- Today's awesomeness brought to me by the Cure, NIN, soundcloud, @mideion, Tea Party, Pixies, the Matrix soundtrack and the letter A π #
- Spent the morning cleaning, now going to spend the afternoon playing (games, music, with puppy). Hooray for sunny weekend days! #
- For the amusement of @Suni1i π http://t.co/tnzrwp7 #
- Went into the store to get a clothes hamper. Came out with a kid sized wheelie bin because it was so cute. I'm just a big kid anyway π #
- Haaa hahaha π RT @swearyanthony: @piawaugh freedom is the same as shiny, right? #
- One of my favourite things about @soundcloud is finding incredible some remixes of songs I love. http://t.co/W7yYzmg #depechemode #music #
- This is cool, thanks @crikey_news Walk the world in one minute: http://t.co/pjMApBA #
- Haha! π RT @steve_evil: @purserj @piawaugh everyone know that it's been plaits or nothing since the 4th dynasty #
- I like your logic AJ π RT @ajtowns: @piawaugh war is just the way people with pigtails respond to not being taken seriously #
- .@wireghoul ah, shall modify my hair then, ta muchly π #
- Why do ppl take you less seriously with pigtails? Don't they realise it is *the* hairstyle of choice for war? #makingstuffup #
- Is it sad I'm actually considering buying this book? #ac2 http://t.co/iw4amVF #
- Heh, Nero, Nemo, whatever! π #bookswithonelettermissing #
- Neromancer – the heartwarming story of a cyber cowboy junkie who goes looking for a fish #bookswithonelettermissing #
- LOL!! RT @crazyjane13: 'Necklace of terror'? REALLY, Today Tonight? #
- Governor Alex Chernov says what better place to host #iawards than Melbourne, the tech capital of Australia. I feel healthy debate coming π #
- Phew, got them all I think π #iawards #
- #iawards for ICT educator of the year was Jo Stewart-Rattray (SA) #
- #iawards for secondary school project goes to Villanova College for their Physics Engine (QLD) #
- #iawards for security goes to Pure Hacking for PureWAF managed web app firewall service (NSW) #
- #iawards for tourism and hospitality goes to Centium Software for GuestPoint (QLD) #
- #iawards correction to sustainability & green it award actually goes to CSIRO Tasmanian ICT Centre for South ESL Hydrological Sensor #sorry #
- #iawards for tools and infrastructure award goes to Transmax for STREAMS intelligent transport system (QLD) #
- #iawards for R&D goes to Alacrity Technologies for closes loop environment for wireless (ACT) #
- #iawards for sustainability & green IT goes to CSIRO ICT centre for Phenonet (ACT) #
- #iawards for start up company goes to Trueoaks for 99dresses #
- #iAwards for industrial application goes to Blast Movement Technologies (QLD) for Blast Movement Monitors #
- #iAwards for financial industry application award goes to Suncorp & Thoughtworks (NSW) with merit to Auditflow Publishing #
- #iAwards Export Achievement goes to CargoWise GLOW (NSW) #
- #iawards for eLogistics and Supply Chain goes to SolveIT Software supply chain network optimiser #
- #iawards for eLearning goes to Janison (NSW) cloud assessment with merit award for the Australian ehealth research centre #
- #iawards for eInclusion & eCommumity goes to InfoExchange Australia (VIC) #
- #iawards for eHealth went to the Australian ehealth research centre with merit to Edge Box #
- #iAwards egovernment award went to Transmax, STREAMS motorway mgkt (qld) #
- #iAwards Huawei Australia won the first award for communications #
- Hah π RT @carolduncan: .@2011Census What about people who are, um, having a 'sleepover' at home of someone they shouldn't oughta be at??? #
- Interesting RT @google: New: When patents attack Android. http://t.co/qZdipn6 #
- Woot! In ur tweets, bringing da awesums RT @2011Census: #AusCensus data reveals 98 per cent of @2011Census Twitter followers are awesome. #
- Ian Birks (AIIA): Australia has leaders across the spectrum of technology innovation and business & the #iAwards recognise & celebrate this #
- I love it how "live streaming" is so loosely interpreted these days… #
- The 2011 iAwards are about to start, be interesting to see different category winners π #iAwards It's being recorded & put online later #
- Currently looking at work for the Australia Centre for Broadband Innovation http://t.co/i785MH3 #iAwards #
- .@normnz That comment was specific to context of R&D where collab nonexistent. Of course more commercial collab would be good π #iAwards #
- .@sadieandlance NP π The recommendations being made are *very* interesting but they'll be online later I'm told. Will tweet later. #iAwards #
- I've heard synergy and synergise several times in the last hour. Must. Stop. Brain. Exploding… #
- John Grant: single biggest thing going wrong (with IT industry) is capability to collaborate. Let's get serious about it & fix it. #iAwards #
- Jane Treadwell (eGovernment, ICT & Transformation, World Bank) currently discussing IT procurement & diff between BAU & innovation #iAwards #
- Jane Treadwell saying how Cloud services & online App stores provide means for small innovative companies to get into gov market #iAwards #
