Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19

  • .@tieguy @mjg59 Well @jdub was saying the Japanese version was better. I had only heard negativity but want to watch the Japanese one πŸ™‚ #
  • Out for morning tea with good friends #
  • Just reread Johnny Mnemonic, such a great short story πŸ™‚ Writing a song about Jones (the dolphin cyborg) πŸ™‚ /cc @greatdismal #
  • My new sounds: Not sure on #SoundCloud #
  • The World Transplant Games 2011 started a couple of days ago. Good luck to fellow Tweep @Legend_2003 πŸ™‚ #
  • Just proving to @grmsn that it is still raining atm…:/ fingers crossed #
  • K, it's agreed. 1.30 at Weston creek maccas with a 12.30 ring around to check weather /cc @grmsn @case_pres @moldor #
  • .@grmsn Over the last hour it has started raining here, so I can't come, sorry! Let's find another nice day soon. /cc @case_pres @moldor #
  • *Jealous!* I must go next year for sure. RT @ScottRhodie: Right who else is going to Supanova today? #
  • Yeah, so does using a computer. RT @_oldguy537: Online storage leaves companies open to hackers @abcnews #
  • Open motorbike ride: meet 11.30 at Weston creek McDonalds to go to wee jasper 4 lunch? /cc @grmsn @case_pres Also @moldor if not manflu-y πŸ™‚ #
  • Currently watching my favourite action, horror, romance, martial arts, French movie, "Brotherhood of the Wolf". Highly recommend πŸ˜€ #
  • Woah! RT @Paris_David MOAR WANT than I could ever have imagined: First Look at an Awesome Hoverbike Prototype #
  • I'm realising it's pretty obvious I've had 4 hours sleep, perhaps I shouldn't tweet today… #
  • Revisiting speech by @katelundy that some of you might like from #media140 Covers journalism in 21st century & #gov2au #
  • Put out another song last night πŸ™‚ "Not Sure", another awesome @mideion track with my vocals Check it out #
  • Yay, congrats @nornagon πŸ™‚ via @maxnippard #
  • OK sleeping now. Argh. #
  • YAY! Just hit 1000 profile views on Soundcloud. How excitement (and I really should go sleep :/) #
  • Argh, can't sleep. Going to try some hot milk, a hot shower and if all else fails then I might even put the computer to sleep! πŸ˜‰ #
  • Awesome! It turns out (^^^) in facebook chat = a shark icon πŸ™‚ @jzb didn't believe me πŸ˜‰ #
  • Have just learned that (^^^) gives a shark icon on Facebook (chat), how very cute and cool πŸ™‚ #
  • Just published latest remix song and would love feedback please! "Not Sure" /cc @mideion @DavidLMackie @EnsignR #
  • Latest remix, would love feedback. It's an early draft but I like it πŸ™‚ "Not Sure" : Not sure on #SoundCloud #
  • .@Bondles mwah haha, Rebel #actwonkdrinks thurs at pot belly followed by muso night & Empire #actwonkdrinks sat at debacle? @evcricket #
  • What do you guys reckon, one "sitting" wonk drinks next thurs followed by muso night at pot belly? πŸ™‚ @SMinney @Bondles @evcricket #
  • The first band at pot belly sound a bit like frenzal rhomb (not their pop, the good stuff). Am enjoying πŸ™‚ #
  • Am at muso night at pot belly, thinking about playing next muso night with my band πŸ™‚ watch this space. #
  • RTing to #nbn #nbngungahlin #canberra and @NBNCoLimited πŸ™‚ RT @KateLundy New post: NBN rolling out in Gungahlin #gcc #
  • I'm going for a motorbike ride to Wee Jasper this Sat for yummy pizza lunch πŸ™‚ Who's with me?!? Anyone welcome πŸ™‚ /cc @DavidLMackie #
  • I'm going for a motorbike ride to Wee Jasper this Sat for yummy pizza lunch πŸ™‚ Who's with me?!? /cc @case_pres @grmsn @david_paris @moldor #
  • No idea, ask @NBNCoLimited πŸ™‚ RT @mikal how far into house will cabler install CPE. If I want it on the far side, is that still free? #
  • Damn you @firstdogonmoon! Can it just be Friday instead? πŸ˜‰ /cc @Bondles @VancianNotions @SMinney @sunili @evcricket #
  • paperwork (/?pe?p?w??k/): [noun] routine written work designed to give structure & accountability to all things [alt] treacle in teh awesome #
  • Giggles to you all πŸ™‚ RT @georgies77 Dairy Flat Road? Fishwick LOL
    RT @swearyanthony it's no #tunnelcow RT @Danske11 heh cowberra! #dadjoke #
  • "On the traffic front, there's a cow on the road" I love Canberra πŸ™‚ #
  • Exhausted after #nbngungahlin now to drive back to yass :/ #tired #
  • Question on rewiring houses w nbn. Answer is you don't need to rewire your house & there will be guidance for future #nbngungahlin #gcc #
