- Gotta run, need to do some recording. Perhaps we should borrow from the awesome lca talk and call it "Geek my ride"? π @NewtonMark @moldor #
- Went for motorbike ride whilst upset today to clear my head. Wasn't sure it was a good idea but felt awesome, certainly helped my headspace. #
- Just played at a wedding and included a rock version of "say a little prayer for you". Sounded awesome π #
- Just awesome. "Sorry. Wr don't send search and rescue teams into plato's cave" http://t.co/UdP50ht #
- Yass peeps: fill out the Yass public transport survey up π http://www.tpmplanning.com/yass.html (pls note, survey design somewhat lacking) #
- I wonder if ppl in peace are more comfortable with language of war than those who are not. Reading Crikey's "bring on the bloodbath" email. #
- Interesting RT @abcthedrum: Chris Uhlmann: Plotting a balanced course in a climate of angry grievance http://bit.ly/gO8erk #
- Something like Gibson's Lo Teks? π http://bit.ly/fHFJnH RT @alexkidman The streets of Byron are awash with tech journos hunting in packs. #
- Looking forward to seeing Limitless. Looks fascinating from a number of perspectives π #
- & West π RT @miladyred "People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or prostitute" Daria #
- Currently reading articles by Henry Jenkins on "spreadability". Very interesting for #gov2au peeps http://bit.ly/gJ3v0u (via @chriswinter) #
- RT to #gov2au π RT @NicholasGruen: Isn't #Gov2 just a movement of people trying to figure out whether they're Clark Kent or Jimmy Olsen? #
- RT to #gov20 #gov2au π RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov http://bit.ly/9wJBs5 #
- Interesting π RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov http://bit.ly/9wJBs5 #gov20 #gov2au #
- Interesting π RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov http://bit.ly/9wJBs5 #
- The fantastic talk by Dr Karl Braganza from BoM about climate variability and trends is now up at http://bit.ly/9B5hmK #
- (I know I've been using twitter too long when I start naturally writing tweets that are 140 characters long without having to edit ;)) #
- It's so awesome that @ParlLibrary tweets bills entering parliament, it's a handy way to keep up with what's happening π Thanks! #gov2au #
- Hey @jameskliemt, would love your thoughts on the opps and benefits in gov agencies using social media given your experience π #
- Lots of fun and good discussions at @ACTwonkdrinks tonight π #
- Q about noticeable effects of weather in talk by BoM. A: if we only respond to climate change we notice day to day we miss the big picture. #
- People should check out the Aph parliamentary library talks online π http://t.co/To6Q3Bl #
- BoM is currently differentiating between dry areas and actual droughts which are a notable diff in norms as opposed to just being dry. #
- BoM: temps consistently increased decade on decade, rainfall decreased in regularity & increased ferocity but still trending to drought. Wow #
- BoM: its the shift in the mean of climate data that demos real change in climate over time, not extremes. There is a trend in heat events. #
- BoM: we look at the ongoing information. Extreme events are of interest but are not the only data that demonstrate climate is changing #
- Sort of ironic that I'm sitting in a briefing on Australian climate by BoM *inside* parliament house. Perhaps we should go outside π #
- Abbott addressing his flock. Thought I'd have a sticky beak at the carbon tax "peoples revolution". Lots of Lib placards http://t.co/qGiz5gM #
- This is quite fascinating and debunks a lot of myths we hear much too often. "Gay Sex vs. Straight Sex" http://bit.ly/hn21wg #
- Brilliant, stumbled across this demonstration of how #datavis can go horribly wrong or be inappropriately applied http://bit.ly/goIdX4 #
- Cute #datavis of #qanda tweets RT @mtats: RT @tweeveetv: Last night's #QandA in 60 seconds; http://t.co/pMaFMdd #
- Nope, awesome! π RT @grmsn http://www.thnk.org/blog/maincategories/heres-your-chance-to-hack-the-government/ you see this? #opendata #
- Mwah ha!! π RT @jkonga: @piawaugh Be nice – someone worked hard on that "lofty" title. lol #
- Holy moly! There is a climatologist kung fu disciple speaking at the APH Library today, I'm totally going. (Talk will be posted online soon) #
- Haha, just saw invite for information session titled "how to stretch your cloud budget" & thought "sounds like a bit of hot air to me" π #
- Actually, it would be awesome to get @mtchl to do a talk on datavis for a #gov2au lunch if possible… π /cc @trib @craigthomler #
- Wow, checking out http://www.mappingonlinepublics.net/ and seeing some insightful data analysis and #datavis π #gov2au (via @jeanburgess) #
- Would love feedback or links to other awesome cultural collection digitisation projects on blog of @katelundy's speech #chass kthxbai π #
- .@katelundy just gave kudos to Louisa Lawson and the @digitisethedawn project π yay! #
- Having trouble sleeping these days. Am thinking of taking up a superhero alter ego so the time is used more productively. Suggestions? π #
- When you answer the phone and can't remember your name, it's probably time to go catch up on some sleep π #
- Check out the @ABSStats hackfest for students using census data http://bit.ly/h9Uwsh #gov2au #opendata /cc @abscodeplay #
- RT @du4 Conversations at American University: The Double Facepalm http://bit.ly/hpmqke #
- Also can't open a ppt from 1997 in modern Word. Might try OOo. Gar! #archivefail #