- John Grant, Chair of the IT Industry Innovation Council talking about innovation & the issue when only underpinned by fiscal policy #iAwards #
- Dr Robertson: 3 skillsets needed for commercialisation: Research, Engineering & the skills to translate innovation to market use #iAwards #
- OK Labs getting a shout out from Dr Phil Robertson at #iAwards as great developers of innovation (with Open Source) that have succeeded OS #
- Dr Phil Robertson saying patents aren't everything, but are critical. #iAwards <- I feel patents are massively overrated wrt tech innovation #
- Dr Phil Robertson (NICTA) Academics are rewarded on publications not implementation, diff skillset & needs consideration #iAwards #
- Prof Reg Coutts: every time someone digs up some uranium or something everyone relaxes & goes back to old models. Need new models. #iAwards #
- Prof Reg Coutts says in Australia ppl rarely want to hear about small innovative companies. Unis & NICTA could work better together #iAwards #
- Interesting to hear about background of Australia Hears. Dr Saunders talking about diff between gov procurement vs investment. #iawards #
- Speech at #iAwards panel on Australian innovation strengths (eg well educated, ease of biz setup) & weaknesses (eg collab, r&d funding). #
- Currently rocking my morning http://t.co/FQZrXDj #music #industrialdub #ting @soundcloud #
- Nice RT @donkey: A winters day motorcycle commute can be such a drag (/cc @piawaugh) #manawatu http://t.co/zThpCFt #
- Heh, awesome RT @VancianNotions: lord of the rigs – a conman's truck drivers epic journey. #bookswithonelettermissing #
- .@kattekrab Poop :/ I need some other excellent friend in Melbourne to stay with. HAve a lovely trip and catch up when you're back π #
- I *LOVE* @soundcloud! Just had someone remix a song I've collaborated on http://t.co/DwH6yJZ Original at http://t.co/xbbGsdA #music <3 #
- I don't know why ppl make a huge fuss over riding a motorbike in winter. It's extra work keeping hands warm & avoiding ice, but wonderful! #
- Interesting RT @pgsimoes: Matt Damon Explains Why The Perception of Teachers Must Change [VIDEO] http://t.co/P2pIyod (@edudemic) #
- RTing to #gov2au & #fb π HILARIOUS! RT @IDEALAW: Facebook will destroy your children's brains [or…not.] http://t.co/nW2PMo7 #
- HILARIOUS! RT @IDEALAW: Facebook will destroy your children's brains [or…not.] http://t.co/nW2PMo7 /cc @tribalscientist #
- Enjoying a drink at the phoenix in civic. A new fav handout methinks π #
- Attended funeral service for Rob Chalmers. Lovely service with great stories from his life. 60yrs in Aus Press Gallery. Proud to be related. #
- Am attending the iAwards in Melbourne on Thurs with @katelundy (AIIA, ACS & Pearcey awards event). Should be fun π http://t.co/4ZbFsmj #
- Currently reading insightful speech by Terry Moran AO http://t.co/vKtSjhs "Democracy and us" #gov2au #opengov #gov20 /via @ozloop #
- .@aimee_maree Yeah, I'm the same π Hey @2011Census, any chance of the ability to have multiple ancestry options per parent? π #
- This is brilliant. Beautiful graphics, funny, insightful, informative. Love it! Nice work http://t.co/UTWXvWd @2011Census #gov2au #gov20 #
- Yes! Totally! Where and when? Evening right? I have some super cool stuff to show you π Might be fun to have an informal group once a week? #
- Playtimes are fun. For @br3nda @jdub #puppy http://t.co/XyOHsyu #
- Po is very glad to be home. He had his first stay in a kennel whilst I was away π /cc @Br3nda @jdub #sookydogs http://t.co/Gpxqdnh #
- Sunny all week this week in Canberra, I'm going to ride Bumblebee (my motorbike) to work a bit I think π #woot #
- .@SMinney It's still a good solution but not for problem of getting around (more so for the problem of others' entertainment) /cc @elerimai #
- .@i386 ARGHLSGLSADKLKEOI!~!! </endshorttantrum> π /cc @purserj #
- .@RealNickHodge Wow, I'm not even angry, I'm impressed! π /cc @swearyanthony #
- Hah! You really captured it there. RT @wombat1974 "you raise a very interesting point, fuckknuckle. Please expound on it, dipshit." #
- Wow, I love it when people abuse you, and then say "nah, I *do* wanna have a conversation". The lack of self awareness is incredible. #
- Currently looking at winners of MyRegion photo competition. Some incredible photos from all around Australia! http://t.co/07lGykA #pretty #
- .@jzb Hah! That would totally rock, but I fear I have not yet earnt such a privilege. Watch this space π /cc @garethgreenaway #
- Back at work, wading thru mountains of email, news, events, briefs. Perhaps should caffeinate seeing I've been up since 0400 (flew from Tas) #
- I'm going to NICTA eGov event on mobile government on 17th Aug, thought some #gov2au peeps might be interested π http://t.co/437aQh0 #gov20 #
- Free wireless, coffee, headphones+awesome music, new msgs from friends: these are a few of my fav things (waiting for plane at Melb airport) #
- Back online & back to work this morning. Had amazing week in Tasmania, another step closer to starting a martial arts school in Canberra π #
- Yesterday I saw someone I hadn't seen for 15 yrs who told me I looked exactly the same. Looks like the alchemy lessons paid off π #