- Im really enjoying listening to my latest creation. I sometimes wonder how i could do this full time π "I'm unchanged" http://t.co/K9ZstNYX #
- Cool, thx RT @simonjwall: @piawaugh Other agencies have a stake too. ABS legislated to advise official bodies on standards for "statistics" #
- Watched the Ulster Grand Prix on the plane. Incredible motorbike riding! The bike cam makes me want to get into racing! Awesome! #
- Argh! Was going to leave #OGDBris11 at 6 for 7.15 flight but misread watch and left at 5. gar! Hope discussions are rocking. I need to sleep #
- Well put. Rt @GeordieGuy: @jamesmassola inappropriate to give that man his choice of meal, but apparently fine to KILL HIM. #
- Listening, AMAZING! You shld contrib to #publicsphere RT @libraryhack2011: At open govt data conf at qut.#OGDBris11 Talking on Libraryhack #
- Only two weeks till Digital Culture #publicsphere Live Event, only 3 weeks left to add your ideas for submission paper! http://t.co/WH7FbCvG #
- Wonderful to have you involved π RT @iGEA_Oz: iGEA happy to be supporting #publicsphere http://t.co/UeaXq8Gi #
- James Kliemt: they come for the puppies and stay for the other stuff. #OGDBris11 #
- Interesting RT @cofiem: Using legal framework to ensure openness is maintained, reducing secrecy & draconian drm #ogdbris11 #
- European economic analysis recent report on PSI. RT to @FCTweedie #OGDBris11 http://t.co/veUFxLXU #
- Great talk RT @EmmaKRennie: Keitha Booth – NZ egs: LINZ data service, digitalNZ, NIWA, Infoconnect, Land Environments NZ (LENZ) #OGDBris11 #
- #OGDBris11 NZ are moving from informing to engaging to participating with open data. Great talks at this event. #
- #OGDBris11 we can only determine progress by being able to measure how we are going. What do ppl think of OAIC models http://t.co/8fkq4fOk #
- heh RT @Lucy_1_SDP_09: @piawaugh absolutely and us lawyers love to find the loop holes #
- Thx! π RT @FutureGovMag: #FF time! FutureGov Asia Pacific recommends @Sandy_carter @ClariceAfrica @piawaugh @chrisj_moore & @MikePearsonNZ #
- Point from current speaker that unless something is mandatory and has repercussions for not complying then nothing will happen. #OGDBris11 #
- Cutler: openness is fundamentally important to innovation, & openness promotes and supports innovation. #OGDBris11 #
- If there was to be a one ring to bind them all… π RT @wombat1974: soon only the one true science will remain. Geology #NotBiased #Honest #
- Cutler: we're seeing turn around of 300yrs trad research, barriers dissolving b/w "hard" & "soft" sciences. Also crowdsourcing #OGDBris11 #
- We already do π MT @MikePearsonNZ: #ogdBris11 With the consumerisation of ICT, perhaps us geeks can value-add ICT: Innovation & Collab Tech #
- Cutler: because innovation is cumulative & combined info flows are vital to innovation (particularly free info flow). Interesting #OGDBris11 #
- Listening to Terry Cutler talk on how innovation & freedom were seen as linked back in age of enlightenment. Fascinating thought #OGDBris11 #
- #OGDBris11 Page 45 of http://t.co/DVBbsu42 has the decision making flowchart for NZ gov working with data. Fascinating. #gov2au #opendata #
- It's one of the most amazing feelings to have other artists remix your work, I love when my music is remixed hence I CC π #OGDBris11 #
- This video is a great explanation of Creative Commons by NZ cc community #OGDBris11 http://t.co/MQ7TleKc #
- NZ Cabinet has directed gov to be aware of and strongly consider NZGOAL. "Sort of mandatory but not" #OGDBris11 #
- +1 RT @DirDigEng: @MikePearsonNZ UK Public Data Principles say registration should not be condition of access. #OGDBris11 #
- Hearing now about NZGOAL, and the good collaboration with Brian, Anne and Neale. #OGDBris11 #
- +1 RT @MarkElliott: Andrew Scott, former Director data.gov.uk, is a wellspring of experience & insight on #opendata #OGDBris11 #
- Totally RT @karlroby: @piawaugh So true. And recognize the difference between fighter-cori'd and dancer-cori'd fight scenes. #
- Great point by @DirDigEng that if data already published, then FOI costs reduced. "It is already published, here is a link" #OGDBris11 #
- #OGDBris11 @DirDigEng: transparency of salaries, spending, contracts, tenders across all agencies even if hard, able to drill to 500 pounds #
- Hah! @DirDigEng: after top paid UK public servants had salaries made public, more interest in greater transparency across board #OGDBris11 #
