“Race Riots”

I have been amazed over the last few days as what has started as tension between gangs and locals in a suburb in Sydney has been blown out by the media to be “Race Riots”. The media seems intent on blatant embellishment of the story into a raging inferno, just in order to get the story, and sell the newspapers. Anyway, there is obviously some tension there towards these gangs, but I find it interesting how that has translated for a few (I hope only a few) into full blown racism, the gangs are very rarely representative of an entire culture. It is a sad progression.

For what it is worth, I’m a little sick of hearing about the contrast between the “local youths” and “Middle Eastern criminal gangs” involved, when both sides have been as violent and disgusting in their behaviour as each other. I found an interesting thread where people were discussing the topic in a forum. Be warned, it is pretty disturbing in parts, and certainly speaks volumes about the issues we face in Australia today, and how names-calling and putting people in boxes is not the way forward. It also however made me feel a bit better as there were a lot of people on the thread completely disgusted with the state of affairs, and seemingly bound by a value of multiculturalism and understanding. I personally love the multi-culturalism in Australia. It works very well and you only have to live in a true mono-culture for a while to really appreciate it.

To all the idiots not engaging their brains when they speak, being Middle Eastern is not synonymous with being Muslim, and neither are synonymous with being a thug. Learn to think a little, try to understand a world slightly larger than your tiny little brain and we will all get along better.