- It's my own fault. I should have obviously provided more whiteboard π The 2.5 yr old got creative. #babysittinglessons http://t.co/bQ6YTikH #
- . @MrsMoldor @moldor YAY! π I hope you can organise one, it'd be great to meet you both in meatspace ("IRL" is stupid, this *is* RL!) #
- .@TimDLittle I don't think it is that simple. Brands simply aren't as manageable these days, better to have connected workforce /cc @donkey #
- Ben 10 is awesome, I completely understand it having a significant following π Spider Monkey! #
- .@donkey I've heard of employers (in the US, of course) asking for all social media passwords as a condition of employment. #securitytheatre #
- Currently browsing the AGIMO Gov 2.0 Register, some interesting stuff http://t.co/d7k0Z4hs #gov2au #opengov #gov20 #
- We've got some initial info & regos open for #govhack #govcamp & #govjam in June. Details coming soon! http://t.co/QBUULzzN #gov2au #
- Ok, Canberra peeps, anyone got a responsible teenager who can babysit two lovey girls Friday night for some cash? Please DM me π #
- .@nearyd I know guy who did martial choreography, inc dual pole for gandalf & dwarves axe styles. Exciting! He's an amazing dude π #hobbit #
- I feel I should share for ppl considering attending Shen Yun, I found it pretty awful. I walked out. #justsayin #
- Just met dissatisfied girl working in a beauty salon. Through the conversation she is now super keen to do computer forensics. Awesome π #
- Got a friend who is looking at ways to assess "openness" of technologies. I wrote this a few years ago, still useful π http://t.co/HuItxm4M #
- Nah, that's just silly π sudo is enough kthxbai RT @Zemmiph0bia: True love is giving your partner root access #
- Every country tries this at least once RT @rtaibah: Iran plans to unplug the Internet, launch its own "clean" alt http://t.co/lOEx8yEH #
- .@MrsMoldor Awww! Please come too! Would be awesome to meet you, and we could pay out on @moldor together π /cc @Rog42 @hollingsworth #
- .@cgiffard @peter_tonoli @xtfer Heh, totally! I've taught loads of workshops to kids by cracking a computer open, it never fails to amuse π #
- .@johnallsopp I wasn't allowed a gaming console in my house. <violins=tiny> /cc @_chesty_ @csimps0n @davidramli #
- .@peter_tonoli @cgiffard Heh π Well one floppy loaded the OS, and the other was for loading programs π #
- .@cgiffard Hah! π I initially used a dual 5 1/4 inch disk drive computer, no hard disk, don't remember the CPU π #
- .@csimps0n Pentium 4s! I remember when I realised 2 slots on front of my PC weren't enough to show a *3* digit CPU speed π /cc @davidramli #
- .@Davidramli @csimps0n "vinyl, bah! I remember when we made punchcards by hand w rusty hole punchers by candlelight, a UPS to keep us warm!" #
- "I am alive" game review, fun, challenging, good story but finished in 6 hrs gameplay :/ #
- Gar, tweet vs DM just bit me for the first time π #