- More Launceston. Very pretty. Back at work on Monday. http://t.co/po6IxBF #
- Hanging out in beautiful Launceston. http://t.co/hs7Y7kL #
- For the martial arts peeps, check out my Shi Fu's 18 Hands of Lohan http://t.co/xDcEKIt & Linked Rings Boxing http://t.co/6HFQEww #kungfu #
- Note to all friends with little girls, check out "The Fairies", Aussie kids franchise. Opening in Canberra tmrw π http://t.co/umZhnKb #
- Thank you to @NathanFillion for his noble quest to #endswampass http://t.co/pCRUrVE #geek #gamer #
- Rob Chalmers, veteran journalist died yesterday. An inspiring passionate man who served the press gallery for 60 yrs http://t.co/uTIoEm1 #fb #
- Thanks all. :`/ Sad when you lose someone awesome, esp when you could have spent more time with them. @ashulz @camcgr @davidramli #
- Just got some awful news :/ Not having phone access meant finding out badly. We should take opps when we get them & not wait until too late. #
- Rob Chalmers is incredible. 60 yrs in the press gallery – a treasure of knowledge http://t.co/zKk8VuT He's my cousin, I hope he recovers :/ #
- Just watched first episode of My Little Pony cartoon on recommendation & it is hilarious π I'm on holidays! π #
- K, bedtime now. #
- One of the things I love about Youtube is quickly finding & listening to music. Currently listening to http://t.co/ATO0Sti #depechemode #fb #
- Sorry, just one more. Massive Attack, Depeche Mode and John Carpenter. Lovely remix on #soundcloud http://t.co/VUmg3hX #music #fb #cantsleep #
- Just found a beautiful remix of Depeche Mode, Florence and the Machine & Imogen Heap on #soundcloud http://t.co/HFGhTMQ Enjoy π #music #fb #
- Wow, bbpress (forum plugin) is really quite nice. Yay for WordPress integration & in this case s2members integration (Kung Fu school). #
- Currently listening to NIN remixes and doing some website work. I love holidays π You can do whatever you like! See http://t.co/qhepCbK π #
- I shall work on it, I'm here another 4 days, should be enough π @trib @DavidBromage #
- .@trib Hah, @davidbromage just beat you to the same joke! π #
- Have been visiting horses today, reading Kung Fu texts, entertaining a 4 yr old, training and cooking. Feeling awesome. #perfectday #
- Just had a friend's 4 year old girl quote CJ from West Wing to me. So much teh awesome! π #
- This is ridiculous and hilarious! "We're from Tassie… Our bogans will stab you" http://t.co/VwlG9zv #newyork #
- Just was told about Lounge Against The Machine. Too funny π http://t.co/p0AGSZf #music #
- In Tasmania having an amazing time training and hanging with my Kung Fu Master & his family, but stuck with 0 (yes, 0!) mobile coverage. #fb #
- Heading down to Launceston (Tas) for a week to train with my kung fu master. Should be fun π Esp given my snow boarding bruises <grin> #
- Trying so hard to not feed the trolls, but cannot believe the audacity of ppl trying to capitalise on #Oslo tragedy to spread hate speech. #
- Awful title but interesting post, esp for those who question value of pseudonyms RT @bug_girl: Why Google+ hates women http://t.co/YUsjpRu #
- Interesting RT @TonySearl: Why we should abolish the university exam http://t.co/bGyDNve via @ConversationEDU #
- Wow, awesome! RT @avancampen: So. Cool. RT @MFBorman: Very cool in-car augmented reality! Β» http://t.co/gM1BFVC #
- You need more buffer π RT @jethrocarr: dd if=/dev/flat/heater of=/dev/jethro/body <— even with bs=20M, I'm still not getting warm π #