OK, normally I don’t reblog within a few minutes, however many thanks to Matt who took this wonderful photo of me consuming half a cow. The LUV gang rock! π Even the funny looking ones…
Category: Government
All animals are equal, but some…
“They (american military) have their ways, but if you had your way, Saddam would still be in power!”. That petulant tone, defiant in the face of such human atrocities is almost too pathetic. Why even start to defend it? I realised today while listening to Alexander Downers latest blunder that he was very much like Squealer from Animal farm. He comes out whenever there is some sort of ‘foreign’ issue and tries to instill calm, and confidence while completely overlooking the issue at hand. He tries to strip anyone who speaks out of any dignity so their message is lost. Another example is the Australian woman who was taken hostage for 20 hours in Iraq. I read her statement and there was serious concerns raised about US military shooting at the medics trying to get aid to Iraqi civilians, and stories of first hand seeing civilians gunned down systematically by the ‘coalition of the willing’, the wonderful ‘liberators’ as they call themselves. Downer said ‘well I’m not saying she’s lying, however anyone under those circumstances would normally go to the consulate’. Talk about neutralising the issue! Make her out to be a liar and get onto the next inconvenience. Like an adept magician he distracts your attention just long enough for the concern at hand to disappear into the hat.
“Squealer was soon able to convince them that their memories had been at fault” – Animal Farm. We don’t want Farmer Jones back now do we? Rock on to Brian Deegan, the father of a Bali victim who isrunning against Downer in the Mayo electorate!
What they believe
On the below note, I read an article comparing Jessica Lynch and Lynndie England. The England girl case disturbs me. The fact that she was there in photos looking coldly or with ridicule at the Iraqi prisoners, actively participating in their abuse is one big issue, but the fact that her family are vehenemently defending her saying she was in “the wrong place at the wrong time”, and that she was such a ‘good girl’ is ridiculous! They believe she couldn’t possibly be guilty of such cruelty, and little hometown stories are flying around about the girl who wouldn’t even shoot an animal. This is called propaganda in most countries. Fact is that what is happening is atrocious, and _ANY_ story trying to talk down and defend any ones actions could easily be seen to be condoning the behaviour. We are openly publishing in our magazines pictures of this nature and not even giving the prisoners the decency of somehow blurring their faces.
Imagine for a second, knowing a gang of people raped, then beat and set dogs onto your sibling, your mother, your lover. Imagine seeing photos of that, plastered all over any newspaper, foreign or otehrwise. How willing would you be to listen to how all those people were actually quite nice, and simply in “the wrong place at the wrong time”.
The chilling thing that came out of that story was the quote from her defense. “‘We are not there for a tea party. We are there because they blew up 5,000 of our people.’ Did she believe Iraq was involved in the terror attacks of 11 September 2001? ‘They were definitely involved … Maybe she took it to extremes.'”
WTF!? What are they being told over there? What are our own troops being told over there? If the American soldiers truly believe they are there on a revenge mission, how much compassion are they going to have. Especially for people who they for the most part have a language barrier with. Why is America being allowed to deal with _ANY_ prisoners given they occupied the country by force and showed signs of having an Iraq/Sept 11 link before. I saw an interview with a bunch of soldiers when they first went over and the same thing came through, “we’re gonna get those bastards for what they did 9/11”. It startled and concerned me at the time, it terrifies me now. The UN should be stepping in at the very least to ensure dealing with prisoners is done humanely and without hate. It is akin to Ariel Sharon letting the Lebanese Christian Militants among the Palestinian Muslim refugees in the early 80’s. We saw slaughter there, and Sharon was held at least indirectly responsible for his actions. I believe Bush should wear this, given the proof of his desire to take Iraq since way before September 11 and many other clues.
Clueless = Howard
Seriously, this guy is just not listening!
Mr Howard, why don’t you try telling us here at home why we should agree to it, before going and trying to tell the US to agree to it. We haven’t even completed the FTA review yet, and already the Howard government is trying to swing votes overseas. Sounds like they’ve made up their mind, before even pretending to listen to what the public has to say about it.
I’m honestly disgusted. Democracy my ass.
The biggest issue….
…is that I have so many people that are close to my heart. My best friend Sue nearly cried over the phone, and that reaction was tempered by her mum (who is like a second mum to me) who tells me that I need to learn to “make house, care for your husband and have babies”, pfft! Talk about pressure! π
Down to Yass for the weekend tomorrow, should be a wonderful weekend.
Good and bad, Moonlight and candles
So I have two, not one but TWO bits of news.
