hard on that "lofty" title. lol #
- Holy moly! There is a climatologist kung fu disciple speaking at the APH Library today, I'm totally going. (Talk will be posted online soon) #
- Haha, just saw invite for information session titled "how to stretch your cloud budget" & thought "sounds like a bit of hot air to me" π #
- Actually, it would be awesome to get @mtchl to do a talk on datavis for a #gov2au lunch if possible… π /cc @trib @craigthomler #
- Wow, checking out http://www.mappingonlinepublics.net/ and seeing some insightful data analysis and #datavis π #gov2au (via @jeanburgess) #
- Would love feedback or links to other awesome cultural collection digitisation projects on blog of @katelundy's speech #chass kthxbai π #
- .@katelundy just gave kudos to Louisa Lawson and the @digitisethedawn project π yay! #
- Having trouble sleeping these days. Am thinking of taking up a superhero alter ego so the time is used more productively. Suggestions? π #
- When you answer the phone and can't remember your name, it's probably time to go catch up on some sleep π #
- Check out the @ABSStats hackfest for students using census data http://bit.ly/h9Uwsh #gov2au #opendata /cc @abscodeplay #
- RT @du4 Conversations at American University: The Double Facepalm http://bit.ly/hpmqke #
- Also can't open a ppt from 1997 in modern Word. Might try OOo. Gar! #archivefail #
- People who say sticking with the same company means ensuring future access to data obviously haven't come across MMF :/ #archivefail #
- Fantastic remix including several NIN songs, really nicely done π http://remix.nin.com/play/mix?id=113 #hackingmusic #
- Ridiculous yet ppl still think sw patents=innovation! RT @lwnnet Microsoft sues Barnes and Noble over Android http://lwn.net/Articles/434664 #
- Wow, late night at work tonight, but some incredible discussions about datavis/mapping/opendata. Very exciting times we live in π #
- It's amazing how often I refer people to awesome GLAM WIKI event @wittylama ran, gr8 stuff! http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/GLAM-WIKI #
- Wow, congrats @digitisethedawn! Only just caught up with the news π Awesome stuff! #
- So much teh awesome! Looking at Augmented Reality foo & feeling really proud of Aussie innovation right now π http://bit.ly/gvqvdT #gov2au #
- Holy moly, the wonderful @wittylama just pointed me to the Creative Commons Al Jazeera stuff http://cc.aljazeera.net/ @abcnews shld look π #
- Fav songs atm: Ain't no rest for the wicked http://bit.ly/ggfxJX & Perfect Drug remix http://remix.nin.com/play/mix?id=14157 #
- Joint Standing Committee on Cyber-Safety launched a survey for young ppl, 5-12 yrs & 13-18 yrs (links on sidebar) http://www.aph.gov.au/cybersafety #
- They got a lot right π RT @michaelragen by @GreatDismal
RT @stiggeh RT @rosewal The year 2000 as imagined in France of 1910 bit.ly/i4xDzv # - Am wierded out by accounts that read like twitter bots promoting games I like… Eg @MulveyElisazxj @SandyLolaerh @GaraciaEdriszxj #
- The problem with playing wedding gigs is you get all kinds of songs into your head that you'd normally never listen to π Bloody "Bubbly"! #
- I aim to misbehave π RT @pixel8ted: I didn't before but I will ever more now! #corrupted π RE @piawaugh: Who giggles at time at 13:37? π #
- Funny & tragic! π RT mjg59 Todays awesome discovery: amended US law that governs blocking IP-infringing imports is section 1337 of title 19 #
- Yay! π @mtats @paris_david @camcgr #
- RT to #bcc2011 #gov2au @Gov2Vic @jsankar @gov2qld @piawaugh yes there is a gov2vic both on Twitter & http://www.ego.vic.gov.au #
- Does anyone else glance at the time at 13:37 and giggle? π #
- I wonder if we shld more clearly articulate diff bw society & democracy. For eg we have multifaith society but (mostly) secular democracy π #
- Heh, I didn't even think it was that polite π Totally! π @kwebb @chieftech @tom_worthington #
- What is happening near you for #HarmonyDay today? π Check out this map of events http://bit.ly/fq3swv #
- Support Harmony Day 2011, add a #twibbon now! – http://twb.ly/g6CWUa – Create one here – http://twb.ly/f02AU3 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20