- People who say sticking with the same company means ensuring future access to data obviously haven't come across MMF :/ #archivefail #
- Fantastic remix including several NIN songs, really nicely done π http://remix.nin.com/play/mix?id=113 #hackingmusic #
- Ridiculous yet ppl still think sw patents=innovation! RT @lwnnet Microsoft sues Barnes and Noble over Android http://lwn.net/Articles/434664 #
- Wow, late night at work tonight, but some incredible discussions about datavis/mapping/opendata. Very exciting times we live in π #
- It's amazing how often I refer people to awesome GLAM WIKI event @wittylama ran, gr8 stuff! http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/GLAM-WIKI #
- Wow, congrats @digitisethedawn! Only just caught up with the news π Awesome stuff! #
- So much teh awesome! Looking at Augmented Reality foo & feeling really proud of Aussie innovation right now π http://bit.ly/gvqvdT #gov2au #
- Holy moly, the wonderful @wittylama just pointed me to the Creative Commons Al Jazeera stuff http://cc.aljazeera.net/ @abcnews shld look π #
- Fav songs atm: Ain't no rest for the wicked http://bit.ly/ggfxJX & Perfect Drug remix http://remix.nin.com/play/mix?id=14157 #
- Joint Standing Committee on Cyber-Safety launched a survey for young ppl, 5-12 yrs & 13-18 yrs (links on sidebar) http://www.aph.gov.au/cybersafety #
- They got a lot right π RT @michaelragen by @GreatDismal
RT @stiggeh RT @rosewal The year 2000 as imagined in France of 1910 bit.ly/i4xDzv # - Am wierded out by accounts that read like twitter bots promoting games I like… Eg @MulveyElisazxj @SandyLolaerh @GaraciaEdriszxj #
- The problem with playing wedding gigs is you get all kinds of songs into your head that you'd normally never listen to π Bloody "Bubbly"! #
- I aim to misbehave π RT @pixel8ted: I didn't before but I will ever more now! #corrupted π RE @piawaugh: Who giggles at time at 13:37? π #
- Funny & tragic! π RT mjg59 Todays awesome discovery: amended US law that governs blocking IP-infringing imports is section 1337 of title 19 #
- Yay! π @mtats @paris_david @camcgr #
- RT to #bcc2011 #gov2au @Gov2Vic @jsankar @gov2qld @piawaugh yes there is a gov2vic both on Twitter & http://www.ego.vic.gov.au #
- Does anyone else glance at the time at 13:37 and giggle? π #
- I wonder if we shld more clearly articulate diff bw society & democracy. For eg we have multifaith society but (mostly) secular democracy π #
- Heh, I didn't even think it was that polite π Totally! π @kwebb @chieftech @tom_worthington #
- What is happening near you for #HarmonyDay today? π Check out this map of events http://bit.ly/fq3swv #
- Support Harmony Day 2011, add a #twibbon now! – http://twb.ly/g6CWUa – Create one here – http://twb.ly/f02AU3 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20
- Thx @phonakins but trav @DavidLMackie was being nice and we had a good chat on farm bike riding (which I'm used to) vs road bikes π #
- Gov2qld linked in group for #gov2au stuff happening in qld and to collaborate with others π #bcc2011 #
- Listening to talk about http://www.greatvenue.info to document accessibility of venues to make places more awesome π Check it out! #bcc2011 #
- Amusing lightning talk by @happysinger re differentiation between pirates and piracy #bcc2011 Saying we need to evolve our language on this. #
- April 30th, SkeptiCamp in Sydney, sounds interesting. "We are about science and reason" #bcc2011 #
- Mint robots look awesome π #bcc2011 http://bit.ly/ds3TmO #
- Erk, my last talk on #datavis & mapping was crap, sorry folks! Will do a detailed, useful (and overdue) blog post to make it up π #bcc2011 #
- Great talk on online consultation from Vic gov guy. Just pointed out forcing online signups to consult is barrier to participation! #bcc2011 #
- Great point that there needs to be a separation of presenting evidence and presenting policy so evidence can stand alone #bcc2011 #
- Apparently about to talk in front of @Jester_Jeff π #bcc2011 #
- My discussion on #opendata and data.gov.au is at 1410, & then I'm doing a talk on #datavis & maps at 1450 for those interested π #bcc2011 #
- I just got in trouble for suggesting the bucket of titanium hips from the crematorium could be for cost recovery π #bcc2011 #
- Listening to a talk about being cremated, rockin' π #bcc2011 #
- Just met @emotivate at #bcc2011 π Very interested in talking about @gov2qld and #gov20 stuff in Canada π I love barcamps! π #
- To all you #bcc2011 ppl who say "it's not about the tech", tech is also important so don't discount it or you won't get anywhere π #bcc2011 #
- Good point from @trib, gov depts need "community managers" agitator ppl to drive online foo, adoption, etc. #bcc2011 Ppl need geeks π #
- Online collab: "no one talks in gov, no one is allowed to collab". Also "enemy to online collab is travel perks" π #bcc2011 #
- I just said "a little less tech" at #bcc2011 in my defense lets talk more about online collab in gov & less about which version sw π @trib #
- GovDex is an AGIMO hosted (free) collab tool, currently has 20,000 people across 2,000 communities #bcc2011 #
- Online collab: "many gov depts see social media as a tech thing, not comms". Personally I reckon both tech & comms skills needed #bcc2011 #
- Interesting session on online collaboration by AGIMO, @trib now suggesting AGIMO should do more facilitation of awesome #bcc2011 #
- #bcc2011 RT #barcampcanberra in gr8 talk on #MakeHackVoid need to get along for hacking, awesome! π Vote 1 for @evildeece's nametag! π #
