Open Source is more than open source…

After moving from the technical to the strategic type role, dealing with vendors and corporate type in the “Open Source” space I’ve realised an incredibly scary thing. The word mincing running riot is stripping the meaning of what we within the Open Source/Linux world have come to expect. Companies releasing “Open Source” code that offers none of the freedoms we all enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe that “Free Software” is any better a term (“Freedom Software” perhaps, but then you just completely lose people). I hate the fact that many companies are trying to reinvent a monopoly in their own image, and to make it worse they are using our language against us. Anyway, I sat down and thought about what makes Open Source so important. I came up with five “pillars” of Open Source, and realised that if anyone says they have Open Source, and are missing even just one of these pillars, it just isn’t Open Source:

  • Open Standards – software that adheres to internationally recognised and open software protocols and data formats
  • Open Licences – the software _must_ be released under an official Open Source licence according to the OSI
  • Open Knowledge – the development tools and documentation must be freely available to everyone
  • Open Community – contributing to and using the software must be completely open to anyone, anywhere, with no restrictions
  • Open Source – the software and source of course must be available and freely distributed, ensuring equal access to the technology
  • I know that these rehash some of the points of the OSI Open Source Definition, however I feel that they are an easy test of whether something is or is not in fact “Open Source” as the community has come to expect.

    I guess that for me, the wonderful thing about “Open Source” is that it is a technology solution to a very real human problem. I see it as being a mechanism to award more equal access to opportunity across the board. This is why I don’t want to see it diluted, and this is why I am so passionate about the whole topic. There are two goals that are extremely important to me:

    1) Complete Connectivity – I think that by getting more people online, you offer them a line of communication beyond what they were born into. This develops understanding and empathy of the unknown, hopefully leading to a less fearful and volatile global society. It leads to more opportunities, contacts, participation.

    2) Complete Knowledge – By ensuring there is always a free and accessible place to gain and commit information, we would effectively be ensuring that the wonderful resources provided by the internet are not monopolised, and people are able to share and grow together. In the short term future I am hoping to work with some people to create a Free Knowledge project that extends way beyond just IT. I posted about Free Knowledge before so I won’t go too much into it, but just imagine if every person on this earth wrote down one thing they know well. Whether it be how to plough a field, how to maintain good hygiene in places with dirty water, how to teach 6th grade maths to kids, etc. There is already so much information on the web, which is awesome, and some are trying to partition off information for profit, an inevitable step in modern money-obsessed western cultures. I hope to ensure that good quality information is always available to people freely, and that people will always be able to commit information freely. It amuses me how much the monetary priorities of the “western” world don’t take simple human sharing into account. Most people like to share information, to teach others freely. It is part of our nature. We don’t need a price tag on everything we do. We certainly don’t need a price tag on our evolution.

    Putting a price tag on our evolution

    I went to an interesting conference last week. It was called Unlocking IP and it was looking at different models of managing “Intellectual Property”. I spoke about one of the best examples in the world of sharing knowledge productively, Open Source, as well as some of the Free Knowledge projects that are springing up around the place. I have an interest in trying to get some sort of Free Knowledge project off the ground, where people can post and collaborate on various works, and it is freely accessible. Imagine if every person in the world wrote just one paper on something they know well (astrophysics, 12-yr old math, how to plough a field, painting, etc) and everyone had access to this. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be able to make money from their creations, however what seems to have happened is that as a species, we have locked up our knowledge and further divided up society into those who can afford and those who can’t. My argument is that by doing this, we have put a price tag on our own evolution, and are only allowing the more wealthy, and minority of people at that, to advance.

    To be honest I got quite disillusioned by some of what I heard. People saying “so we love Open Content and Open Standards, we believe in a better future, better opportunities for all, blah blah blah, and by the way this is only achievable with our product”. I started to get a little angry with some of the strange interpretations of free and open, so I put together a list.

    Open Knowledge is NOT!:

  • – Controlled search mechanisms
  • – Controlled access to data
  • – Having to register or pay for knowledge
  • – Creating standards and imposing them on others
  • – Embedding into people/children habits that create revenue
  • – Intentionally embedding into people/children particular biases or worldviews
  • – Advertising
  • – Making money out of information which is meant to be open to the public anyway, such as public records
  • – Filtering information
  • – Value-adds without content
  • – Having a barrier to access or contributing
  • – Segmenting the world through controlling who gets access to what information and when
  • I also got a little sick of people continually saying they were just protecting the “innovators” or “copyright holders”. One of the problems as I see it is that the innovators are not being protected. We are kind of lucky with the GPL in software because there are copyright protections that stop large players from being able to monopolise Open Source software. We still have the patents problem, and usually it isn’t the innovators who own the patents to their works in software, it is the company they work for. Therefore big companies are acquiring and then enforcing patents. The patents game seems almost to be a numbers game, (IANAL) in that they with the most win. If you manage to afford the incredible cost to lodge a patent to protect some incredible invention you’ve come up with, the fact is to practically implement that invention in a program you will alsolutely step on many trivial patents owned by larger companies who have the money and lawyers to throw at this that the rest of us can’t afford. Therefore if they like your idea, they can potentially muscle it out of you with their own portfolio as a threat. Already we’ve seen several projects that would be of huge benefit to the ICT industry and the Australia people, such as rproxy, that are locked up by companies who own patents that will never implement them except to extract $$$ from someone else who usefully implements the idea in code.

