- Finishing off a lovely Xmas day with watching The Machinist for the first time. Bale is incredible in this. #
- MT @3AW693: Tornado warning for Melbourne Area cancelled. Severe thunderstorms. Destructive winds, flash flooding, large hail. cc @shorebuck #
- BEST XMAS POPPER THING EVER! Why did the chicken cross the road, by Machiavelli. WIN http://t.co/tgGyZzUy #
- 0710 I receive a musical merry Xmas voicemail from my brother. I live my family. Still laughing at it π #fb #
- Incredible remix – How to Destroy Angels – The Space in Between [Dead Errant Soul Remix] by @deaderrantsoul #soundcloud http://t.co/HUJwDNMC #
- Just updated "Without Warning" on #soundcloud to a version with better mixed vocals. Hope you all like π http://t.co/G0jrdfxH #music #
- Wow, "metalstep". That is all. http://t.co/tgQ45gGC #music #procrastinating #
- Merry xmas, jovial solstice, happy new years and all that jazz to everyone! Hugs to all and to all a good hug π #
- Pressie wrapping complete! Now to cook! Rum balls and quiche, hopefully some will make it till tomorrow π #
- I love flowers. Love them! π It is cool having a garden. http://t.co/QppkWI8N #
- YUM! My Christmas lunch dessert looks amazing! http://t.co/8HTOK3DR #
- Just want to say I love Internode! So professional, efficient,great to deal with. <3 #
- I love my friends! Just got a home made Xmas cake as a pressie π http://t.co/4hDB5EER #
- Doesn't it π I know fight choreography guy, inc Gandalf style π RT @joshgnosis The Hobbit trailer looks quite decent. http://t.co/KChzg09u #
- The Team2x people are awesome π Picking up garbage, with stylez http://t.co/OR4c8M2O /cc @andrewyager @Dries @purserj #
- Great to see @kim_weatherall & @BiellaColeman quoted in @bernardkeane's War On The Internet. They are teh awesomes π #
- Finished @bernardkeane's War On The Internet. Whilst I don't completely agree with every premise or conclusion it is a fantastic & must read #
- Starting to understand why people wear headphones everywhere. I feel chilled wandering around a mall, usually a highly irritating experience #
- RT @jethrocarr Awesome, didn't realise Rammstein had a new track http://t.co/RQkkpk3P (via @AllanMLoveday) #
- Feeling more productive than I have in a long while. My hols going to be committed to overdue socialising, writing & projects. Stay tuned π #
- Looking through photos from @anthonybaxter's travellings to Ethiopia and UNHCR camps on Somalia border. Amazing work. Photos -> @arbabroad #
- Scary, very much so. Thanks @BernardKeane RT "Indefinite detention formalised in US β and the world is a war" http://t.co/H4rdfCfO #
- Did anyone else think of Wolverine when they saw the little guy at 00:35? π Sloths orphanage from @crikey_news http://t.co/1vuARSMg #
- Hilarious. RT @WestWingReport: Every child wants to find this under the tree. http://t.co/P6i9G7Zn #
- .@BeesleyPaul Wow, that was a terrible segway, you really shouldn't give up your day job π #troll #
- Hey #gov2au #opendata #opengov foks in Aus, join the discussion about gov 2.0 community devel for 2012 on mailing list https://t.co/GhCHMtwM #
- All I want for xmas is SOME 3D PRINTED SNOWFLAKES! Thanks @__anat for bringing the awesome π http://t.co/J1Z06Alp #