- Thx @phonakins but trav @DavidLMackie was being nice and we had a good chat on farm bike riding (which I'm used to) vs road bikes π #
- Gov2qld linked in group for #gov2au stuff happening in qld and to collaborate with others π #bcc2011 #
- Listening to talk about http://www.greatvenue.info to document accessibility of venues to make places more awesome π Check it out! #bcc2011 #
- Amusing lightning talk by @happysinger re differentiation between pirates and piracy #bcc2011 Saying we need to evolve our language on this. #
- April 30th, SkeptiCamp in Sydney, sounds interesting. "We are about science and reason" #bcc2011 #
- Mint robots look awesome π #bcc2011 http://bit.ly/ds3TmO #
- Erk, my last talk on #datavis & mapping was crap, sorry folks! Will do a detailed, useful (and overdue) blog post to make it up π #bcc2011 #
- Great talk on online consultation from Vic gov guy. Just pointed out forcing online signups to consult is barrier to participation! #bcc2011 #
- Great point that there needs to be a separation of presenting evidence and presenting policy so evidence can stand alone #bcc2011 #
- Apparently about to talk in front of @Jester_Jeff π #bcc2011 #
- My discussion on #opendata and data.gov.au is at 1410, & then I'm doing a talk on #datavis & maps at 1450 for those interested π #bcc2011 #
- I just got in trouble for suggesting the bucket of titanium hips from the crematorium could be for cost recovery π #bcc2011 #
- Listening to a talk about being cremated, rockin' π #bcc2011 #
- Just met @emotivate at #bcc2011 π Very interested in talking about @gov2qld and #gov20 stuff in Canada π I love barcamps! π #
- To all you #bcc2011 ppl who say "it's not about the tech", tech is also important so don't discount it or you won't get anywhere π #bcc2011 #
- Good point from @trib, gov depts need "community managers" agitator ppl to drive online foo, adoption, etc. #bcc2011 Ppl need geeks π #
- Online collab: "no one talks in gov, no one is allowed to collab". Also "enemy to online collab is travel perks" π #bcc2011 #
- I just said "a little less tech" at #bcc2011 in my defense lets talk more about online collab in gov & less about which version sw π @trib #
- GovDex is an AGIMO hosted (free) collab tool, currently has 20,000 people across 2,000 communities #bcc2011 #
- Online collab: "many gov depts see social media as a tech thing, not comms". Personally I reckon both tech & comms skills needed #bcc2011 #
- Interesting session on online collaboration by AGIMO, @trib now suggesting AGIMO should do more facilitation of awesome #bcc2011 #
- #bcc2011 RT #barcampcanberra in gr8 talk on #MakeHackVoid need to get along for hacking, awesome! π Vote 1 for @evildeece's nametag! π #
- Bugger! Just realised most ppl are using #bcc2011 so going to retweet my #barcampcanberra tweets to that hashtag! Fie! π #
- I want programmable nametag like @evildeece's to wear at work. Perhaps "in ur parlimentz, openen ur govimentz" π #barcampcanberra #
- At #barcampcanberra in great talk about #MakeHackVoid need to get along for hacking, awesome stuff! π Vote 1 for @evildeece's nametag! π #
- Argh! Forgot my charger, if anyone at #barcampcanberra has an HTC charger pls find me π forgot to charge overnight :/ #
- I'm not bringing bike to #barcampcanberra now as I need to bring hardware, hopefully a @jdub & I rly shld work my way up to 2hrs ride π #
- Just had to post this. Gratuitous puppy photo of Po, exhausted in my car after a few hours playing π http://t.co/vrYFIkn #
- You all totally rock π @craigthomler @NETDe @sherro58 @RayPoynter @atomic_anu @chieftech #
- See may of you at #barcampcanberra tomorrow. I'm excited! I hope I'm up to riding my bike in, it'll be my first time on the highway π #
- Annoying songs that plagued me today: Spanish Flea, I'm Too Sexy & random Bieber crap. Balanced out by Ain't No Rest For The Wicked & NIN π #
- Hey @edhusicMP, thought you might like this twibbon for #HarmonyDay π http://twb.ly/gxq5sd /cc @katelundy #