- Bugger! Just realised most ppl are using #bcc2011 so going to retweet my #barcampcanberra tweets to that hashtag! Fie! π #
- I want programmable nametag like @evildeece's to wear at work. Perhaps "in ur parlimentz, openen ur govimentz" π #barcampcanberra #
- At #barcampcanberra in great talk about #MakeHackVoid need to get along for hacking, awesome stuff! π Vote 1 for @evildeece's nametag! π #
- Argh! Forgot my charger, if anyone at #barcampcanberra has an HTC charger pls find me π forgot to charge overnight :/ #
- I'm not bringing bike to #barcampcanberra now as I need to bring hardware, hopefully a @jdub & I rly shld work my way up to 2hrs ride π #
- Just had to post this. Gratuitous puppy photo of Po, exhausted in my car after a few hours playing π http://t.co/vrYFIkn #
- You all totally rock π @craigthomler @NETDe @sherro58 @RayPoynter @atomic_anu @chieftech #
- See may of you at #barcampcanberra tomorrow. I'm excited! I hope I'm up to riding my bike in, it'll be my first time on the highway π #
- Annoying songs that plagued me today: Spanish Flea, I'm Too Sexy & random Bieber crap. Balanced out by Ain't No Rest For The Wicked & NIN π #
- Hey @edhusicMP, thought you might like this twibbon for #HarmonyDay π http://twb.ly/gxq5sd /cc @katelundy #
- Woot for maps! π RT @KateLundy New post: Find a Harmony Day event near you! http://bit.ly/hyEF7E #HarmonyDay #gov2au #
- Playing a lot of Borderlands atm with my bro, amazing game esp 2 player. Gr8 intro/theme song π http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX-1MjpZZN0 #
- Support Harmony Day 2011, add a #twibbon now! – http://twb.ly/gxq5sd – Create one here – http://twb.ly/f02AU3 #
- All right already! Still good to see you all come out of the woodwork π @Du4 @jim_croft @trib #
- I'm surprised, I throw a Fight Club quote out there, and no response. And I had such high hopes for you all π #
- Hi @Heavenly_Hev, I noticed you already created a #HarmonyDay Twibon, I was going to make a transparent one for ppl if that's cool π #
- Google Fusion Tables, I love you! You make creation of awesome customised maps easy & fun! I may do maps/datavis talk at @BarCampCanberra π #
- Interesting, forum about public transport (& no doubt the lack thereof) in Yass for those interested π http://www.tpmplanning.com/yass.html #
- Yay! Just a cold, no whooping cough for me! Back to work tmrw and I'm going for a bike ride to celebrate leaving isolation π #
- Double rainbows!!?! OMG! π RT @ Rog42: What does it mean????? http://t.co/svc9vqm #
- RT to #gov20 π Gr8 new blog by @jameskliemt of QLD Police on their use of social media: RT Youβve come a long way baby http://is.gd/YbR7u2 #
- Great new blog by @jameskliemt of QLD Police on their use of social media: RT Youβve come a long way baby http://is.gd/YbR7u2 #gov2au #em20 #
- Delightful IRC convo on pros & cons of eye gouging for self defence. My thoughts: too risky when there are easier more effective options π #
- Heh, actually some quite funny ones π RT @sgentle You might like spamusement.com – Far Side-style illustrations of spam subject lines π #
- Why does badly spelt spam annoy me so much more than ordinary spam? Also, creative spam has started to amuse me, Stockholm syndrome? π #
- Interesting RT @abcthedrum Western intervention is not always on the side of the angels, writes Michael Brull http://bit.ly/ek7zOS #
- Survey for women/men re women in open culture communities π RT @AdaInitiative open technology & culture census. http://svy.mk/adacensus2011 #
- Although that vid fake many "genuine" ones popping up, morons >:/ RT @dannolan: Japan's earthquake? Atheist's fault. – http://t.co/L1yluPs #
- Wow, gr8 paper by iinet RT @glynmoody: Encouraging Legitimate Use of OnLine Content – http://t.co/MQ6WErl #piracy (v @1petermartin @jdub) #
- Just had my first nasal swab, sounded a lot less of a pain than it was π Off into isolation till we are sure it isn't serious. Woot. #
- Am home today awaiting test results for whooping cough. Hope its just a cold :/ Daytime tv is enough to make anyone feel worse tho π #
- AUSFTA+ACTA+TPP=AUSFAIL π RT @kattekrab look at @czaxx copyright post – TPP turning ISPs into copyright police http://bit.ly/e7j4LR #
- Anyone else interested in going to Rollerderby in Canberra this weekend (after BarCamp)? π http://bit.ly/i8ojRp #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13
- Was glued to tv watching the footage of tsunami/earthquake in Japan and complete devastation. My heart and thoughts are with them. #
- Awesome! My prize for somehow winning the tweeting comp at #girlgeeksyd yay! RT @katsbud prize! #girlgeeksyd π http://twitpic.com/48b79v #
- Just joining @nerdgerl's efforts in getting @hexsteph to come along and give a talk to a #girlgeeksyd dinner, that would TOTALLY ROCK! π #
- Is it possible that, as humans, we might be able to evolve beyond our frustrating persistent need for drama? News headlines getting funnier #
- Great article RT @annabelcrabb: Today's IWD column — Behind every successful woman there's a wife #IWD2011 http://t.co/qdY3cnh #
- Emily Baxter talking about "Taking the wannabe out of wannabe Girl Geek". Interesting π #girlgeeksyd She has worked for tech media too π #
- Baxter giving gr8 talk about getting constructive feedback on yourself. I reckon it's def hard at times to see yourself clearly #girlgeeksyd #
- Baxter talking about awesomeness of meeting new ppl who know cool things & challenge of not comparing oneself & feeling lesser #girlgeeksyd #