Firstly the bad, the big project that was going to set me jetting around Australia and New Zealand has been canned. I obviously can’t go into details but I certainly made the best effort I could, and am disappointed it was stopped after I invested over a year into it. It also means I need to somehow fulfill the promise ‘to come see everyone’ that I’ve been making. I am definitely going to Brazil now, and that is only in a month (eeek!!!) and I am now thinking that I will travel anyway to some places, if I can afford it. Certainly to see the HUMBUG dudes, and we are part of a road trip going to see GLUG in a month (Goonellabah, apparently near Lismore?). We’ll see…
The good, nay wonderful news, is that Jeff proposed to me last night. Whether I said yes or no I’m going to make you wait π but he took me to a small secluded beach we both love, and had me thinking we were doing something fun and adventurous so I _completely_ did not see it coming (much to the incredulous looks of our families who have known for “ages”). What can I say, I was given little clue and he is a good magician π Anyway, we had candles on the sand, moonlight above, and I accepted. I have to say I am extremely happy and relaxed about it.
Friends, Lovers, Warriors and Partners in Crime, for big and small. Love is a wonderful thing.
So Friday I took to the water with some workmates. I have to admit I’d never been sailing before, especially on a 6 tonne beauty as we did. It was wonderful! In between pulling ropes and navigating (I’m a natural!) I sat right up the front, on the litttle bit that pokes out the front of the boat, feeling every move the boat made. Quite a pleasant day, and then I had to unpack all evening for easter BBQ preparation.
The FTA petition is going ok. Only 612. We had the first 300 or so in the first 24 hours, and we really need several thousand for it to be worth the effort. We are still getting the word out, will probably slashdot it this week, and see how we go. The comments being made are incredibly good though. I recommend anyone interested in this to take the issue to their work. Any Australian owned company who writes _any_ software should get behind this, and once explained the issue, several companies are starting to realise the implications. Signatures are good, but letters and such are also recommended. We have a page up with what you can do so people can help.
Horseriding today. I feel almost selfish actually doing some stuff for myself this weekend π Still need to catch up on LA stuff, but am well on the way. Between LA, OSEG, work, study (caught up this weekend, I was 6 lectures behind), kung fu, trying to organise media training and a whole plethora of stuff, I’m constantly realising the extent of what I’ve taken on, but I’m enjoying it all heaps. The only downfall is I’m starting to get RSI again, ah well, back to the physio π it is all good.
Save Open Source (SOS)
Specifically in Australia against the FTA proposed changes π Good work to all the LA team, and to everyone signing the petition. Hopefully all our work will have a positive effect and demonstrate how important this issue is. I was chatting to a person in the Philadelphia LUG (thought they were PLUG when I joined the channel π and he was reinforcing how much it sucks over there. The amount of US sigs we’ve had, with postitive “100% behind the aussies” type comments rocks. Thanks everyone!
Easter, horses, & London
So Easter is upon us. I think 2 years ago I hit that age where everything starts to move astronomically fast. Suddenly months are flitting by, suddenly b’days and holidays are upon me before I can blink. It is odd and scary. So much to do, I already cram so much in. Need to focus on less things for longer, yes bubby you are right π Perhaps next year I will cut down on my activities and dive further into the remaining ones, although I think I said that last year π
Going horse riding with Cass and Barb on the weekend. This will ROCK! Cass is as horse mad as I used to be, and is working in the equine industry, and studying. Working with foals everyday… grrr! π Barb will probably mosy along behind, and it will certainly make for a lovely day. Jeff gets back on Sunday so he may have to get himself home and then I get to hear how the London gang are and all the sweet news.
Way behind on LA and OSEG stuff. About 2 weeks worth. Moving simply took a lot of time, and due to my responsibilities, catch up can be a cruel and difficult thing sometimes. Thankfully a four day weekend is upon us, and I will be able to get it all under control again. Had lots of positive responses to the March news, which was great. We are making headway _and_ maintaining our community interest. Yay!
Kung Fu Vs Halo
Kung Fu is rocking. It is kind of hard to go back to, after so long away and having learnt so much since then. It is sometimes difficult to stop myself reverting to where I was at when I was training all those years ago. HOWEVER! as anyone in my house can tell you I am loving it! I have a new courtyard to train in, and attend class 2-3 times a week. I found out last night that my Da Shi (my teachers’ teacher, more on him in a minute) loves computer games. How kewl is that! π I get visions of the Buddhist and Gong Fu master calmy approaching a couch, and then with disarming clarity kicking some serious ass! Rock on.
Da Shi is one of those people who invokes awe in even the most critical cynic (I know, I invited one along one time). He teaches you, really teaches you and it is both terrifying and electrifying. Knowing oneself certainly goes way beyond what shoe size you have π and looking at yourself truly honestly, is one of the most difficult things. I constantly am inspired.
Pants Palais (as Craige calls it) is great. Airy, clean, spacious, and it has a pool and sauna. The three of us are in heaven π Housewarming in a few weeks π