New Zealand Open Source Awards – very professional!

As a judge of the New Zealand Open Source Awards, I will be heading over for the awards ceremony with Jeff. I just received the tickets in the mail, and they look amazing πŸ™‚


I think NZOSA is an excellent initiative and very _very_ professionally done. Well done to Don Christie, Chris Daish and the other people at Catalyst who started this great initiative!

Australian Open Source Census taking off!

Jeff and I launched the Australian Open Source Indsutry and Community Census less than two days ago, and already have over 60 completed community responses and 20 completed industry responses,as well as a further 50 people sign up. Wow! Thank you everyone who has contributed. Please pass the word around and lets try and really make this a true census πŸ™‚

Just to clarify a point, the target audience of the research project is a) people/companies in Australia and b) Australians overseas. It has an Australian focus specifically so that the final report (which will be freely available to download) will help educate and inform Australian Government, corporates and education about the realities rather than the perceptions of our industry and community locally. Hopefully it will reflect the strength, diversity and opportunities presented by the Australian Open Source industry and community, so everyone needs to stand up and be counted πŸ™‚

“Sorry, we only support MS Office 2007”

I ordered a Dell laptop for a client today and wanted XP with MS Office 2003 or older (their infrastructure runs FOSS and we are getting a great FOSS desktop in the door, don’t worry!). Anyway, Dell turns around and says sure on the XP option, but tells me cheerfully that they don’t support anything but MS Office 2007 (and Works). Considering the default data formats used in MS Office 2007 are not supported by any other Office product, and are only just supported in Open Office, it seems ludicrous that Dell would make this choice.

Ah well, it turned out to be a good thing. The client SOE will now have Open Office by default with MS Office as an option where there is a business case reason because they have limited MS Office 2003 licences and are unhappy with Office 2007.

The Australian Open Source Industry and Community Census – now live!

Jeff and I have just launched the worlds biggest research project into the Open Source industry and community. We are looking at the size, strength and dynamics of the companies and individuals involved in Open Source. The final report will be freely available online and will hopefully show both Government and the general populace that we as an industry and community totally rock πŸ™‚

So what are you waiting for! Stand up and be counted!

Check out the Census website for more details.