- Had to retweet to #girlgeeksyd π RT @nambor "Digital Proctologist" – now that would be a business card 8) #
- Veugelen now talking about social engineering & using Adobe security flaw to access someone else's computer. Must look this up #girlgeeksyd #
- Veugelen now talking about port sniffing & is using http://nmap.org/, great way to interrogate your network for security holes #girlgeeksyd #
- Once I tripled network responsiveness of client by sniffing network, identifying a dumb unnecessary protocol & killing it π #girlgeeksyd #
- Anyone at #girlgeeksyd interested in security/forensics foo, check out http://www.wireshark.org/ to listen to and assess your network π #
- Veugelen: More security attacks happen at the application layer as it is more vulnerable due to web apps access to network. #girlgeeksyd #
- Damnit! Surely at a geek event security people shouldn't be using "hacker" in vain! He's talking about "crackers" #girlgeeksyd ppl π #
- Veugelen: "Change from script kiddies pre 2006 to professional crackers in 2010". This guy really needs to watch sneakers π #girlgeeksyd #
- Wouter Veugelen says he's honoured to be speaking at #girlgeeksyd as a man & invites any women to join his security team. I <3 forensics! π #
- Smail: Women avoid conversations about salary negotiation. Men initiate salary discussions 4 times women. Interesting at #girlgeeksyd #
- Salary negotiation from Smail: women earn on average 12% less than men for same job, biggest diff in executive level (av 18%) #girlgeeksyd #
- Jo Smail on career devel: "1) Find awesome mentors 2) Embrace your geekiness and go deep 3) Self development, constantly learn" #girlgeeksyd #
- Heh π RT @nerdgerl Even Microsoft want IE6 dead. Friends don't let friends use IE6. #girlgeeksyd #
- What gov dataset do you want to see released? Suggest it on the new shiny data.gov.au at http://data.gov.au/suggest/ #gov2au #opendata #
- Hey @damana! *hugs* Yes @kcarruthers is close by, but I tend to try to stay away from politics. I'm all about the policy man π #
- Hey @scruzin thought you might like this π http://bit.ly/fXRD09 "Cycling in New South Wales: What the data tells usβ & related data #gov2au #
- AWESOME! Blog post from Minister Gary Gray about new shiny http://data.gov.au released today. http://bit.ly/gzpbWS Give your feedback! π #
- Heh, nice quote π Kraus: "Never grow a wishbone when you should have grown a backbone" #girlgeeksyd #
- Kraus: How to succeed 1) Have plan, don't leave to chance 2) Don't appear to lack confidence 3) Be at least aware of the "game" #girlgeeksyd #
- Loving some of the fashion at #girlgeeksyd loving that I'm comfortable loving clothes *&* geeking out, took a while to get here π #
- Kraus: "If you look around & can say ppl got where they are truly on merit, we don't need board targets, but isn't the case" #girlgeeksyd #
- Lynn Kraus on "breaking the glass ceiling": "we're at a crossroads, orgs need to focus on flexible working conditions" #girlgeeksyd #
- The smell of beer on the carpet is always a good start to #girlgeeksyd π see some of you here soon π http://t.co/AK3u6qz #
- Wow! Currently there is a special for countrylink till end of April, Canberra to Sydney for $29 π cheaper than petrol+parking for sure! #
- Just saw a naked ducati, still a beautiful bike even without faring π #
- RT @lif_au Five Important Points About Flexibility And Work/Life Balance http://bit.ly/f89Dvx /cc @katelundy #
- Anyone in Canberra involved in FOSS business may be interested in going along to an OSIA meeting π http://osia.net.au/ #
- Wow, anyone know who runs this? http://nbnexplained.org/ Very interesting and apparently community driven initiative π #nbn #
- Currently playing with Google Fusion Tables for generating maps. Seems much nicer than Google Earth spreadsheet thingy. #opendata #datavis #
- Yass is def *not* the place to be if you wake up with raging tonsils, nowhere open with aspirin or anything else useful. Resorting to salt #
- Social media lesson #74 Don't try to coordinate coffee with ppl via Twitter when the location may be an Internet black hole. #
- Want to make a Google map from a spreadsheet of stuff? I always lose this url, so this is also for me π http://bit.ly/adPGtM #
- I'm coming up to Sydney this Thursday for the Sydney Girl Geek dinner. Should be fun & techie, see some of you there π http://t.co/LG9O1u5 #
- "Programming is as much an art as music is" nice quote from Trent Reznor http://tv.digg.com/diggdialogg/trentreznor #
- Know a clever geek in gov? Nominate them for 2011 Government ICT awards b4 29th Mar! π http://bit.ly/h1O3rH #gov2au #opengov #opendata #
- Differences between driving a car and riding a road bike #1 in a car you turn a corner, on a bike you *own* the corner π #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-06
- Took my new bike for 1st ride. Bit scared at first but was awesome fun! My bro also took me on his 1100, that was fun like bungee jumping π #
- My new toy π very excited and hoping to do some long trips in coming months π yay! The gray one behind is my brother's http://t.co/a7WkzYN #
- Woot! RT @andypiper: Nice to hear @katelundy & Aus govt 2.0 strategy called out for praise on Guardian Tech Weekly http://t.co/wWqmFmb #
- Fascinating article RT @mfarnsworth: Bernardi, the Conservative Leadership Foundation and The People's Revolt: http://t.co/kGj99uO #
- Just watched Forrest Gump for the first time, great movie π #