    The Unlocking IP conference was more about content than code, and the problem extends way beyond the software industry. The music and film industry is no better, often the copyright holder is the large company such as the MPA, who have been running around trying to jump people for copyright infringment. This wouldn’t be so bad if 1) they weren’t using word searches on FTP repositories without human interaction, as they did with LA, and 2) that the proceedings were going back to the musicians and actors. I don’t pretend to be an expert in this area, but you so often hear about the bad contracts musicians particularly get, and the hoops they have to run through, getting a pittance (comparatively) for their work. As the large companies effectively become the copyright holders, you can bet the musicians are getting next to nothing out of copyright infringment cases.

    Rusty Russell has written several rants on patents, copyright, lawyers, and more. I highly recommend checking out his blog. As a software developer who is both personall affected, and who knows many people affected by these kinds of issues he has a lot to say on the subject. Lawyers to watch are Kim Weatherall, Brendon Scott, Jeremy Malcolm and Ian Oi. Also check out Groklaw for more legal foo.

    PS – One of the lawyers there, a Special Counsel to the Australian Government no less made the adsurd comment that “those Free Software people don’t believe in Copyright”. I pulled him up in the question time as soon as I had the chance, explaining that given the existing copyright system, Free and Open Source people rely on copyright, in fact without it Linux and other Open Source software projects wouldn’t have been nearly as successful as they have. It acts to protect the people, the integrity of the code, it stops a company monopolising the code, amongst many other good things. He had got this assumption from an RMS talk a little while ago, and while I don’t doubt that he misinterpreted somewhat, I also saw RMS talk in Sydney and he certainly left a lot of people confused. We need to ensure that the messages are extremely clear to stop these kinds of misleading comments being made.

    RMS was certainly interesting when he spoke here, he recommended I change the name of Linux Australia to GNU/Linux Australia (no surprises there), he suggested to an ICT advisor to simply not speak to her clients rather than giving her tools to introduce FOSS to clients (such as business case reasons), he said we all need to stop using the term “Intellectual Property” (which I can kind of understand, but we can’t just bury our heads indefinitely). After the talk, when most people had left he decided to yell at me. I’ve never seen someone so adamant about picking a fight, especially when I was actually saying thankyou for the talk. Certainly not making any friends there RMS, and certainly not “saintly” behaviour as he likes to see himself.

    Loads of valium…

    In reference to my wonderful, caring and generous fiance’s blog about my little adventure on friday, I’d just like to clarify that I was under the influence of valium, anti-inflammatories, anti-biotics, and much anesthetic at the time. I am however the happy owner of a nice new tooth, and I have metal in my head. I just hope it doesn’t get picked up in airport metal detectors, otherwise any flights through the US particularly could become a little more….personal than I’d be comfortable with πŸ˜‰

    “I _swear_ I have metal in my head! No no, not the gloves!!!”

    The first Open Source Forum

    On Wednesday Linux Australia, OSIA and Baker & McKenzie presented the first Open Source Forum. I have to say I’m pretty proud of this event πŸ™‚ Quite some time ago, particularly during the whole “Free” Trade Agreement research Linux Australia was doing I realised something quite scary. In Australia there is no differentiation between that which is good for ICT in Australia, and that which is good for the Australian ICT industry. IE – what is in the best interests of the ICT players in Australia is not necessarily in the best interests of the _Australian_ ICT players. I realised that a lot of legislation, and industry practices have been directed by large multi-nationals, some of whom play dangerous software patents games, some of whom participate in anti-competitive practices beyond belief. I felt and still feel that the Aussie companies are not always considered properly, and often assume that organisations such as the AIIA act in their best interests, even when the AIIA has perhaps one Aussie company represented on their board. Anyway, issues such as software patents are relevant to both open source and proprietary companies, in fact any person or company who is creating software.

    So how does this relate to the Open Source Forum? I thought it would be great to take topical issues, present a diverse _range_ of views on the issue, and then give people the mechnism to have the discussions that are currently not happening. For our first Open Source Forum we used Software Patents as our topic. We had legal, practical, industry and developer perspectives represented, giving the participants several points of view to take home. It was a great success, with nearly 100 participants, and excellent feedback. I’m hoping we can see more SME and developer representation, as they are the particular groups who need to become educated in these issues. Thanks very much to all the presenters, and to Baker and McKenzie for hosting the event.

