- Nice RT @geekscape: @piawaugh Finnish citizen's initiative for "open" law making β¦ http://t.co/041ilTeX #society5 #
- And follow #gov2au for national foo π RT @davidjeade: @lv2photoWorld @sunnybank_spide follow @gov2qld for future #govcampqld events! #
- Or webbed perhaps? RT @anrchars: @piawaugh @hackuador web to the power of web factorial #
- Ta, glad to amuse π RT @dnwallace: Watching @piawaugh tweet @ #govcampqld is like watching a pedestrian cross Indian road – manic – love it #
- Cool to hear ppl excited about #distributeddemocracy π Now help spread word & build it ppl! http://t.co/uF7ZQ2pu & http://t.co/s5jjJGBn #
- Yes! RT @solutist: shout out to friends & tinkerers coding for public purpose at #govcampqld @craigthomler @sherro58 @davidjeade @yvonnert #
- I concur π RT @mattner_d: @fitzie_curtin I WIN! cc @piawaugh #mysterioustweetismysterious #
- .@johnw3lls says the #govcampqld community is great at collab, sharing & doing cool stuff, inc awesome #govcamp Hear, hear! π #
- Ewww RT @hackuador: @piawaugh I heard "web 3" and "web squared" in our debrief /shudder #buzzwordbingo #
- Yep & synergy too π @Kiwiseabreeze: @piawaugh have they used 'gamechanger' yet? I used paradigm shift in an article 5 yrs ago!! #govcampqld #
- "paradigm shift" BINGO! #buzzwordbingo #govcampqld #
- Yes… sometimes one needs to remember flameproof pants π RT @nathanscholz: .@piawaugh plus engaging with trolls can be fun #govcampqld #
- Wow, only 20 Tweets away from my 20,000th Tweet. I have mixed feelings about this… #
- So many great ideas from this panel. Need training for kids about online engagement, govs struggling to cope with global msging #govcampqld #
- I don't think it's usually so nefarious. There is genuine fear of criticism & risk of embarrassment to Ministers. @maxious #govcampqld #
- Call to action #gov2au #opengov #opendata add to wiki to share knowledge (tools, case studies, resources) http://t.co/j8N1yA0P #govcampqld #
- Great advice, "we debate facts not opinions". Other panelist don't rly engage w trolls. Personally I found engaging is useful. #govcampqld #
- .@sherro58 making great point that we're still experimenting w new tech, need purpose, not just to throw yet another socmed tool #govcampqld #
- <Hide> Sry! Was talking to @cacotopos RT @dnwallace: Had lunch & good catchup with @piawaugh .. even if she did miss my talk π #govcampqld #
- TOTALLY! RT @davidjeade: #govcampqld great line up for social media panel! http://t.co/jHqQ1kpo @craigthomler @sherro58 #
- .@Cacotopos non-fiction, meet @neva9257 π Hey Nico, could you extrapolate on your research/work on reintegration of augmented soldiers π #
- Just reminding #gov2au #gov20 & #opengov folks to watch the #govcampqld hashtag today for all the awesome. #
- .@johnw3lls 1:9:90 theory. For 100 ppl on Internet 1 is generating ideas, 9 do a lot of retweeting/repeating, 90 lurkers. #govcampqld #
- .@johnw3lls talking about the WSIS conference. I was lucky enough to go in 2003, it was *fascinating*. Blog http://t.co/I8HM4QMh #govcampqld #
- Cc @craigthomler MT @solutist: @piawaugh alas need to be back in office – is date confirmed? could be some synergies w http://t.co/KeBJcYEY #
- StreetAR foo I was talking about in #govcampqld session at http://t.co/iV3FPv35 Also check out http://t.co/yhH3DMQB to get AR hacking π #
- Interesting. Report on tech in education from a few years ago. Marker for where we are in some respects π http://t.co/3EiQsLEY #govcampqld #
- .@DavidLMackie Heh, yes π I reckon it was ahead of it's time for Aus. With NBN virtual worlds will rock for collab. Plus, better avatars π #
- Love this π RT @Cacotopos: @piawaugh ha ha ha, nice. No, through the augmented intelligence of collaborative group-think (the good kind). #
- Hey @nambor, where is the StreetAR website?!? Your google juice needs some work π #
