I’ve been involved in rolling out Australia’s first OLPC XO trial, which has been awesome! Although the details aren’t public knowledge yet I thought I’d post all the technical documentation (with permission) which I’m sure will help others! We have done what is I believe a world first in actually connecting up classrooms that are geographically dispersed with video and other collaborative activities for specialist education support of children in remote/rural areas. We are using this trial specifically for literacy education purposes as well as general classroom use of course.
All the documentation is here!
The full details will be available very soon, including a video of some of the children, teachers and implementers involved.
I’d like to ask something, who’s responsible to deploy OLPC in other country?
Hi 19zim, basically people deploy who care about those particular areas. People in the Pacific are doing Pacific rollouts. People in Nepal are doing Nepalese rollouts. The idea is to empower local people with locally relevant solutions that they can both customise and rollout in a way that compliments the culture and society. The model of OLPC Friends is that skilled people from different countries can support each other to hopefully make it easier to get to the education benefits for children
When I searched on Sunday for articles and posts about technical documentation I came across Australia’s first OLPC trial – technical documentation | what are we doing today, brain?, not sure how relevant it is to me but it made interesting reading all the same. I might even come back to see what else follows and what others think of it.