    I’m looking to run these every two months. The next one will likely be “Linux on the Desktop”, and we’ll have a few vendors as well as solutions providers to see the vendor spiels and realities of implementation. See you all there! I’ll try to get a bigger venue to cater for the demand, so if anyone wants to participate, sponsor, or help support this event, please contact me – pia at Rock on Australia!

    Open Source Forum

    Linux Australia is holding our first Open Source Forum in collaborationg with OSIA and Baker & McKenzies. The first one is around Software Patents. The idea is to get 4-6 speakers to address an issue from different perspectives, giving attendees the ability to form a well informed and balanced view on the issue. Each speaker only have 10-15 minutes to put across their point, and after the talks there is the opportunity for discussion. A mechanism for actually having the conversation about the issue if you will. Anyway, I’m pretty excited. We have a legal perspective, two industry perspectives, a developer perspective and a real perspective of how the patents system works in Australia. If anyone is itnerested, it is being held in Sydney city, RSVPs are required, and all details can be found at the Baker and McKenzie website.

    Rock on Linux Australia! πŸ™‚

    Birthdays, tenders and forums

    Since last blog, I have travelled to Cairns to give a presentation on open source to a consulting firm, which went great, I have changed jobs to working full time with the same company on their open source strategies, I went to a kung fu camp and learnt even more weapons πŸ™‚ and today is my birthday. I’m one of those rare people who absolutely _LOVE_ birthdays. I get excited, I run around happy all day, I look for presents. πŸ˜‰ I seriously love having something wrapped up and knowing I can’t unwrap it till the next day. What can I say, I love surprises!

    I also managed to pull together some great speakers for a software patents forum. Information will be up on the Linux Australia site under Australia and Projects soon. I’m really glad the LA committee has some awesome dudes on it that put such an effort into these things. Yay, team!

    I found out one of my bosses is going to China. I’m pretty excited because I may be able to tee up my love of China and my job this way πŸ™‚ Look out Simon, I told you I’ll be back! The Beijing Linux Users Group was an awesome array of individuals, and I’m looking forward to catching up with them again.

    No Boston for me

    So after having booked almost three months ago to go to the GNOME Boston Summit, I had to cancel. Why was I going to the Boston Summit? Several months ago I came across some potential funding for accessibility and language stuff. I started asking around and realised we have lots of people interested in this stuff and wanting to work on it. I thought that maybe I could tee up those who want to work on it, and fill the gap between the GNOME accessibility developer team and the Australian developers, users, and organisations willing to back it. I am still hoping to do this, but unfortunately due to the summit being announced quite late, most of the accessibility team were not going to attend. I was thinking it would still be interesting, and was going to swing past London to see some people, but then lots of great open source stuff came up in Australia and I thought it’d be better not to go. I was targetting GNOME because almost all the people I’ve spoken to said the GNOME accessibility stuff is well on the way to being really usable, and so a little development and getting some serious feedback from users might be able to take it there πŸ™‚

    My interest in accessibility and languages has come from a realisation that Linux is something that cuts across all boundaries – cultural, religious, gender, age, physical, language – and so making it something truly for everyone is such a great goal. It delivers equal opportunity to people in a way that I really love.

    Anyway now with the NSW gov tender for open source on the cards, life is going to be quite exciting for a while πŸ™‚ Rock on Australia!


    So I have some outstanding items to blog πŸ™‚

    I went to Brisbane last weekend and met up with Software Queensland and HUMBUG. Software QLD are a new group there bringing together ICT companies to have education and discussion about issues and opportunities that face them. They also only allow people from Australian owned companies to join, and thus can suggest they represent Australian best interests for QLD ICT companies. This is quite a leap, and very interesting because some other organisations in Australia claim to represent Australian best interests but have mainly foreign companies on the boards. Anyway, the people I met were great, and we found some areas to collaborate on, namely the support and protection of IP creators in Australia. The idea that the Australian ICT sector can only really flourish in its own right by focusing on IP creators is such a good goal, and one that many Australian organisations and companies can agree on. Especially in a time when a lot of the chokeholds on innovation are mainly owned and practised by non-Australian companies. I digress… I think that we (the OS community) can protect and educate ourselves using LUGs for local perspective, Linux Australia from an OS national community perspective, and OSIA from an OS business perspective. Organisations like Software QLD can take a broader Australian ICT perspective, working with orgs like ACS. Anyway information can be found on them at

    I also attended the HUMBUG AGM, which was a lot more fun than it sounds πŸ™‚ I got to catch up with some old faces, meet some new ones, and generally see another LUG in action. I had some great conversations, my only regret was my work told me a few days before leaving that I had to be back in Sydney by 11pm for work (disaster recovery foo). So I had to cut short the trip and wasn’t able to participate in the beers and food post meeting πŸ™ GAR! Anyway thankyou to all the HUMBUG gang, and especially to Rob Brockway for a breakneck rush to the airport when we all realised the classroom clock had stopped. Also, many thanks to AJ for the hospitality. Rock on QLD!