- Woot for maps! π RT @KateLundy New post: Find a Harmony Day event near you! http://bit.ly/hyEF7E #HarmonyDay #gov2au #
- Playing a lot of Borderlands atm with my bro, amazing game esp 2 player. Gr8 intro/theme song π http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX-1MjpZZN0 #
- Support Harmony Day 2011, add a #twibbon now! – http://twb.ly/gxq5sd – Create one here – http://twb.ly/f02AU3 #
- All right already! Still good to see you all come out of the woodwork π @Du4 @jim_croft @trib #
- I'm surprised, I throw a Fight Club quote out there, and no response. And I had such high hopes for you all π #
- Hi @Heavenly_Hev, I noticed you already created a #HarmonyDay Twibon, I was going to make a transparent one for ppl if that's cool π #
- Google Fusion Tables, I love you! You make creation of awesome customised maps easy & fun! I may do maps/datavis talk at @BarCampCanberra π #
- Interesting, forum about public transport (& no doubt the lack thereof) in Yass for those interested π http://www.tpmplanning.com/yass.html #
- Yay! Just a cold, no whooping cough for me! Back to work tmrw and I'm going for a bike ride to celebrate leaving isolation π #
- Double rainbows!!?! OMG! π RT @ Rog42: What does it mean????? http://t.co/svc9vqm #
- RT to #gov20 π Gr8 new blog by @jameskliemt of QLD Police on their use of social media: RT Youβve come a long way baby http://is.gd/YbR7u2 #
- Great new blog by @jameskliemt of QLD Police on their use of social media: RT Youβve come a long way baby http://is.gd/YbR7u2 #gov2au #em20 #
- Delightful IRC convo on pros & cons of eye gouging for self defence. My thoughts: too risky when there are easier more effective options π #
- Heh, actually some quite funny ones π RT @sgentle You might like spamusement.com – Far Side-style illustrations of spam subject lines π #
- Why does badly spelt spam annoy me so much more than ordinary spam? Also, creative spam has started to amuse me, Stockholm syndrome? π #
- Interesting RT @abcthedrum Western intervention is not always on the side of the angels, writes Michael Brull http://bit.ly/ek7zOS #
- Survey for women/men re women in open culture communities π RT @AdaInitiative open technology & culture census. http://svy.mk/adacensus2011 #
- Although that vid fake many "genuine" ones popping up, morons >:/ RT @dannolan: Japan's earthquake? Atheist's fault. – http://t.co/L1yluPs #
- Wow, gr8 paper by iinet RT @glynmoody: Encouraging Legitimate Use of OnLine Content – http://t.co/MQ6WErl #piracy (v @1petermartin @jdub) #
- Just had my first nasal swab, sounded a lot less of a pain than it was π Off into isolation till we are sure it isn't serious. Woot. #
- Am home today awaiting test results for whooping cough. Hope its just a cold :/ Daytime tv is enough to make anyone feel worse tho π #
- AUSFTA+ACTA+TPP=AUSFAIL π RT @kattekrab look at @czaxx copyright post – TPP turning ISPs into copyright police http://bit.ly/e7j4LR #
- Anyone else interested in going to Rollerderby in Canberra this weekend (after BarCamp)? π http://bit.ly/i8ojRp #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13
- Was glued to tv watching the footage of tsunami/earthquake in Japan and complete devastation. My heart and thoughts are with them. #
- Awesome! My prize for somehow winning the tweeting comp at #girlgeeksyd yay! RT @katsbud prize! #girlgeeksyd π http://twitpic.com/48b79v #
- Just joining @nerdgerl's efforts in getting @hexsteph to come along and give a talk to a #girlgeeksyd dinner, that would TOTALLY ROCK! π #
- Is it possible that, as humans, we might be able to evolve beyond our frustrating persistent need for drama? News headlines getting funnier #
- Great article RT @annabelcrabb: Today's IWD column — Behind every successful woman there's a wife #IWD2011 http://t.co/qdY3cnh #
- Emily Baxter talking about "Taking the wannabe out of wannabe Girl Geek". Interesting π #girlgeeksyd She has worked for tech media too π #
- Baxter giving gr8 talk about getting constructive feedback on yourself. I reckon it's def hard at times to see yourself clearly #girlgeeksyd #
- Baxter talking about awesomeness of meeting new ppl who know cool things & challenge of not comparing oneself & feeling lesser #girlgeeksyd #
