- Anyone in or willing to travel to Melbourne keen to go the the sequel to the Phantom of the Opera (27 Aug)? π http://t.co/iN7k4TB #tragic #
- Having either a big birthday bash (Oct) or 5th Nov party. In either case it'd be a masked ball in a theatre. Who's in? π #fb Deets to come! #
- After several years of owning them, I've finally put up some paintings by my awesome friend Sue π #fb #homemaking http://t.co/HsG8CGy #
- "Breathe" remix, now with additional rock added. Would love feedback please! π #soundcloud http://t.co/yYGSxWZ #music #
- Stuch saying Aus having fossil fuels industry boom conflicts with reducing carbon footprint. He's confusing exports w consumption. #insiders #
- It's interesting how there is a lot of talk about privacy, but the T&Cs of online tools is hardly considered until things go wrong #insiders #
- Joining a Google+ "hangout" for #insiders Currently waiting and having to install plugin… See how it goes. #
- MWAH HAHA. My fav is "Caution, THIS IS SPARTA!" Cross posting from Google+ due to no integration π http://t.co/B39JJCI /via @loquacities #
- I live my new t-shirt, thanks @katsbud π I won it at a #girlgeekdinner ages ago. Have to go again now π /cc @sundress http://t.co/Y9BywW4 #
- And I could use practise π RT @swearyanthony: @Bondles careful. If you mock @piawaugh she turns into the cutest little killer ninja ever. #
- Relaxing in a hot hot bath after 2 days boarding at perisher. Awesome. Going again asap π #
- Had a wonderful weekend boarding. Today took a very fast blue run and nailed it! Squealed all the way down π #
- So much the awesome RT @ConwayH: Oh yes @piawaugh @louisevmorris http://t.co/W8dp1l3 #
- Hanging at the snow with @sundress today π had an awesome time. http://t.co/uao8SF0 #
- Girl geeks go to the snow π /cc @sundress @katsbud http://t.co/WIN5xsj #
- I am amused. #angrybirds @ toys r us http://t.co/GWJb7Jg #
- Stunning subset in yass π http://t.co/Ds7lblW #
- Due to some pikers I have a spare 2 free places in a cabin at Perisher this Friday night. Anyone want to come skiing/boarding? π DM me. #
- Sucker Punch: wow! Incredible movie. Visually stunning, amazing action, dark, disturbing. Highly recommend. Incredible music too. #
- Just saw some boys practising Parkour in Yass. Awesome. I need to get training π #
- Saw Bridesmaids last night, excellent movie π particularly awesome to see the cute guy from IT crowd in a good role π #
- Yest I went on a horse ride in Canberra. Turns out ACT has some weird legislation about not going above a trot on public horse rides. Argh! #
- Heh, cool RT @brainpicker So you know, every sci-fi ship to scale http://t.co/lxUklli /VIA @abigailbelfrage #