    Back a few months in Brazil one of the people I got to catch up with was Bdale, who is one of my heros, influences and examples of leadership. In January last year, when I was speaking to a lot of people about Linux Australia, what they wanted out of it, and how we could make it more useful to the community. I was planning to run for the committee, and then someone (I’ll find out who someday!) nominated me for President. At first I was quite shocked, and I wasn’t sure whether I was the right person for the job. Anyway I had seen Bdale speak that day, his “Herding Cats” talk and thought if anyone knows about working with the community, it’ll be Bdale. I chatted with him for ages at one of the dinners, and he convinced me that I could probably do a pretty good job and gave some awesome advice, particularly about establishing common values before common goals. I spoke to him again in one of the theatres after a talk, and someone got this picture:

    Picture of Bdale and Pia, with Bdale taking 2/3 of the photo, and pia with hands clasped

    Which is amusing as Bdale looks pretty huge compared to me. It circulated pretty quickly, and even had Bdales lovely wife asking who this was πŸ˜‰ Anyway we took the opportunity in Brazil to even the odds with this:

    Picture of Bdale and Pia, with Pia taking 2/3 of the photo this time, and Bdale with hands clasped

    Apart from it being a hideous photo of me, I think we can safely say we are even πŸ™‚

    ACK! ACK! ACK!!

    So I guess I owe a blog by now πŸ˜‰ Things have been incredible! Crazy stuff getting organised, projects, travelling, and very little sleep. In a nutshell:

    LA – new website is up, after much running about, and there is a fair bit of news and stuff happening. I’m pretty excited about the fact that open source has become an election platform in Australia with all the main parties having an opinion (usually positive) on open source. The way is certainly looking up, and it has been great! I have to say I really enjoy meeting up with people from the community. Right across Australia, and then the world there is this amazing group of like minded, independent, JFDI-driven people, to whom freedom, Quality (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance reference), equality, and doing kick ass stuff is important. I really have felt quite honoured to be able to work for the community with the LA stuff, and I hope that I can continue to stay up the scratch, given I have so much on my plate atm. I feel pretty confident now that whatever happens with LA, there is a great precedent set, and it can only continue to rock on!

    Jeff and the awesome Canonical guys have done the pre-release of Ubuntu, a distro based on Debian. I have to say I’m extremely impressed, not only with the distro, but with the company. Hiring some of the best heads in the open source community is a good start, but committing to working with the community, to contributing so much is awesome. I am however again in a situation where I need to seriously consider where my conflicts of interest lie and make sure I keep them well defined. A frustrating but necessary reality. Ah well πŸ™‚

    I head up to Brisbane to see the HUMBUG crew this weekend, which should be great! I’ve been promising this for at least a year now, and I’m looking forward to it πŸ™‚ Especially since I am the QLD state person in our new drive to increase comms with all the LUGs.

    I also go to the GNOME Boston Summit this year. There are several reasons for this, but mainly because I think that there is a gap in the accessibility development between users and societies that are wanting and able to help out with suggestions and testing, and the development people. I’m hoping to help bridge this gap, with the loose aim of getting Linux right up to scratch in this area. Why? Well it has occurred to me that in our world we have a very unique thing. We are able to create solutions that traditionally have never been financially viable for big companies to do, we have real Quality and care going into our stuff, rather than doing as many software companies do, putting something half-ass out there, and then relying on customer support income to make it stable and quality. Anyway, I want technology to be available to everyone. The whole equal opportunity argument, and using technology to help humans improve themselves, if they so wish, rather than using it purely to make some nameless corp more rich, or to make people slaves, or to further increase the divide between rich and poor in our world. Using technology to increase communication and participation across cultural, physical, religious, age and gender differences, thus leading to increased understanding, increased empathy and tolerance, a stronger focus on care, Quality, equality, community, sharing, and hopefully a less bullshit world all round πŸ™‚

    I’m working on a disaster recovery simulation, so anyone needing me, please call me πŸ™‚ I’m keeping odd hours.

    Melbourne trip!

    I’m coming to Melbourne this weekend. I’m looking forward to catching up with the Computerbank crew, the new LUUV ctte, and any LUV-ers (or AUUG-ites, or MLUG-ers for that matter) that feel like a beer on the Saturday night. Welcome all! πŸ™‚