- Had to retweet to #girlgeeksyd π RT @nambor "Digital Proctologist" – now that would be a business card 8) #
- Veugelen now talking about social engineering & using Adobe security flaw to access someone else's computer. Must look this up #girlgeeksyd #
- Veugelen now talking about port sniffing & is using http://nmap.org/, great way to interrogate your network for security holes #girlgeeksyd #
- Once I tripled network responsiveness of client by sniffing network, identifying a dumb unnecessary protocol & killing it π #girlgeeksyd #
- Anyone at #girlgeeksyd interested in security/forensics foo, check out http://www.wireshark.org/ to listen to and assess your network π #
- Veugelen: More security attacks happen at the application layer as it is more vulnerable due to web apps access to network. #girlgeeksyd #
- Damnit! Surely at a geek event security people shouldn't be using "hacker" in vain! He's talking about "crackers" #girlgeeksyd ppl π #
- Veugelen: "Change from script kiddies pre 2006 to professional crackers in 2010". This guy really needs to watch sneakers π #girlgeeksyd #
- Wouter Veugelen says he's honoured to be speaking at #girlgeeksyd as a man & invites any women to join his security team. I <3 forensics! π #
- Smail: Women avoid conversations about salary negotiation. Men initiate salary discussions 4 times women. Interesting at #girlgeeksyd #
- Salary negotiation from Smail: women earn on average 12% less than men for same job, biggest diff in executive level (av 18%) #girlgeeksyd #
- Jo Smail on career devel: "1) Find awesome mentors 2) Embrace your geekiness and go deep 3) Self development, constantly learn" #girlgeeksyd #
- Heh π RT @nerdgerl Even Microsoft want IE6 dead. Friends don't let friends use IE6. #girlgeeksyd #
- What gov dataset do you want to see released? Suggest it on the new shiny data.gov.au at http://data.gov.au/suggest/ #gov2au #opendata #
- Hey @damana! *hugs* Yes @kcarruthers is close by, but I tend to try to stay away from politics. I'm all about the policy man π #
- Hey @scruzin thought you might like this π http://bit.ly/fXRD09 "Cycling in New South Wales: What the data tells usβ & related data #gov2au #
- AWESOME! Blog post from Minister Gary Gray about new shiny http://data.gov.au released today. http://bit.ly/gzpbWS Give your feedback! π #
- Heh, nice quote π Kraus: "Never grow a wishbone when you should have grown a backbone" #girlgeeksyd #
- Kraus: How to succeed 1) Have plan, don't leave to chance 2) Don't appear to lack confidence 3) Be at least aware of the "game" #girlgeeksyd #
- Loving some of the fashion at #girlgeeksyd loving that I'm comfortable loving clothes *&* geeking out, took a while to get here π #
- Kraus: "If you look around & can say ppl got where they are truly on merit, we don't need board targets, but isn't the case" #girlgeeksyd #
- Lynn Kraus on "breaking the glass ceiling": "we're at a crossroads, orgs need to focus on flexible working conditions" #girlgeeksyd #
- The smell of beer on the carpet is always a good start to #girlgeeksyd π see some of you here soon π http://t.co/AK3u6qz #
- Wow! Currently there is a special for countrylink till end of April, Canberra to Sydney for $29 π cheaper than petrol+parking for sure! #
- Just saw a naked ducati, still a beautiful bike even without faring π #
- RT @lif_au Five Important Points About Flexibility And Work/Life Balance http://bit.ly/f89Dvx /cc @katelundy #
- Anyone in Canberra involved in FOSS business may be interested in going along to an OSIA meeting π http://osia.net.au/ #
- Wow, anyone know who runs this? http://nbnexplained.org/ Very interesting and apparently community driven initiative π #nbn #
- Currently playing with Google Fusion Tables for generating maps. Seems much nicer than Google Earth spreadsheet thingy. #opendata #datavis #
- Yass is def *not* the place to be if you wake up with raging tonsils, nowhere open with aspirin or anything else useful. Resorting to salt #
- Social media lesson #74 Don't try to coordinate coffee with ppl via Twitter when the location may be an Internet black hole. #
