I forgot to blog about this 🙂 I was in line at uni, and listening to a couple of Software Engineer students chatting behind me. They brought up Linux a few times, and I started chatting to them. It turns out their uni only really uses Minix and Solaris to teach which was interesting. Anyway one of the guys was _really_ keen on Linux, I suggested he come along to SLUG some day. As we were rambling about random people, I mentioned Jeff and how kewl it is to see the GNOME world at that level, and how proud I am of him. This dude looked at me in shock, grinned, and explaimed “Are you….Pipka!” to which I buried my head in my hands 🙂 I forget that people know of/about me from random places, it really is like a big family sometimes 🙂 He knew about the infamous “The Little Furnace” GNOME release which was also amusing 😉
For those interested, I study politics in the Middle East and Mandarin, go figure 🙂