- Gobsmacked. RT Rundle: with WikiLeaks, Manning erred in being human – http://bit.ly/foUHI2 #
- This is awful RT Rundle: with WikiLeaks, Manning erred in being human – http://bit.ly/foUHI2 #
- Interesting RT @AusConservation Hear the #qt scare campaign? Worried about electricity prices? Truth: http://acf.to/9070Sc #pricepollution #
- Fascinating π RT @jclacherty interesting datavis π RT @rands: Win/loss record of prosecution in [US] Law & Order? http://j.mp/dMa8pJ #
- Hey @TagAlongTess, sorry to hear we lost you to another place π Hope all goes well. Did you hand the #ACTWonkDrinks mantle to anyone? π #
- OMG OMG OMG! This is totally awesome π Saotome Taichi – Dragon and Peony Sword Dance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xrn1a6UWnY Thx @nambor #
- Reading Foucalt for uni, finding his theories of power interesting, especially power outside the sovereign & impact on individual & society #
Music: Tar
This song is about trying to support someone with depression. I hope it is helpful to others, both those strugglinh with depression and their loved ones trying to support them.
This is one of my favourite recordings thus far. It was a poor mix but Martin made it awesome and we added a new drum track (I’m having a lot of fun playing with Hydrogen).
Full details on Martin’s website. You can download mp3 or check out the lyrics.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia License.
Music: Leave you blue
This is a bit of a cheesy song in the vein of a relationship gone sour. See what you think π It’s meant to be overly dramatic, love your feedback! Full details on Martin’s post or you can download it here.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia License.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27
- Pretty!!! Find out how green π RT @ABCtech Ed: Just had go in this Tesla http://yfrog.com/h5cklfj #wantsone 0-100 sub 4secs. Totally silent #
- I think when it comes to ppl not in politics, the traditional labels of left or right don't really apply anymore. Most ppl are just ppl #
- Interview between @katelundy and Gary Humphries this morning http://bit.ly/dSNhGw on carbon pricing for those interested. #auspol #
- Oh that's hilarious RT @twoscomplement: @piawaugh Seems relevant π : About OS updates http://bit.ly/enP2Ft (via @mefspb) #
- Just started following @ABCtech, some good stuff for geeks & techie ppl π (being a geek, of course I use that term for power of good π #
- Few: "if we want to compare things, we need them in front of our eyes at the same time." Logical but underused wisdom #datavis #
- Perhaps RT @camcgr: Microsoft products stuff up – the reason is we all expect a higher standard from Mac and Linux as its sold on that basis #
- Totally π Also great tools for awesomeness but for most, misery RT @shorebuck: @piawaugh all computers are boxes of misery is my philosophy #
- Why is it simply accepted by most ppl when Microsoft products stuff up, but if Macs or Linux stuff up there is a different standard applied? #
- Few currently discussing importance of not just making sense of data, but the skills to communicate narrative to ppl. Book "Switch" #datavis #
- Fews: Eyes have most receptors, highest bandwidth, highest conscious bandwidth & generally most powerful sense. Using cute graphs #datavis #
- Few: data sense-making process Discovery-> Examine-> Understanding -> Explain -> Decision. Few: eyes most important, I reckon brain #datavis #
- For @cafuego, the "poopy pant photo" π http://t.co/9gnrnMn #
- Lovely evening with @kattekrab & @cafuego. Yummy dinner, walk along pier & awesome inspiring discussion. Thx hugs! π http://t.co/u1TC6YB #
- We are going into fonts at the Stephen Few course. Argh! I am surrounded by typofiles! @jdub @kattekrab @klepas @sundress @katelundy π #
- Stephen Few has a fictitious org chart with Gordon Gekko, Bill Lumbergh, Ari Gold, Miranda Priestly & Matthew Scott – Hilarious! π #datavis #
- For those interested in free sparklines: http://bit.ly/1Ly0fG for OOo or http://bit.ly/90Lc for excel (invented by Tufte) #datavis #
- Today's #datavis on dashboards comes down to a) provide status + context + assessment b) simplify & don't be limited by tech & c) think! #
- Wow! Will help a lot of SMEs with gov work π RT @sherro58 New, improved!!! simple contract templates for <$80k http://bit.ly/gnN5JB #gov2au #
- Ran into @DavidTangye at the Stephen Few course π Always good to run into other tweeps IRL π #datavis #
- At Stephen Few course in Melbourne, today: "dashboard design" for "at a glance monitoring". Creepy #datavis for #opengov & democracy? π #
- Just signed up for @barcampcanberra, very excited! π Am thinking of doing a talk on #datavis or perhaps an update on #gov2au Should be fun #
- Sometimes I read things that make me angry. A good friend (Muslim) advised me recently "don't let people make you upset or they win". True #
- Colour blind simulator – useful for #datavis and other design stuff http://www.vischeck.com/ #
- Apart from being all flash, this is a useful site for colour selection in #datavis (& probably general) design http://colorbrewer2.org/ #
- Wow, great & depressing RT @LaTrioli International language of sexual violence: my take on the Lara Logan controversy. http://bit.ly/dHxEb2 #
- The "Graph design IQ test" by Stephen Few – interesting! http://www.perceptualedge.com/files/GraphDesignIQ.html #datavis #
- Also just learnt from my #datavis course, I should trust my instincts, even if others have done this stuff for longer π #