- Want to make a Google map from a spreadsheet of stuff? I always lose this url, so this is also for me π http://bit.ly/adPGtM #
- I'm coming up to Sydney this Thursday for the Sydney Girl Geek dinner. Should be fun & techie, see some of you there π http://t.co/LG9O1u5 #
- "Programming is as much an art as music is" nice quote from Trent Reznor http://tv.digg.com/diggdialogg/trentreznor #
- Know a clever geek in gov? Nominate them for 2011 Government ICT awards b4 29th Mar! π http://bit.ly/h1O3rH #gov2au #opengov #opendata #
- Differences between driving a car and riding a road bike #1 in a car you turn a corner, on a bike you *own* the corner π #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-06
- Took my new bike for 1st ride. Bit scared at first but was awesome fun! My bro also took me on his 1100, that was fun like bungee jumping π #
- My new toy π very excited and hoping to do some long trips in coming months π yay! The gray one behind is my brother's http://t.co/a7WkzYN #
- Woot! RT @andypiper: Nice to hear @katelundy & Aus govt 2.0 strategy called out for praise on Guardian Tech Weekly http://t.co/wWqmFmb #
- Fascinating article RT @mfarnsworth: Bernardi, the Conservative Leadership Foundation and The People's Revolt: http://t.co/kGj99uO #
- Just watched Forrest Gump for the first time, great movie π #
- Gobsmacked. RT Rundle: with WikiLeaks, Manning erred in being human – http://bit.ly/foUHI2 #
- This is awful RT Rundle: with WikiLeaks, Manning erred in being human – http://bit.ly/foUHI2 #
- Interesting RT @AusConservation Hear the #qt scare campaign? Worried about electricity prices? Truth: http://acf.to/9070Sc #pricepollution #
- Fascinating π RT @jclacherty interesting datavis π RT @rands: Win/loss record of prosecution in [US] Law & Order? http://j.mp/dMa8pJ #
- Hey @TagAlongTess, sorry to hear we lost you to another place π Hope all goes well. Did you hand the #ACTWonkDrinks mantle to anyone? π #
- OMG OMG OMG! This is totally awesome π Saotome Taichi – Dragon and Peony Sword Dance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xrn1a6UWnY Thx @nambor #
- Reading Foucalt for uni, finding his theories of power interesting, especially power outside the sovereign & impact on individual & society #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27
- Pretty!!! Find out how green π RT @ABCtech Ed: Just had go in this Tesla http://yfrog.com/h5cklfj #wantsone 0-100 sub 4secs. Totally silent #
- I think when it comes to ppl not in politics, the traditional labels of left or right don't really apply anymore. Most ppl are just ppl #
- Interview between @katelundy and Gary Humphries this morning http://bit.ly/dSNhGw on carbon pricing for those interested. #auspol #
- Oh that's hilarious RT @twoscomplement: @piawaugh Seems relevant π : About OS updates http://bit.ly/enP2Ft (via @mefspb) #
- Just started following @ABCtech, some good stuff for geeks & techie ppl π (being a geek, of course I use that term for power of good π #
- Few: "if we want to compare things, we need them in front of our eyes at the same time." Logical but underused wisdom #datavis #
- Perhaps RT @camcgr: Microsoft products stuff up – the reason is we all expect a higher standard from Mac and Linux as its sold on that basis #
- Totally π Also great tools for awesomeness but for most, misery RT @shorebuck: @piawaugh all computers are boxes of misery is my philosophy #
- Why is it simply accepted by most ppl when Microsoft products stuff up, but if Macs or Linux stuff up there is a different standard applied? #
- Few currently discussing importance of not just making sense of data, but the skills to communicate narrative to ppl. Book "Switch" #datavis #
- Fews: Eyes have most receptors, highest bandwidth, highest conscious bandwidth & generally most powerful sense. Using cute graphs #datavis #
- Few: data sense-making process Discovery-> Examine-> Understanding -> Explain -> Decision. Few: eyes most important, I reckon brain #datavis #
- For @cafuego, the "poopy pant photo" π http://t.co/9gnrnMn #