  • Darren says the nbn will be fibre to the premise, so ppl on pair gain systems or RIMs will not have that issue anymore. #nbngungahlin #
  • Darren from nbn: if on current plan you will be supported by RSPs to move to nbn, Lance says this will be demand drop rollout #nbngungahlin #
  • Darren says the #nbn infrastructure supports terrabit speeds so supports future needs. #nbngungahlin #
  • Question about whether previous owner of house didn't get #nbn connected, can you still connected. Answer is "yes" #nbngungahlin #
  • NBN have said multiple FSAMs being built simultaneously before next Christmas, not just one. #nbngungahlin #
  • Lance from #nbn said actual build will take 6-9 months. Darren says Gungahlin town likely included in first run #nbngungahlin #gcc #
  • Question about security in nbn design. A: they're looking at physical layer security but most attacks are other network layers #nbngungahlin #
  • Nbn say they are in detailed discussions with many companies (inc TransACT). Nbn don't want to overbuild where possible. #nbngungahlin #
  • Question at #nbngungahlin by local provision company. Local bizs can register on nbn co website to discuss workplans, collab opps, etc #gcc #
  • Question from #nbngungahlin about connect between sites. Darren (#nbn) says there are two POIs in ACT all ready to go. #gcc #
  • Lance from #nbn showed photos of rollout and talked about how after they've gone the impact is low. #nbngungahlin #gcc #
  • Darren from #nbn says lots of feedback from stage 1 sites. Currently finalising Telstra deal which will help rollout #nbngungahlin #gcc #
  • Darren from #nbn says build could involve multiple FSAMs by next Christmas. #nbngungahlin #gcc #
  • #nbn say (pending the Telstra deal) they should have access to underground ducts for #nbngungahlin making rollout easier & quicker #gcc #
  • #nbn say their approach is to work closely with local businesses. They encourage ppl to be proactive #nbngungahlin #
  • Currently hearing about Armidale #nbn rollout experience: had good relationship with local community & businesses, contractor #nbngungahlin #
  • Sean asks the audience to think about what their plan is going Yup be for the #nbn #nbngungahlin #gcc #
  • .@finicalgal its a "hackergotchi", Google it and prepare to be further disconcerted πŸ˜‰ #
  • Sean Casey from #nbn now talking about applications and devices.#nbngungahlin #
  • Over 100 people at the #nbngungahlin #gcc meeting and more arriving. Meeting is being recorded and will be on gcc website soon. #canberra #
  • Darren from #nbn showing bendable screens. Very "Caprica"! πŸ™‚ Also saying traffic lights and bus shelters will be connected #nbngungahlin #
  • Darren from #nbn is talking about where we are currently with bandwidth in Australia & where we are going. Also talking apps #nbngungahlin #
  • Kudos was given to #gcc and @act_broadband for their work over the years. #nbngungahlin #
  • .@katelundy speaks briefly at #nbngungahlin meeting about the long struggle for good broadband in the area #gcc #
  • Currently watching a video about potential of the #nbn inc remote collab, teleworking, telemaintenance, etc #nbngungahlin #gcc #
  • The #nbngungahlin briefing is starting πŸ™‚ I'll try to live tweeting it for those following at home πŸ™‚ Hosted by #gcc #
  • A stunning full moon tonight in Canberra. Go have a look πŸ™‚ and don't forget lunar eclipse at 0430! πŸ™‚ #
  • RT to @actwonkdrinks: @damonism: @piawaugh I'm generally in favor, but might need a more discussion-friendly venue than a noisy pub. #
  • Love the second video. RT Climate Change Commercials Shouldn't Be So Depressing (@GOOD stuff) #
  • Awww! The ball bit is like watching a kitty play! RT @timbo2002 As a human i feel a bit redundant watching this video: #
  • Does anyone know where to find old short funny video of direct democracy, where the couple had to fill in every form & post it back? #gov2au #
  • πŸ™‚ RT DelibThinks Thnx to @solutist @craigthomler @piawaugh @FergusHogarth @Gov2Vic for taking part in #Gov2au πŸ˜‰ #
  • NBN in Gungahlin information evening tonight! #nbn #broadband #
  • Had a rant about politics vs democracy to @grogsgamut after Prof Macnamara & @jason_a_w preso. That's what happens when phone batteries die! #