- I think #datavis is a bit like life, you resort to habits & "conventional" knowledge but really you need to think for yourself π #
- Stephen Few referenced Hans Rosling http://www.gapminder.org/. Few says gapminder a good eg of how imprecise #datavis can still be useful #
- As I sit here in a 9am-5pm 3 day course, I'm reminded how completely ill equipped we are to just sit for hours on end #schooldays #datavis #
- RT @infoholic: @piawaugh I tell my students that every time a pie chart is used a kitten dies. #datavis #
- RT to #datavis @chris_bloke doh! that should of course be http://www.paraview.org/ #IwishIcouldType #
- Stephen Few's paper "Save the pies for dessert" (find on http://www.perceptualedge.com/library.php) #datavis Funny how they're so popular #
- If Stephen Few ever comes to Canberra, I suggest all #gov2au #opendata and #opengov ppl attend. Great stuff! #datavis #
- Turns out a lot of people at this #datavis course are vendors & "dashboard" experts. Less ppl here to learn how to analyse/communicate… #
- Guilty RT @xSunili A common experience. #OWtime RT @njba: Walk into officeworks. In what feels like five minutes half an hour passes. #
- Yay! Latest recording from "Therapy" (our nominal band name) I present to you (the hopefully amusing) "Leave you blue" http://bit.ly/gQZXlw #
- Totally! π Add her to the slidedeck! π RT @kattekrab: @piawaugh @philipri – does that make Flo Nightingale an infogeek? π #datavis #
- Thanks! π RT @SMinney: @piawaugh that is in most psych introductory texts if that helps #datavis #
- I didn't know, thx! RT @philipri: Don't forget Florence Nightingale pioneered the use of charts/infographics during Crimean War #datavis #
- Totally RT @mtchl: @piawaugh @brendam interactive data vis is the go for exploration and insight, IMHO #datavis #
- And for anyone wondering why I'm tweeting to #datavis and not #dataviz I'm an Australian π #
- Great to be in a #datavis course that is so practical and applicable to *all* data visualisation design tools, from spreadsheets to BI π #
- It can be hard to get balance right between clarity of data presentation and what might be interpreted as highlighting info #datavis #
- Currently looking at visual perception & how the eyes work to try to better understand good design practice. #dataviz #
- #datavis tools I'm playing with atm: http://spatialkey.com/ (which I love) & now http://www.tableausoftware.com/ via @damiendonnelly (thx!) #
- Currently looking at Paul Grice's "conversational maxims" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Grice #datavis – very interesting #
- Few: Today/tomorrow we be focusing on effective visual communication of data, Friday we look at how to think about/analyse data #datavis #
- Hey #gov2au peeps, some of you may be interested in my #datavis tweets today as I'm livetweeting some of my Stephen Few course π V cool #
- Few: "I asked vendors why they encourage 3d graphs when they rarely work. Response: that's why we let customers rotate them" Insane #datavis #
- Interestingly, so far the course on good #datavis is reminiscent of #gungfu principles: no wasted effort, reconnaissance, act don't bluff π #
- Few: "Don't be limited by your software." Great sentiment that should be applied across the board </grumbly-techie> #datavis #
- Few: "People incorrectly think tools make you competent but we need to ensure we bring skills to the table too." #datavis #
- Interesting book about problem of ppl using numbers to misrepresent, I'm sure my Dad would like π "How to lie with Statistics" Darrell Huff #
- Anyone that uses The Onion as part of a training course rocks π http://bit.ly/4nKP "Do you see the concentric circles?!?" "click" #datavis #
- Heh, line, bar and pie charts invented by a Scottish guy a few hundred years ago. Funny π #datavis #
- Personally I believe, data visualisation is really useful to both make data more accessible, but also to find new insights and understanding #
- Just met & chatted 2 Stephen Few prior to being in his data vis course. He's awesome! Course looks gr8! Passed on ur comments @DorisSpiel π #
- Wow, great article by George Brandis "Politicans must defend the multicultural project" http://t.co/ZdionqJ #multiculturalpolicy #
- Had to hold myself back from buying Assassin's Creed Brotherhood book at airport. Realised it'd probably be awful so will research 1st π #
- Suit:normal clothes ratio in Canberra fights is always far higher than other places. It's funny to watch ppl try to figure each other out π #
- Going to Melbourne to learn about dataviz from Stephen Few, very excited! Bought new pratchett for company (unseen academicals) π #
- Check out "Innocent Arctic", awesome photo exhibition. Proceeds sponsor polar bears, yay! π I'll visit this weekend http://bit.ly/dUqdRR #
- Another way to read this article could be "Yay, secular citizenship ceremony doesn't include bibles" π http://bit.ly/hQIZUw #auspol #
- For anyone in Sydney who loves photography, check out this awesome exhibition, opening Friday night π http://emmarowankelly.com/news.html #
- Interesting RT @australian Redneck radio may be on the way out, at least in the US | The Australian http://tinyurl.com/6humalq #
- Thoughtful article RT @australian Home-grown values a multicultural triumph | The Australian http://tinyurl.com/4ghqnyy #
Air traffic control and Somalia
I was moved to blog this evening by two inspiring conversations I had whilst travelling to Melbourne. Both fascinating for very different reasons!