- Lovely evening with @kattekrab & @cafuego. Yummy dinner, walk along pier & awesome inspiring discussion. Thx hugs! π http://t.co/u1TC6YB #
- We are going into fonts at the Stephen Few course. Argh! I am surrounded by typofiles! @jdub @kattekrab @klepas @sundress @katelundy π #
- Stephen Few has a fictitious org chart with Gordon Gekko, Bill Lumbergh, Ari Gold, Miranda Priestly & Matthew Scott – Hilarious! π #datavis #
- For those interested in free sparklines: http://bit.ly/1Ly0fG for OOo or http://bit.ly/90Lc for excel (invented by Tufte) #datavis #
- Today's #datavis on dashboards comes down to a) provide status + context + assessment b) simplify & don't be limited by tech & c) think! #
- Wow! Will help a lot of SMEs with gov work π RT @sherro58 New, improved!!! simple contract templates for <$80k http://bit.ly/gnN5JB #gov2au #
- Ran into @DavidTangye at the Stephen Few course π Always good to run into other tweeps IRL π #datavis #
- At Stephen Few course in Melbourne, today: "dashboard design" for "at a glance monitoring". Creepy #datavis for #opengov & democracy? π #
- Just signed up for @barcampcanberra, very excited! π Am thinking of doing a talk on #datavis or perhaps an update on #gov2au Should be fun #
- Sometimes I read things that make me angry. A good friend (Muslim) advised me recently "don't let people make you upset or they win". True #
- Colour blind simulator – useful for #datavis and other design stuff http://www.vischeck.com/ #
- Apart from being all flash, this is a useful site for colour selection in #datavis (& probably general) design http://colorbrewer2.org/ #
- Wow, great & depressing RT @LaTrioli International language of sexual violence: my take on the Lara Logan controversy. http://bit.ly/dHxEb2 #
- The "Graph design IQ test" by Stephen Few – interesting! http://www.perceptualedge.com/files/GraphDesignIQ.html #datavis #
- Also just learnt from my #datavis course, I should trust my instincts, even if others have done this stuff for longer π #
- I think #datavis is a bit like life, you resort to habits & "conventional" knowledge but really you need to think for yourself π #
- Stephen Few referenced Hans Rosling http://www.gapminder.org/. Few says gapminder a good eg of how imprecise #datavis can still be useful #
- As I sit here in a 9am-5pm 3 day course, I'm reminded how completely ill equipped we are to just sit for hours on end #schooldays #datavis #
- RT @infoholic: @piawaugh I tell my students that every time a pie chart is used a kitten dies. #datavis #
- RT to #datavis @chris_bloke doh! that should of course be http://www.paraview.org/ #IwishIcouldType #
- Stephen Few's paper "Save the pies for dessert" (find on http://www.perceptualedge.com/library.php) #datavis Funny how they're so popular #
- If Stephen Few ever comes to Canberra, I suggest all #gov2au #opendata and #opengov ppl attend. Great stuff! #datavis #
- Turns out a lot of people at this #datavis course are vendors & "dashboard" experts. Less ppl here to learn how to analyse/communicate… #
- Guilty RT @xSunili A common experience. #OWtime RT @njba: Walk into officeworks. In what feels like five minutes half an hour passes. #
- Yay! Latest recording from "Therapy" (our nominal band name) I present to you (the hopefully amusing) "Leave you blue" http://bit.ly/gQZXlw #
- Totally! π Add her to the slidedeck! π RT @kattekrab: @piawaugh @philipri – does that make Flo Nightingale an infogeek? π #datavis #
- Thanks! π RT @SMinney: @piawaugh that is in most psych introductory texts if that helps #datavis #
- I didn't know, thx! RT @philipri: Don't forget Florence Nightingale pioneered the use of charts/infographics during Crimean War #datavis #
- Totally RT @mtchl: @piawaugh @brendam interactive data vis is the go for exploration and insight, IMHO #datavis #
- And for anyone wondering why I'm tweeting to #datavis and not #dataviz I'm an Australian π #
- Great to be in a #datavis course that is so practical and applicable to *all* data visualisation design tools, from spreadsheets to BI π #
