- Heh, interesting RT @greenat16: Does God exist? 77.2% of the voters got it wrong http://t.co/LanNnhPO #
- So who else is stuck at Melbourne atm? π 3 hours and counting, rearranging flights now. Fog fog fog. #
- Interesting RT @mashable: Will This Open-Source Animated Film Change the Movie Industry Forever? http://t.co/x83abWdx #
- "Got a letter from a messenger, I read it when it came". Ah Tea Party, such a great start to the morning. #webdevel #
- Filling faster now. Hai π RT @Simbera: FWIW, I am at #wladd it's due to start and the place is less than half full #
- . @woolfe Hah! I didn't say pure evil. I don't deal on extremes (or good/evil for that matter) π @wombat1974 @mikestuchbery #
- . @wombat1974 the problem is where greed is systematic, eg,stockmarket. Individual greed rarely so destructive. /cc @mikestuchbery @woolfe #
- . @wombat1974 Hah, terminators eh? Where "babysitting" is quite literal? I think enlightened self interest is good π @mikestuchbery @woolfe #
- Haaaa hahaha RT @peterbayley: @_Pandy @PETA @piawaugh #EFFOFF Smart Arse π #
- . @kattekrab is truly one of my favourite ppl π Also, am working on migrating a Dreamweaver site to WordPress. My brain hurts. #
- I for 1 welcome our new overlords MT @mikestuchbery: In short the sooner Earth is quarantined by biomechanical alien peacekeepers the better #
- .@VirginMobileAus Thanks heaps. I can't dial the 1300555100 number and was gobsmacked by the (obv auto) email response. Will DM now. #
- Really, REALLY cranky right now. #mobilecompaniesFAIL #