
Yesterday Jeff and I got a Wii. When Jeff was convincing me (and I needed convincing as we already have computers and a gaming console), he tried saying that it could help us get fit. I thought this was laughable, but, as I love gaming I relented and we got one (by pre-ordering the day before, we got it cheaper too! πŸ™‚

Anyway, holy crap!!! It is seriously the best gaming platform ever! The controllers are completely intuitive, and come wireless with rumble and sound. Boxing is actually like boxing! The games that come by default are awesome. You create a Mii, or an avator for yourself with _loads_ of tweaking options, and then your avatar can be used in all the Wii enabled games, so you end up building a profile through whichever games you are playing. It takes only a few minutes to get used to it, and it is really, really fun. Totally recommended!

Oh, and Jeff was right. The fitness training and sports games really do make you work up a serious sweat! Who knew a gaming console could finally get to the point of being better for your fitness rather than completely detrimental πŸ˜‰

AMEX on the way for lca

AMEX wasn’t initially set up for the lca payment gateway, however we’re in the process of getting this done now. So for all the AMEX card holders coming to lca, this should be done in the next 2-3 days, hopefully just in time for earlybirds with AMEX to pay. I suggest anyone in this boat (earlybird AMEX holders) should organise alternative payment plans as a backup for if we can’t get this in time for the 8th.

GPL3 event – report

So the GPL3 forum happened yesterday in Sydney hosted by the UNSW Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre and supported by Linux Australia.

It was an interesting event, and a full recording will be made available in the coming week. It got an article from Computerworld which was great, and there were about 50 participants. Tridge was, as usual, utterly brilliant. Articulate, talking out the issues and benefits, and generally being very generous with his time and knowledge. There was good discussion between the panelists (although there could have been more crowd participation, I think Roger Clarke who chaired it was probably a little exclusive), and finally Eben Moglen joined us for a 45 minute phone call where he answered loads of questions. I asked him about the Novell/MS agreement and he had some very interesting things to say πŸ™‚ I won’t try to paraphrase however when the video is available you’ll see yet another brilliant idea from Eben that works to avoid the kind of patents lock-out inherent in such deals.

Many thanks to Professor Graham Greenleaf, David Vaile and his team, in particular to Abi who pulled it all together! Also thanks to Linux Australia who with a small sponsorship ensured the event was free for anyone to participate.

Early birds – one week to pay!

All the earlybird registrations for linux.conf.au have till the 8th December to pay. You should have received reminders by now about this, and if you have any issues or haven’t received your invoice by email, please simply log into the website (using “forgotten my password” if necessary) and then confirm your profile (you’ll be able to change details) and then proceed with payment to lock in the earlybird rate for you.

450 people registered! Places are limited so if you haven’t yet signed up for the best technical FOSS conference in the world, get to it! Remember, students get a very special price to encourage their participation!

Ballmer 0wnz us

This is just too much:

…because open-source Linux does not come from a company — Linux comes from the community — the fact that that product uses our patented intellectual property is a problem for our shareholders

No Steve, the fact that you launch a patent for loads of trivial and pre-existing technologies (I mean come on, the smiley!) is a problem for your shareholders. The software patent system is flawed in so many ways, and it is all coming to a crunch as people realise how ridiculous it is to judge the “innovativeness” of a company based on a big purse and the ability for its many lawyers to extract IP from pre-existing and completely trivial software “inventions”. People are also hopefully starting to realise that software patents have too long a life in an industry when perhaps 5 years is the longest life you have to extract value from a new invention. As Bill Gates himself said in 1991 with a confused message of foreboding and obviously the position Microsoft chose to take since then:

If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today’s ideas were invented and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete standstill today… The solution is patenting as much as we can. A future startup with no patents of its own will be forced to pay whatever price the giants choose to impose. That price might be high. Established companies have an interest in excluding future competitors.

Anyway, what started this post was Ballmer had an interview recently where he implied the deal with Novell is all about Microsoft getting “appropriately compensated… for [their] intellectual property”.

…because only a customer who has Suse Linux actually has paid properly for the use of intellectual property from Microsoft

Just when you think they are starting to get a clue. It amazes me the hypocrisy of the statement when significant chunks of the Microsoft software and infrastructure use FOSS, but it makes me even more angry for Microsoft to use this Novell deal to try to bully people into only using a version of Linux they will get compensated for. Novell, for all the good intentions I’m sure you had in this, witness the beast you have created.

Amazingly, Novell’s Open Letter to the community about the deal makes pretty clear that:

Importantly, our agreement with Microsoft is in no way an acknowledgment that Linux infringes upon any Microsoft intellectual property.

Then Microsoft responded again making clear they think Linux infringes on their IP, however:

Novell is absolutely right in stating that it did not admit or acknowledge any patent problems as part of entering into the patent collaboration agreement.

Ridiculous behaviour.

GPL3 conference in Sydney

I announced a GPL3 conference being held in Sydney on the 30th November but forgot to blog it! πŸ™‚ It is only 10 days away so register if you want to come. There will be Andrew Tridgell, Eben Moglen (via phone) and a whole bunch of people who want to know more. It is a good chance to understand the implications of the GPL3 on our community and possibly help you form your ideas for any last minute submissions before they finalise GPL3 early next year.

It should be a great event and many congratulations to the Cyberlaw centre for putting it on. Also may thanks to Linux Australia, as without their financial support, this event could not have been free for everybody to attend.

No keyboard, no hands – no problem!

There is this little project called dasher that basically can be used to “type” by zooming through sentences using an amazingly intuitive pre-emptive text tool. I’ve been showing it off to people who have an interest in accessibility for users who are physically limited, one handed, or even for mobile devices where typing can be a drag.

Anyway, one person I showed it to has just emailed me with another surprising application of this cute little tool. He has just had another child and while he is holding the baby in one hand he is able to use dasher to compose emails and other stuff with the other hand. Nice!

I had installed the program on Ubuntu when I was looking for accessibility software that may be of interest to the education sector (and boy are they getting interested!) and now that I’m looking through the website I’m flabbergasted! They can use breath or buttons, tilt sensors and an eye sensor to write!

It is great to have people working on projects like this. After all, the Digital Divide isn’t just socio-economic.

Open Source – just behind security

I’m speaking at the VITTA conference next week, which is like an ICT conference for educators. It is looking to be a great event and Donna is doing a lot of work for it, and doing a great job!

Anyway, she’s just told me my talk “Open Source: Taking education to the next level” is the second most popular talk just behind an ICT Security talk. Rock! I love it how people are starting to want to hear about Open Source, we are really getting into the minds of the mainstream!