- It can be hard to get balance right between clarity of data presentation and what might be interpreted as highlighting info #datavis #
- Currently looking at visual perception & how the eyes work to try to better understand good design practice. #dataviz #
- #datavis tools I'm playing with atm: http://spatialkey.com/ (which I love) & now http://www.tableausoftware.com/ via @damiendonnelly (thx!) #
- Currently looking at Paul Grice's "conversational maxims" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Grice #datavis – very interesting #
- Few: Today/tomorrow we be focusing on effective visual communication of data, Friday we look at how to think about/analyse data #datavis #
- Hey #gov2au peeps, some of you may be interested in my #datavis tweets today as I'm livetweeting some of my Stephen Few course π V cool #
- Few: "I asked vendors why they encourage 3d graphs when they rarely work. Response: that's why we let customers rotate them" Insane #datavis #
- Interestingly, so far the course on good #datavis is reminiscent of #gungfu principles: no wasted effort, reconnaissance, act don't bluff π #
- Few: "Don't be limited by your software." Great sentiment that should be applied across the board </grumbly-techie> #datavis #
- Few: "People incorrectly think tools make you competent but we need to ensure we bring skills to the table too." #datavis #
- Interesting book about problem of ppl using numbers to misrepresent, I'm sure my Dad would like π "How to lie with Statistics" Darrell Huff #
- Anyone that uses The Onion as part of a training course rocks π http://bit.ly/4nKP "Do you see the concentric circles?!?" "click" #datavis #
- Heh, line, bar and pie charts invented by a Scottish guy a few hundred years ago. Funny π #datavis #
- Personally I believe, data visualisation is really useful to both make data more accessible, but also to find new insights and understanding #
- Just met & chatted 2 Stephen Few prior to being in his data vis course. He's awesome! Course looks gr8! Passed on ur comments @DorisSpiel π #
- Wow, great article by George Brandis "Politicans must defend the multicultural project" http://t.co/ZdionqJ #multiculturalpolicy #
- Had to hold myself back from buying Assassin's Creed Brotherhood book at airport. Realised it'd probably be awful so will research 1st π #
- Suit:normal clothes ratio in Canberra fights is always far higher than other places. It's funny to watch ppl try to figure each other out π #
- Going to Melbourne to learn about dataviz from Stephen Few, very excited! Bought new pratchett for company (unseen academicals) π #
- Check out "Innocent Arctic", awesome photo exhibition. Proceeds sponsor polar bears, yay! π I'll visit this weekend http://bit.ly/dUqdRR #
- Another way to read this article could be "Yay, secular citizenship ceremony doesn't include bibles" π http://bit.ly/hQIZUw #auspol #
- For anyone in Sydney who loves photography, check out this awesome exhibition, opening Friday night π http://emmarowankelly.com/news.html #
- Interesting RT @australian Redneck radio may be on the way out, at least in the US | The Australian http://tinyurl.com/6humalq #
- Thoughtful article RT @australian Home-grown values a multicultural triumph | The Australian http://tinyurl.com/4ghqnyy #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20
- I'm looking at a Suzuki GS500F bike today. Anyone have any advice? I'm scouring reviews and it looks like a great first bike… π V excited #
- International Asperger's Day http://bit.ly/hEPBOt – Media release by Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities & Carers Jan McLucas #
- This article reflects importance of rights *&* responsibilities for Aussie multicultural policy http://bit.ly/fY78xW #auspol #
- Wow, very thoughtful piece from Malcolm Fraser in Crikey on #multiculturalism http://bit.ly/efMgFZ #auspol #
- RT @smh_news: What makes multiculturalism great is mutual respect http://t.co/cX8BvsW #multiculturalpolicy #
- RT @suite101: Australia Introduces New Multiculturalism Policy http://t.co/OVlvume #multiculturalpolicy #
- Ping @BernardKeane? You might be interested in this given your recent posts π http://bit.ly/gdwKyR #multiculturalpolicy #