  • Fair call RT dmottolini: @piawaugh also simplified access. So much info is out there but gov fails on the accessibility and user experience. #
  • Is answer to have better more engaged education about democracy/gov at school? @Paris_David @damonism @jason_a_w @GrogsGamut @jovianshadow #
  • "There is no mass audience anymore" and "people are themselves participants now" @Paris_David @damonism @jason_a_w @GrogsGamut @jovianshadow #
  • I think gov comms need to consider that aggregation, localisation, #datavis & value adding is important to help citizens tune in #gov2au #
  • .@jason_a_w making great point about how western democracies are now "post-broadcast" /cc @Paris_David @damonism @GrogsGamut @jovianshadow #
  • Thoughts for Macnamara. 1) politics vs democracy/gov 2) network analysis to create context 3) value of social media for applied purpose #
  • Macnamara isn't really differentiating between campaigning online & #Gov20 One's political, one's about democracy & how gov serves citizens #
  • Totally! RT @Davidramli: @piawaugh You know what film would be awesome with Bruce Campbell in the lead role? All of them. #
  • Macnamara says IT ppl often not friendly. I think until tech depts are seen as enablers rather than just cost centre it will be hard #gov2au #
  • Macnamara is talking about how even though online makes things available, the stats are still low in terms of online engagement.#gov2au #
  • Macnamara: most fake pollie accounts outed very quickly, this says a lot about credibility online. Perhaps its harder to trick ppl online? #
  • Can anyone explain to me why punching a punching bag for 10 minutes would make a normally mild hand tremor quite unworkable? #
  • Listening to Prof Jim Macnamara & @jason_a_w. New word: cyperbole.I'm going to have to post the first of my online culture series tonight πŸ™‚ #
  • Photo of SKA model with a few spare poles for the kids to contribute too, and a giant bird about to destroy our science! #
  • Am watching a guy talk to primary school kids about the SKA project. Awesome to see kids get excited about science and space! πŸ™‚ #geek #
  • Haha RT @doneas There are 10 kinds of people. Those who know binary math and those who do not. #geek #
  • .@EllyfromOZ i.e. it's not a matter of suck or not. We all have a part to play in democracy & the more ppl participating the better it'll be #
  • .@EllyfromOZ I think we too easily divvy world into dualistic perspectives which make it hard to understand that life (& gov) is complex πŸ™‚ #
  • LOL at current results RT @ABC_NewsRadio Webpoll: Do we have political leaders we deserve? #
  • HAAA haha RT @jdub #dalailama .. for @piawaugh #
  • Nice! πŸ™‚ RT @tmbg: In spite of it all, science is real. (David Cowles, Andy Kennedy and TMBG) via @wombat1974 #
  • Dalai Lama says as citizens of democracy, we have individual responsibility to promote freedom. #
  • Dalai Lama: self centred ppl has inner door closed. They distrust, are lonely, view becomes narrow. Important to educate about well being. #
  • Dalai Lama: multifaith communities must respect all religions, but not preference any, especially when it comes to education curriculum. #
  • Dalai Lama says it is important to introduce genuine secular education about ethics to help people to improve compassion, health & harmony. #
  • Dalai Lama: "since my childhood I have always respected the democratic system, and want to create genuine Tibetan democracy" #
  • Dalai Lama: we all have equal and great capacity for creation or destruction. #
  • Awww. Barnaby Joyce says his mum used to write to the Dalai Lama, and he was the only world leader that responded. Cute πŸ™‚ #
  • 14th Dalai Lama about to speak. #
  • Had someone suggest I look at AR usage by Esquire magazine. Interesting πŸ™‚ #
  • Very excited to be going to hear an address by the Dalai Lama in parliament house πŸ™‚ #
  • Serious reading (3500 words!) but lots of useful links/refs πŸ™‚ RT @KateLundy: ICT in the 2011-2012 Federal Budget #
  • Wow, Australian Gov 2.0 register. Am looking through this atm, some great stuff documented. #gov2au #opengov #opendata #
  • Cool, @DBCDEgov have got a map for looking at DBCDE initiatives in your area. Am currently browsing πŸ™‚ #gov2au #
  • Photos from the bonfire night last night for some pretty πŸ™‚ Played with long exposure, hope you like! #

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