- Checking out "First flights of the SkyPanda" on DIY Drones by the ever inspiring Tridge: http://ning.it/lxXVVx #
- Today I discovered the importance of winter gloves on a motorbike. Still cold an hour after getting off the bike! #
- Very interesting, intern. innovation RT http://visualization.geblogs.com/visualization/innovationdeepdive/ via @jufemaiz #gov2au #datavis #
- Anyone looking for a 4 bed
+ study beautiful house in yass for ~$400k? Got some friends who need to move to Canberra π dm me. # - Sensible stuff RT Pokies limits on players unveiled by independent MP Andrew Wilkie | News.com.au http://t.co/KNKzneI #auspol #
- Wow, this is a very cool idea π Sharing stories! RT @MattLawton http://www.thestoryproject.org.au #gov2au #arts #qld #
- Just read first chapter of Lindsay Tanner's new book Sideshow. Interesting – http://www.readings.com.au/news/the-lindsay-tanner-sideshow #
- .@evcricket and maybe @jdub too π So, #ACTWonkDrinks #BudgetSpecial is on next Tuesday, 6:30pm onwards, King O'Malleys in Civic. #
- Interesting model. Not sure of implications. RT @mashable: Startup Investor Makes a Deal: Engineers for Equity – http://t.co/TofFtFt #
- Is anyone else from Canberra/Yass going to Loaded Dog Rally (motorbikes) this weekend? Looks fun π http://bit.ly/jBlt51 #
- 'Cos patents are just *awesome* for innovation >:/ RT US court untangles CSIRO case: WiFi technology patent http://bit.ly/iPSUKt #
- Heh, cool π RT @trib: @piawaugh @cameronreilly wearing my #bsg cufflinks today http://twitpic.com/4sjesx #
- .@cameronreilly Then grab your gun and bring in the cat. π #bsg #
- OK, now to work. Play time is paused. #
- .@cameronreilly What do you hear? #
- After listening to Battlestar Galactica music this morning, I jogged down to the Parliament House gym. I resisted yelling "make a hole!" π #
- Listening to All Along The Watchtower, Battlestar Galactica style. Fantastic version π http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka_sHy9cVH0 #
- Chop wood, carry water π RT "@WeiserBooks: Happy International Pagan Coming Out Day! http://t.co/Do8NW5W" #
- Incredible how the rapid fire overview of bin laden's life skips over his training and collab with US. History is never 20/20 #
- Exciting! The finalists for the 2011 Gov ICT Awards are announced. Good luck everyone! http://bit.ly/mJDQuh π Some great #gov2au noms! #
- Wow, reading now! Thx, I love Sterling. RT @lassesnmcglash Post-Arab-American war short story by Bruce Sterling: http://bit.ly/mBkEs5 #SF #
- Great article by Manne. RT Threat of the new Australian smugness http://t.co/2aLKRGi via @theage #