- Turns out the Tea Party have a bunch of txt for pre-sale, so I'm in ! Am going with teh awesome @alexmyoung π http://t.co/NRp9JbIE YAY! #
- Gar, no @blackdogride for me, had to pull out due to stupid circumstances. Was *really* looking fwd to it! Will make up for it next weekend! #
- YES! Will be logging on tomorrow to snag txts to Tea Party, who's with me?!? (Sydney Show) http://t.co/29Faqag9 #
- Getting ready for @blackdogride Canberra! Very excited π It's a beautiful day for some motorbike riding! #needcaffeine #
- Just to ruin your afternoon productivity http://t.co/oxqi3ZYP "Dance magic dance!" #
- Reading Lawrence Review of Australian #geospatial capability & gov response. Interesting stuff! Vital for #gov2au http://t.co/v0WNJLF3 #
- Was there anything to it? RT @GeordieGuy: Meeting derailed while security guy goes on a five minute incomprehensible rant. ????? #
- Walking past a closing restaurant which has the Labyrinth soundtrack on. So awesome. #
- Hilarious. "President of the United Sates (sic) Barack Obama & Campbell High Students". No one else? OurCity mag π http://t.co/uTK7hkr2 #
- Have officially shifted from NSW @blackdogride to ACT. Sorry to NSW friends, but excited about ACT ride! π http://t.co/dn2XpFo1 #
- .@cgiffard maybe… next weekend, not this one? Who else would be up for a movie night to watch The Raid? π #
- Tasking some time out from an intense day! Some Shank 2 to chill π Such a fun but simple game! #
- Have been flat out all day today, between contract work and #govhack #govcamp preparation. Both launching Monday! π #gov2au Very excited! #
- Thanks all, mystery solved π @timClicks: @nzfi @piawaugh feijoa, yum! see http://t.co/Rk0siHD1 #
- It kills me to say but I may have to switch to ACT @blackdogride. Too many deadlines pressing in :/ @hollingsworth @moldor @MrsMoldor @Rog42 #
- Does anyone know what this is? Fruit (?) tree where I live http://t.co/Xiz9W0qT #
- Really looking toward to @blackdogride this weekend, just me, the open road, and a few hundred other bikes π #shortholidayforagoodcause #
- I know lots of you will know this, but handy way to get RSS from Twitter http://t.co/ZseB9Scw Just switch my username with yours π #
- Hey guys, sry I've been flat out. @moldor could you dm me phone number to coord meet spots. I've a long way to come beforehand π /cc @Rog42 #
- YES! RT π @kelisha: @piawaugh damn, now I'm going to have to watch it!! LOL #
- Yes! RT @peenydeeny: @piawaugh the start of Wayne's World , with Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the best happytime moments in cinema π #
- Totally! π RT @timl: There is so much awesome & references I'd not noticed before! Like this part, 2nd Mission Impossible reference so far! #
- MWAH HAHAHA! Watching Wayne's World for the first time in years, had totally forgotten the Terminator cameo. "Have you seen this boy?" LOL! #