Firstly, on the plane from Canberra to Melbourne I sat next to a guy who works in the air traffic control systems industry. It was fascinating because it is an industry with only a few major players (about 4 or 5) who over the years have absorbed most of the small players. As a result most people in the industry know each other and because as he put it “a lot of the crap tech was discarded”. There is a lot of standing on the shoulders of giants, of building upon existing awesomeness rather than reinventing the wheel. It was interesting to hear as a person who has been in the tech industry for years to observe the consequences of less, large, quality players in a niche industry.
He also talked about the tech. It was interesting to learn that pretty much all air traffic control systems have become Linux based over the last few years (usually a forked and heavily modified Red Hat distro apparently), and that they take the Battlestar Galactica approach to security whereby they don’t have the systems networked or easily accessible and hence massively reduce the risks of cracking. Simple, low tech and extremely effective π A nice reminder that security doesn’t have to be overly complex, just well considered andΒ thought through.
The second conversation was with a cab driver in Melbourne, a lovely guy from Somalia with whom I got into a conversation about what is happening in Egypt and throughout the Middle East and Africa. He was happy for Egypt, but he was concerned because he thought the people’s uprising in Somalia didn’t result in a system that represented the needs of Somalians but rather split the country and rendered the government less capable. It was an interesting personal insight and I’m going to go and do some more research of the political histories of African countries. We also chatted about aid vs investment, and the challenge of generating wealth in a country vs just bringing external wealth in.
Lots of food for thought. I’m going to try to start blogging more again, even if it is just short pieces every week or two. It’s been far too long and I know I owe a few blogs I promised to do months ago! π I’ll be doing a blog about data vis later this week, and a long overdue one about linux.conf.au 2011 next week.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20
- I'm looking at a Suzuki GS500F bike today. Anyone have any advice? I'm scouring reviews and it looks like a great first bike… π V excited #
- International Asperger's Day http://bit.ly/hEPBOt – Media release by Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities & Carers Jan McLucas #
- This article reflects importance of rights *&* responsibilities for Aussie multicultural policy http://bit.ly/fY78xW #auspol #
- Wow, very thoughtful piece from Malcolm Fraser in Crikey on #multiculturalism http://bit.ly/efMgFZ #auspol #
- RT @smh_news: What makes multiculturalism great is mutual respect http://t.co/cX8BvsW #multiculturalpolicy #
- RT @suite101: Australia Introduces New Multiculturalism Policy http://t.co/OVlvume #multiculturalpolicy #
- Ping @BernardKeane? You might be interested in this given your recent posts π http://bit.ly/gdwKyR #multiculturalpolicy #
- Australia releases it's Multicultural Policy today! π http://bit.ly/gdwKyR #auspol #
- Heh, meet @scruzin π @tunaranch_f: @Reemski: "need to talk to #google #australia about google accounts for Local gov help please!β #
- Oppermann: "Nokia released patent portfolio for open use" Appears to understand software patents don't equal innovation *gasp* #EURASIAPAC #
- #EURASIAPAC people should look at our industry devel #publicsphere paper http://t.co/6Iy9bNI great input from great people! #
- Oppermann: we don't have many egs in Aus of worldchanging tech. I reckon we have Aussies changing world tho π eg, html5, foss #EURASIAPAC #
- Oppermann: "concerted push into being ICT focused saved Finland". Also mentioning they see Internet as human right. Great talk #EURASIAPAC #
- Dr Ian Oppermann, director of CSIRO on how Finland has been able to get global rep in tech, as a small country, so too shld Aus #EURASIAPAC #
- Rendell (ANU) at #EURASIAPAC discussing security & pgp, opendata & bleeding edge physics. Very interesting talk π talks avail on vid soon #
- Alistair Rendell (ANU): ICT is both arena of new economic opps & is enabling force for all. Disruptive innovation is important #EURASIAPAC #
- RT @AndrewGSolomon: Australian Information Commissioner, John McMillan, on achieving openness http://t.co/kLC7tmQ #gov2au #opengov #gov20 #
- "Meeting of minds" media release by Minister Carr on CSIRO event today, #EURASIAPAC on research inc tech & science http://bit.ly/eTAyfx #
- It's interesting to see stats on r&d in Aus & to realise numbers don't inc most biz/community r&d. Eg foss devel is huge in Aus! #eurasiapac #
- Report about all Aus research inc science/tech, shows our habit of overachieving & areas for improvement π http://t.co/Rz8gfDQ #EURASIAPAC #
- Minister Carr discussing how though there are many amazing Aus tech projects, often ICT not strongly appreciated, but should be #EURASIAPAC #
- At CSIRO run event called #EURASIAPAC listening to Minister Carr discuss knowledge, science & tech "Aus can be proud of our contributions" #
- It'd be awesome if the international community would realise a petition signed by *3* ppl does not constitute all Australians. Thank you. #
- And once data is open, both citizens & companies can itch their own scratch to serve community needs @andypiper @magia3e @BenjaminEllis #