- Talking virtual mapping & different uses. Some cool stuff with secondlife in schools to do collaborative building design. #govcampqld #
- Early reading for #society5 & #distributeddemocracy projects π http://t.co/d0dqPjf4 & http://t.co/uF7ZQ2pu #govcampqld /cc @juliancarter #
- .@solutist can you stretch your Canberra visit to 20th April for #govcampact In early planning π http://t.co/HRqnqHG2 #gov2au #govcampqld #
- Arrived in Brissie! Looking forward to #govcampqld today & catching up w all the awesome ppl. Thx @dwhoban & @craigthomler for lift #typo #
- Just arrived in Brissie! Looking forward to #govcampqld today & catching up w all the awesome ppl. Thx @dwhogan & @craigthomler for lift π #
- Yes! RT @evilsnoofy: Seriously Bro. http://t.co/kRgHUefd #
- .@blakkat they draw you into a false sense of security, and then destroy you. #kittehs #
- Huge congrats to @katelundy scoring assistant minister for industry & innovation. Great #WIN for tech sector IMO π http://t.co/NUrg91TH #
- Comments funny, 10yrs too late indeed. RT @mashable: Watch Out, Netflix: Hollywood to Reinvent Downloadable Movies http://t.co/a2rsg166 #
- This is cool. A toilet with attached sink, so the water from washing your hands fills the cistern. A Coroma Start Flush http://t.co/tTDYAEzD #
- JOY! http://t.co/EZBUPu8D RT #caketown @KingLeonidaz_: @piawaugh MADNESS…? This is SPARTA! #
- This. RT @cjjosh: @tlcassandra @piawaugh While all this is madness I still love our system and all this happens without guns #
- .@vlrojas machiavelli did say one of the biggest threats to democracy was an uneducated public. Clever, that one π #paraphrasing #
- .@Matt_Ros where's the blood? If our politics were a fraction of the violent rhetoric espoused, we would be in dire straits /cc @tlcassandra #
- Yes RT @tlcassandra I especially loathe comparing argument to combat. Today mean things will be said but noone will require bandaging. #
- .@stuarthorrex to be fair, news should have integrity, critical analysis & enhance public dialogue rather than hype π /cc @abcmarkscott #
- .@manaz_d sure, a majority is more efficient, and less democratic. Just like a dictatorship π #
- Yes, with their scary faces and small hands. RT @shinyseal: @piawaugh maccas: temple of the clown #
- Leaving Sydney I drove past churches, mosques, temples & atheist orgs, without violence. I love this country. Also, too many Maccas π #fb #
- Awesome RT @weezmgk: @piawaugh Youbetcha. I crafted my Fed vote in 2010 precisely to get a hung Parlt. (Grn [1], ALP [2]) #
- Minority govs are good for democracy. The more people realise that, the better. #
- .@FakePaulKeating always, you keep telling us that in your fancy suits and with them fancy education words, mista! #
- I'm sure you've both seen this, but isn't seems fitting for today. The Glenn Beck conspiracy generator. http://t.co/5d1UxIHM @gnat @trib #
- You win, the US have bigger problems :/ RT @weezmgk: @piawaugh Here, Pia- marvel at REAL political stoopidity http://t.co/gTwFwrK3 #
- You are ready! RT @trib: @gnat my personal handbasket has its own sun. And a gun rack and a year's worth of canned food. cc @piawaugh #
- Thanks Nat, so much lulz π RT @gnat: @trib @piawaugh does the sun rise in hell? Will you see it from your handbasket? #
- "Labor at war", rly? Don't you guys cover actual wars? MT @abcmarkscott: Stay up to the minute on happening in Canberra http://t.co/rzIeIF6f #
- .@cjjosh yes, hyperbole at times breathtaking. I've a theory that violent language is in inverse proportion to violence in modern politics. #
- Today will be most irritating. I wonder if enough angst & hyperbole could change the fact Australia is doing pretty good in every sense. #fb #
- .@adobernard08 do you know how our election system works? Ps, we did have our say, we got minority gov, better outcome democratically π #fb #