So I’ve been on the road pretty much for two weeks. A week in Brisbane and now a week in Spain at the Open Source World Conference and since I’ve been in Spain this is the first time I’ve got online. Anyway, I’ll be getting to emails I’ve been trying to get to for a few days so anyone trying to contact me, SORRY! π I’ll be in London for a few days catching up with the crew from OSS-Watch, some of the Software Freedom Day folk and a few friends including my second family, the Mays π Should be great!
I always enjoy the Spanish and Brazilian Software Livre conferences as they are so passionate and realistic about FOSS. I’m hoping to get some of the great people I know here to Australia for conferences soon. If Government day at Linuxworld this year goes well, perhaps next year I’ll focus on what is happening in Europe. This year we are profiling some of what is happening in Asia-Pacific which should be really interesting. Anyway, I’ve also been able to meet up with Maureen O’Sullivan who is the awesome Irish chick who is trying to solve how to protect the FOSS movement through international legal treaties which is proactive protection rather than just relying on licences which is defensive protection. Some interesting stuff, plus she’s mad as a hatter so we get on famously π