- Nominate your fav #gov2hero for 1 of 2 new #gov2au awards in the 2011 Government ICT Awards π http://bit.ly/h1O3rH #opendata #opengov #
- Interesting article: Public trust in Australian media among worst in the world http://j.mp/hjWoWQ via @AddToAny @mumbrella #
- When the world is dark & scary, I can still find joy in the "Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator" http://bit.ly/dW3f6T #
- Currently reading http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/religious-prejudice-gone-beyond-a-joke/2075896.aspx #
- Interesting reading for #qanda RT @MadamQ http://bit.ly/gZxX5O brill essay on it all by @KateHarding #
- RT @CarleyTonoli Nobody can comment on what happened unless they have intimate knowledge. In my experience nothing is black and white #qanda #
- Totally RT @MadamQ love how people don't extend innocent-until-proven-guilty to the accusers. :/ #
- Michael Moore's comments were perfect example of someone being happy to throw ppl under a bus to pursue their own agenda #qanda #
- It doesn't matter whether you believe them, whether you think the Swedish situation suss, the women have copped unacceptable slander #qanda #
- Cranky enough at #qanda panels' response to last question to boot up & tweet! There is no excuse for abysmal treatment of the Swedish women #
- Looks interesting, anyone have more info? RT @OpenGov Sending Health Data Safely and Securely Over the Internet http://go.ostp.gov/fwZ2Pk #
- Favourite tune of the week – Awesome dark remix of "The Perfect Drug" by NIN http://remix.nin.com/play/mix?id=14157 Is on repeat in car π #
- Great photo, can we use it? π RT @delayedflight More catching up on my 365 project No. 32 photo of @KateLundy http://flic.kr/p/9hNzFx #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-13
- I love horses! Just saw police horses at multicultural festival and had to share that π festival is awesome! So much food & performances! #
- Ok Canberra peeps, I'm playing at 1.45 at stage in front of Canberra theatre. Gig includes "under the milky way" with digeridoos π #
- Listening to ppl discuss the importance of international dialogue, but not with any ideas for implementing results. Very academic view IMHO #
- Librarian said all libraries in Australia late last year agreed collectively to openly share out of copyright works. Nice! /cc @wittylama #
- Heh, question on whether Wikipedia is dodgy, answer, all sources shld be challenged & children taught to question. Gr8 answer π @wittylama #
- Am being reminded about the importance of permissive copyright (eg cc) in sharing & preserving knowledge. @wittylama #opendata #freeculture #
- Listening to @wittylama give a great talk about Wikipedia and GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives & museums). #
- Just got unsolicited call from Optus "as a previous customer" trying to sell me stuff. I thought I was on the do not call register… >:/ #
- RT @KateLundy New post: Digital world expands for people with print disability http://bit.ly/fLCx2s #web20 #gov2au #accessibility #
- Holy crap. RT @BernardKeane The plan to destroy Wikileaks: http://bit.ly/gylkxh <- Sorry, paywall :/ Story also at http://bit.ly/eJTLU2) #
- My new favourite listening while at work – http://remix.nin.com/ I've even uploaded one and have been inspired to do more π #
- Ps, for those in parliament house, if you've heard a likely offkey whistling or humming of the imperial march today, I apologise π #
- After watching that Volkswagen ad, I have a mad urge to stroll around parliament house dressed as Darth Vader or maybe Darth Maul <grin> #
- For those interested from the #gov2au lunch today, our #publicsphere methodology is reasonably well explained here http://bit.ly/eZJD2T #
- Totally AWESOME! π "Volkswagen harnesses the Force" http://www.crikey.com.au/2011/02/08/force #
- Great to meet you today @DelibThinks π Fun and thought provoking discussion. #
- Great albeit short definition of #opendata for Aus gov depts/agencies by Fiona on Govspace http://bit.ly/g4tDvA #gov2au #
- Awesome, OAIC consultation on Aus Information Policy. Check it out & get involved π http://oaic.govspace.gov.au/ #gov2au #opendata #opengov #
- Ppl at #gov2au lunch asking how to promote consultations & manage potential manipulation. My answer, community devel & ppl contextualisation #
- Suggestion for #gov2au lunches, one talk and then a few 5min case study talks by attendees to share the knowledge π /cc @craigthomler #
- Listening to @delibthinks at #gov2au lunch. Remembering importance of both targeted consultations & relationship analysis to give context #
- Who else is going to hear @wittylama on his awesome British Museum experiences? http://www.nla.gov.au/events/showevent.html?q=58185 #gov2au #
- I'm playing a gig (just a supporting role) at this weekends Multicultural Festival in Canberra π Come along! 1.30 Sat in Civic Square #
- I'm don't usually repost my own old blog posts, but was just reminded of this: stick figure safety instructions π http://bit.ly/fTIC8F #
- Erk, need to remember to wait for music to finish uploading to Soundcloud before pushing a blog post. Sorry folks! First time mistake π #
- Just got laughed at by @netde for ordering a creaming soda. Frak you man! π #
- A favourite song care of Fallout 3 – wish I could listen to that soundtrack over New Vegas :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMMV_RoEMxE #
- Very interesting article: "Twenty reasons why it's kicking off everywhere" (revolutions, uprisings, etc.) http://goo.gl/5M3Lq /via @jdub #