Armidale LUG soon to emerge!

Last week I had the pleasure of being invited as a mentor to a program aimed at encouraging 14yr old girls to come into the wide world of ICT. I of course took the FOSS angle and showed them the awesome opportunities I’ve had available to me over the past few years. I actually felt very proud of our community, and how exciting it can be for newcomers πŸ™‚ At any rate my time in Armidale went at thus:

  • Wed Evening – arrive and give talk to about a dozen locals about the business benefits of FOSS. The crowd ranged from techs to business types, and even the most non-technical person in the room waled out saying “well I’m not sure about everything I’ve just heard, all I know is I should probably be switching to Linux”. A satisfying response πŸ˜‰
  • Thursday – Spent all day giving talks to the 40 girls, and then taking 10 of them for practical exercises in Linux and networking. I used Frozen Bubble and the GIMP for initial addiction, and then using Google as my constant to explain how the internet works. It kept them interested and asking great questions, so I’m pretty happy with how it went. I also talked them through what is actually in a computer. It was awesome! It was funny because each group had to give a presentation at the end of the day, and about 30 mins before it was the due the organiser wandered into our room asking how our presentation was going. We responded that we hadn’t started yet much to her stress, then proceeded to do the longest most entertaining presentation with 30 mins of work πŸ™‚ Yay for all that training in last minute presentations! We were also lucky as we had this great drama student in my group who was selected by the group to be the speaker, then freaked out, then gave an awesome performance πŸ™‚
  • Friday – Spent some time with the IT team for the Catholic school in Armidale, who oversee about 1000 pcs in the area, giving them practical advice about FOSS applications and Linux. Then I went to the film school there, which rocks! I met an awesome Buddhist/Taoist guy, and some really creative students, who had been taping the entire event the day before, including an interview with me that they loved and wanted to continue πŸ™‚ Incidently I’m thinking about taking FOSS to morning TV next! Anyway, I introduced them to Blender3d, which I didn’t know about before then but by the power of google found for them which they were excited about. Then I spent some time wandering in Armidale and trying to install Ubuntu on an old laptop with a broken cdrom, and no LAN. Unfortunately, time beat me and I didn’t succeed.

I gave away i386 and powerpc Ubuntu CDs, about 200 all up, and generally got quite a few people excited about FOSS as well as finding about 6 people interested in starting an Armidale LUG. Rock on Armidale! Many thanks to the wonderful people I stayed with, Zonta, Armidale TAFE, the Catholic school and of course the girls.