“Open source will allow much easier collaboration. Then it would continue on and not just disappear. The risk of not open sourcing it is that it just dies – so it’s a way of keeping it going.” — Rowan Eisner. A great reason for more research and Governme
Category: del.icio.us
links for 2007-03-30
“The result of nearly 70% of participants requesting Linux on Dell machines” — World Domination isn’t far off now 🙂
links for 2007-03-27
Open Source Initiative have updated their look. This is great and indicative that perhaps they are actually being active! Nicely done.
“SOA taught Chuck Norris everything he knows.” — SOA facts. I’m currently sitting in a boring talk about SOA and Jeff just showed me this site. Hilarious!
links for 2007-03-26
“Some frameworks have been developed to help those in IT procurement assess open source software.” — OSS-Watch. A useful set of criteria for assessing Open Source software in terms of procurement. Good work OSS-Watch!
links for 2007-03-03
“it still shows that a significant portion of the code we run is written by developers who are donating their time” — a really interesting study that looks at volunteers vs paid contributors on the kernel. Great work Jon!
links for 2007-03-02
“Nothing tells a developer more than they are working in an open source company than pointing them to a Debian repository and telling them to set up their own desktop,” — nice philosophy Don!
Crazy stuff! Snow, hail, lightening storms and major damage from storms in _summer_ in Canberra and Yass, Australia. Can we sign the Kyoto agreement now please?
“Man, you’re right, that never get old. Let’s do Eric S Raymond next”. — Just a funny cartoon the Unlocking IP folks found.
“…we are conducting a study to understand how defect management is being carried out in various Free/Open Source Software projects” — an interesting survey, it’ll be good to see the final report.
links for 2007-02-20
“One of the reasons ICT brought Dr. Zhang into this company was because of his strong ties to the community–they want to leverage free software as the means for cost-effective development and as an avenue to innovate.” — Nice one from Michael Iannini fr
“10 Linux commands you’ve never used” — I’ve only used 5 🙂
links for 2007-02-16
“Copyright Amendments: Are you at risk?” — Some interesting pdfs that demonstrate both the risks and the ridiculousness of current Australian copyright law for teenagers, families, small businesses and industry. Nice work by the IIA and QUT.
links for 2007-02-15
“If I had to sum up my experience it would be this: every male dominated group has its own pecking order and an unwritten set of rules defining the group.” — Interesting and thought provoking article by Dru.