Some more backlogs

I’m very excited because work is kicking ass! I’m getting to a point where several months of really hard work and documentation are starting to pay off.

Spam has become a serious problem for me, not so much because of the amount of it, but mainly because of the range of email I get, often I have to check whether something is spam or not. The “vibrator”, “viagra” and “impotence” emails are making way for the “coming up”, “here it is” or chinese/portuguese emails, that _could_ be ham. Anyway, so I found a new product that we’ll probably be using at work to trial called BePrivate. Basically is uses address black/white lists, it sends confirmation emails to assess validity of sender, and then it slows does IP addresses sending to it that exhibit spammer like behaviours. It isn’t free software, however it is pretty kewl. I know people can do similar things manually, but it is nice to see a product out there attempting it.

Met up with Grant Allen and Damien Conway who are organising the OS in Gov co-conf and the Educonf miniconf respectively at LCA this year. Both events look awesome! I’m helping out where I can with both, and am looking so much to LCA! Last year I came direct to LCA from China, and after going to a doctor on the first day to get some medicated strepsils, I was put into isolation in case I had SARS, which didn’t make for a happy Pia. I missed most of the conference!