Yesterday and today I helped out on the Linux Australia booth at Edexpo in Sydney. We had almost a dozen people helping out, handing out CD’s, and generally getting people excited. It was AWESOME! We handed out about 600 CD’s, got loads of parents, teachers and kids excited about Linux and Open Source. We had a competition, and gave out kewl prizes like fluffy penguins. Some great local companies helped out to make a great couple of days. We painted on the expo mural, had a wonderful setup showing off video, games, office software, and much more, Jeff found his old computer science teacher from school, some girls drew some penguins for us which was cool. The whole team did a great job, and Chris even got pictures from the camera uploading every minute to the SLUG website which rocked, even though there are some silly pictures there. The wall foo we organised was also pretty sweet. Many many thanks particularly to Moe and Sara who put this together and did an awesome job!
Healthy Harold was there too! Much to a happy pipkas surprise π and by the end of today Jeff was looking as calm as a Buddha