- I can listen to @DirDigEng talk about great #gov20 examples all day. Very inspiring! Look forward to his talk going online #OGDBris11 #
- So say we all! RT @cherylfoong: #OGDBris11 @andrewstott just because gov can't think about better uses of data does not mean others can't #
- Fyi we always try to do transcripts & captions for our videos. Accessibility FTW, but also gr8 for searchability @davidjeade @MikePearsonNZ #
- Will do RT @MikePearsonNZ: #OGDBris11 @KateLundy is a good speaker; and the content was great value – can we get the transcript – open data? #
- Photo of @DirDigEng at #OGDBris11 talking about #opendata #gov20 RT to @merejames π http://t.co/hix73rVr #
- You beat me to it π RT @davidjeade: #OGDBris11 (KL) link to digital culture #publicsphere announcement from @KateLundy http://t.co/txO8oEWi #
- Yay #NBN π RT @davidjeade: @DirDigEng I think diff here in Australia is technical challenge of getting remote communities online #OGDBris11 #
- Great to be here π RT @davidjeade: #OGDBris11 up next @KateLundy via video with @piawaugh here in person -Yay! http://t.co/xkXxiC7r #
- Anne talking about building bridges throughout different sectors with regards to open data for greater socio-economic benefit #OGDBris11 #
- Anne Fitzgerald at #OGDBris11 asks "who controls the use & access to PSI". Giving great background to Creative Commons Australia #opendata #
- Seriously?!? It's called Kung Fu Panda (2) and you still insist on saying he is "Karate chopping". Argh! #fail http://t.co/GplOYjvf #
- No I haven't but definitely will! RT @MoreThanDanny: @piawaugh Any time. Have you tried Ninjam btw? Great way to online jam. #
- Very happy with this one π New song up "I'm unchanged". Hope you all like! http://t.co/K9ZstNYX #music It's quite pretty with good rhythm #
- "I'm unchanged" New collaboration tune with @mideion. : I'm Unchanged on #SoundCloud http://t.co/0faXTiu6 #
- Soundtrack for driving home after long but good day: Pumpkins, Cure, some Matrix, NIN, Depeche Mode, INXS, some metal & Natural Born Killers #
- "we are facing a crisis and the last thing we need is more protectionism". How fascinating. 2nd Parliamentary speech on patents tonight. #
- Listening to parl speech about patents and impact on health, turns out was Heffernan. Now a speech asbury how genes shouldn't be patented. #
- Currently (re)reading the "Venturous Australia" Innovation Report (2008), some great stuff in there π http://t.co/BZnSVNN7 #publicsphere #
- Bizarre RT @followfriday_us: @piawaugh was #518 last week in the Australian FollowFriday Ranking followfriday.com/f/piawaugh #
- Have creasted the Livestream channel for the Digital Culture #publicsphere Woot! – ##publicsphere live on http://t.co/bn6OIgbm #
- Into Digital Culture? Want to make a difference? Come contribute to the Digital Culture #publicsphere now also on #fb http://t.co/MLB2yFC2 #
- To everyone that told me about swype, thank you! It is amazing! π #
- Dear @ScottRhodie, you are cordially invited, blah blah blah, see you there π /cc @stilgherrian #
- MWAAHHHH HAHAHA! "WHY? I'm a ninja. WHEN? I'm a ninja. WHERE? ……(I'm a ninja). http://t.co/k6OfFytZ AWESOME "Ninjistics"! Old but funny. #
- I think when you find yourself stumbling onto Tesla Downunder http://t.co/H2bRZGEB you are truly shaving yaks π http://t.co/ul0xgSHZ #geek #
- Totally RT @benrhughes when the debate has come down to Ethics vs Religion you know somewhere along the line we got a bit lost π @Kriegaffe #
- One of the things I find most hard to deal with is the complete lack of critical thinking some people have. Some empathy wld also help. Gar. #
- WOW, stunning! RT @bxmx: RT @MikeAbendroth: @torSteampunk: Becomegorgeous looks at steampunk fashion w tons of photos http://t.co/a7JnSpZt #
- Today was insane. Drove through incredible storm, managed to lose visibility, aquaplane at least once, had to slow down to crawl. Awful #fb #
- Thanks all! Feeling much better π @sniiffit @miladyred @5050Vision @ashulz @Matt_Ros #
- Hitting the wall, need some food and caffeine to continue working this evening, wouldn't say no to a hug either π #
- Mood="another generation X that somehow slipped up thru the cracks. They'd love to see me fall but im already on my back" Cage the elephant #
- Happy #talklikeapirateday me hearties! Arghhhh! #