A simplified user guide for the OLPC XO laptop. A good read for those wanting some basic user information.
Category: del.icio.us
links for 2008-06-26
“Alexandro, a longstanding member of the OOo project, is testing out some new online presentation tools and providing training and a Q&A for OpenOffice users tomorrow, June 19th 2008, 19:00 CST.” Thanks Janet!
links for 2008-06-24
“In this series of posts we will work our way through the closed source acquisition and maintenance path and have a look at some of the more obvious ones.” A really great post (and start of a series) by Brendan Scott.
“Everybody was kung fu fighting” 🙂 Nice find by Conrad!
“Like many, I have been holding out hope that MSFT would gets its act together. In the first two fiscal quarters that looked like it might be happening. But then the wheels came off the wagon and it’s been down hill ever since.” An interesting read.
A really nice demo of both. The Ubuntu Compiz demo is seriously nice.
A great blog post about how to print under WINE, using MYOB as the case in point. Thanks Matt 🙂 Useful for all of us trying to help small businesses move to FOSS!
“Technically, Ubuntu/Linux can view the multiple images embedded in the TIFF file, but it is a song and dance affair at the moment that is doable for a techno-dweeb, but not yet accessible to mere humans.” Thanks! This saved me today!
links for 2008-03-12
In 2005, he says, “When I told people we were open source, nobody knew what we were talking about. It was like, ‘Whatever, you’re smoking crack.’ But I can tell you now, things are very different.” — These guys also sponsor Software Freedom Day 🙂
Wouldn’t you know it, those kooky “pirates” probably aren’t incurring Armageddon with their profit ravaging activities? Funny twist also covered here http://www.p2pnet.net/story/15234
links for 2008-03-08
“On April 19, 2008, Kevin Rudd is inviting 1000 “experts” for the Australia 2020 Summit to come up with Australia’s next big idea. For the rest of the 20,699,000 people in Oz, here’s our forum to list and vote on the best ideas to improve Australia.”
Happy International Womens Day! We have having a hackfest at my house today for the Linuxchix Sydney event. Details are at http://au.linuxchix.org/node/116
links for 2008-03-05
“ICT volunteerism: driving career and personal advancement!” I’ll be speaking at an ACS Womens event at the end of April. Come along and help bat for Open Source 🙂
links for 2008-02-24
A podcast of a talk I gave to an IT teachers workshop late last year. It was mainly to TAFE teachers and they are _really_ keen for Open Source. An interesting day 🙂
links for 2008-02-21
“The target has been $100… And we’ll get there before the end of 2009,” Negroponte said. “(The price) will get down to $50 in 2011.” – Just incredible!
“Last night I took part in a panel that was organised by Rachel Slattery under the title of “IT’s a mad men’s world.”.” – Great blog post by Silvia Pfeiffer. Rock on Silvia! 🙂
links for 2008-02-18
A very interesting article about organisations that do Open Source vendor free. I think there will always be a healthy mix of inhouse and commercial support for Open Source, as people often want external expertise that is too expensive to hire or maintain
links for 2008-02-14
“This machine turns pictures drawn by gallery visitors into video games, which can be played immediately.” Coolest. Game. Ever! The author has an OLPC to port this too, I’m looking forward to a collaborative version!