What a fortnight! Holy moly. In the last fortnight I have:
– Driven down to Canberra and back for a meeting with NOIE/AUUG/ACS/OSIA
– Attended and spoke at the Open Source Forum in Sydney (a small do mainly for government. My talk was on community, why it is important and where it fits)
– Worked overtime to meet a whole heap of work schedules.
– Released a press release (which required an all nighter effort) and commented on various inquiries.
– Rusty and Alli were up for the weekend, so there was much Teppanyaki, Yum Cha and happy cup all round π Also tried to subtly pack that weekend for the move.
– Rusty and I met with ZDnet who were nice enough to give us some media advice about press releases and the like. Thanks guys!
– Met up by chance with some friends I haven’t seen for ages. Hi Viv, Louise! HUGS!
– Attended the SLUG AGM. Congratulations to the new ctte. Rock on!
– Had Richard Keech from Red Hat for dinner. Now this is embarrassing! I got an email from Richard saying he was in town on a Red Hat training thing, and for some reason I thought it was Richard Ford from Beijing Linux Users Group who also does Red Hat training. I was all excited and asked him to dinner at our house, told him to bring his swimmers (because coming from a Chinese winter I knew he’d appreciate it) and saying to pass on hello to Jenny. Of course this Richard had no idea what I was talking about and just agreed. He came along, and as the lift opened, I was expecting a huge Aussie footballer ex-pat, and so went straight past Richard K, whom I hadn’t met before. Once the confusion was sorted, I was at a bit of a loss, but it was a pleasant evening, and nice to meet him π
– Moved house over basically 4 days (sat packing, sun new furniture move, mondayour stuff over to new house, old stuff to donation place, and tuesday we got pro’s to finish it off as we were so screwed)!! DRAMA !! I now share Jeffs hatred of moving, although I must say I have _NEVER_ had so much trouble moving. We have both been quite sick throughout the whole episode, and just looking to relax. LA, ACS, work, study, rest, and sanity have all come second place while the moving went on. Now to catch up!
– Organised our next Kung Fu demo, this weekend at the Newtown festival. Should be super sweet!
PHEW! Now I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep a while. Luckily the new place has a sauna, spa and pool. Winter Sauna parties at our place!! Rock! This evening, I am going to surrender myself to Kung Fu, and then have a swim. Yay!