- Australia releases it's Multicultural Policy today! π http://bit.ly/gdwKyR #auspol #
- Heh, meet @scruzin π @tunaranch_f: @Reemski: "need to talk to #google #australia about google accounts for Local gov help please!β #
- Oppermann: "Nokia released patent portfolio for open use" Appears to understand software patents don't equal innovation *gasp* #EURASIAPAC #
- #EURASIAPAC people should look at our industry devel #publicsphere paper http://t.co/6Iy9bNI great input from great people! #
- Oppermann: we don't have many egs in Aus of worldchanging tech. I reckon we have Aussies changing world tho π eg, html5, foss #EURASIAPAC #
- Oppermann: "concerted push into being ICT focused saved Finland". Also mentioning they see Internet as human right. Great talk #EURASIAPAC #
- Dr Ian Oppermann, director of CSIRO on how Finland has been able to get global rep in tech, as a small country, so too shld Aus #EURASIAPAC #
- Rendell (ANU) at #EURASIAPAC discussing security & pgp, opendata & bleeding edge physics. Very interesting talk π talks avail on vid soon #
- Alistair Rendell (ANU): ICT is both arena of new economic opps & is enabling force for all. Disruptive innovation is important #EURASIAPAC #
- RT @AndrewGSolomon: Australian Information Commissioner, John McMillan, on achieving openness http://t.co/kLC7tmQ #gov2au #opengov #gov20 #
- "Meeting of minds" media release by Minister Carr on CSIRO event today, #EURASIAPAC on research inc tech & science http://bit.ly/eTAyfx #
- It's interesting to see stats on r&d in Aus & to realise numbers don't inc most biz/community r&d. Eg foss devel is huge in Aus! #eurasiapac #
- Report about all Aus research inc science/tech, shows our habit of overachieving & areas for improvement π http://t.co/Rz8gfDQ #EURASIAPAC #
- Minister Carr discussing how though there are many amazing Aus tech projects, often ICT not strongly appreciated, but should be #EURASIAPAC #
- At CSIRO run event called #EURASIAPAC listening to Minister Carr discuss knowledge, science & tech "Aus can be proud of our contributions" #
- It'd be awesome if the international community would realise a petition signed by *3* ppl does not constitute all Australians. Thank you. #
- And once data is open, both citizens & companies can itch their own scratch to serve community needs @andypiper @magia3e @BenjaminEllis #
- Nominate your fav #gov2hero for 1 of 2 new #gov2au awards in the 2011 Government ICT Awards π http://bit.ly/h1O3rH #opendata #opengov #
- Interesting article: Public trust in Australian media among worst in the world http://j.mp/hjWoWQ via @AddToAny @mumbrella #
- When the world is dark & scary, I can still find joy in the "Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator" http://bit.ly/dW3f6T #
- Currently reading http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/religious-prejudice-gone-beyond-a-joke/2075896.aspx #
- Interesting reading for #qanda RT @MadamQ http://bit.ly/gZxX5O brill essay on it all by @KateHarding #
- RT @CarleyTonoli Nobody can comment on what happened unless they have intimate knowledge. In my experience nothing is black and white #qanda #
- Totally RT @MadamQ love how people don't extend innocent-until-proven-guilty to the accusers. :/ #
- Michael Moore's comments were perfect example of someone being happy to throw ppl under a bus to pursue their own agenda #qanda #
- It doesn't matter whether you believe them, whether you think the Swedish situation suss, the women have copped unacceptable slander #qanda #
- Cranky enough at #qanda panels' response to last question to boot up & tweet! There is no excuse for abysmal treatment of the Swedish women #
- Looks interesting, anyone have more info? RT @OpenGov Sending Health Data Safely and Securely Over the Internet http://go.ostp.gov/fwZ2Pk #
- Favourite tune of the week – Awesome dark remix of "The Perfect Drug" by NIN http://remix.nin.com/play/mix?id=14157 Is on repeat in car π #
- Great photo, can we use it? π RT @delayedflight More catching up on my 365 project No. 32 photo of @KateLundy http://flic.kr/p/9hNzFx #