Islam doesn’t hurt people. People hurt people.

I am getting a little frustrated with some of the recent posts about Islam. My best friend is Muslim and she has given me huge insight to the religion and the difference between Islamic practices and the many cultural practices that get confused with them. Many of the abhorrent practices towards women in some countries that try to use Islam as an excuse, draw these practices from much older cultural practices from way before Islam was even around. I don’t believe Islam is a cause of disharmony or suffering any more than Christianity is (and yes, that is a loaded comment). Both are spiritual followings that can and have been taken out of context by extremists which often leads to suffering. I wish people would stop blaming Islam for the acts of a few extremists that are absolutely not respresentative of either the religion or the majority of people following that religion.

I guess that I have a lot of hope for the future. The reason I can have such a strong and wonderful friendship with someone who has a very difference cultural and religious background to me is because of mutual respect. We respect each others views and enjoy the ability to have an open and friendly dialogue about our ideas and beliefs. If everyone could learn some compassion and respect for other people, regardless of the differences you might have with them, then perhaps we can be on the road to a more peaceful future.

it’s easier to hate than to love,
it’s easier to turn your back than extend your hand

We are all the same, all people want security, love, hope and respect. I believe strongly in the FOSS community because people are generally bound by strong values that transcend race, religion or gender. I would hope that our community of all communities can demonstrate to the world that through mutual respect, people from all around the world can come together to achieve great things.

Software Freedom on Triple J

Software Freedom Day will be covered on tomorrows (Friday) Triple J HACK show at 5:30pm. We have about 6 mins, and I haven’t heard the final cut. It went really well and we covered a lot of ground πŸ™‚ I focused on Software Freedom as being about transparent and sustainable technologies underpinning our everyday lives. I think it went really well πŸ™‚

You’ll be able to get the podcast.

I also did an interview for the CyberShack Radio show which will be aired next week. Too late for SFD, but to a great audience. They have asked me to come back on a semi-regular basis and conisdering their audience is power users, gamers, & technologists, it is a great chance to get FOSS in front of people who can really enjoy and get passionate about it πŸ™‚

I’m hoping to get them excited about FOSS enough to do a TV special at, but I’ll see how we go πŸ™‚

Hooray! On Triple J!

I am meeting with the Triple J HACK producer, Alice Brennan tomorrow morning to do an interview about Software Freedom Day, particularly the Australian events. This will hopefully go to air tomorrow afternoon and there will hopefully be a follow up story also on the Friday.

Any of the SFD teams interested in participating should email me a short sound file with them saying what team they are and what they are doing so I can go in fully armed. I believe she wants to interview a few people as well, but the cooler we can make this story sound, the more participation we’ll get πŸ™‚

Rock on Australia, and rock on Triple J! πŸ™‚

A free GP2X to give away at SFD Sydney!

Awesome, I’ve just had a GP2X donated to give away as a lucky door prize at Software Freedom Day Sydney! Rock! It arrives today/tomorrow so I’ll get to check it out in the flesh as it were.

The prizes will be drawn last thing in the afternoon, and you have to be there to get a chance, so come along to SFD Sydney, at UNSW on Saturday!

SFD – Badgers, Badgers…

Only a few more days to go and the Software Freedom Day Sydney event has awesome speakers, workshops, giveaways, and more!

Oh and we are going to have a special going away lunch party for Bruce Badger who is soon going away to the UK for a while. Bruce has been a strong community member for ages and we are going to miss him, so come along to see him off over lunch.

Where: UNSW – the main hall in the new law building (G04)
When: Saturday 16th from 10am till 5pm
Who: Anyone interested in technology or/and freedom
Cost: Free


  • 10:00 – Opening for Software Freedom Day by Professor Graham Greenleaf and Pia Waugh
  • 10:30 – Your freedom – a dream within an email – Pia and Jeff Waugh
  • 11:00 – Nick Seow – Hiding the Rosetta stone: will you be able to access your information tommorrow
  • 11:30 – Dr Chris Chesher – the power of social networks
  • 12:00 – Freedom of Automation – Conrad Parker
  • 12:30 – Lunch and lightening talks
  • 13:30 – Unlocking IP – getting access to the commons – David Vaile (TBC)
  • 14:00 – The Free Trade Agreement and what it means to you? – Kim Weatherall
  • 14:30 – Getting freedom in the media – using the media to help you – Rodney Gedda (IDG)
  • 15:00 – A Political perspective on Open source – Special guest Senator Kate Lundy
  • 15:30 – Software Freedom – Essential for Business and Innovation – Professor Gernot Heiser from NICTA
  • 16:00 – International development and aid with software freedom – Travis Harvey (Australian Development Gateway)
  • 16:30 – Prizes draw, Software Freedom Day close and final comments – Pia Waugh


  • 10:00 – Talk over at lecture theatre by Pia Waugh and Jeff Waugh for everyone
  • 11:30 – Open Source tools for Video and Video at LCA – Silvia Pfeiffer
  • 12:30 – Lunch
  • 13:00 – Build your own ISP – John Ferlito
  • 14:00 – Linux and Open Source for students fun workshop – Stuart Rusthon
  • 15:00 – Senator Kate Lundy Speaking in Main Hall
  • 15:30 – Unlocking IP workshop – the Cyberlaw Centre
  • 16:30 – Software Freedom Day close and final comments at main lecture theatre- Pia Waugh

The space between two moments

These last four weeks have been pretty crazy. I haven’t had a moment to really catch up on anything, but I’m slowly getting there so for people waiting on me please keep being patient πŸ™‚

First there was two weeks on the road. A week in Canberra talking to Government people, universities, corporate types and of course community people about FOSS. I’m putting together some pretty interesting documents which should get some good support from Australian Government Agencies, so stay tuned for that.

Then I helped run a seminar for ASK-OSS and spent a few days in Brisbane running the same conference up there. Both events were a lot of fun and very interesting. It was great to meet Dan Ravicher who is a great speaker, and his partner Alex who is a street smart lawyer defending the rights of disadvantaged people in New York! Alex was a very cool lady to meet! It was wonderful to meet with Mark Webbink again, I hope everything is going ok Mark.

Then this last two weeks, I’ve been sick. ‘The flu with my RSI starting to play-up again’ sick. Not very nice, particularly when one has soooo much to do!

I had loads of wonderful people from SLUG come around on the 26th and pitch in to help pack up all the global Software Freedom Day team packs for shipping on Monday. It was a great day, and we packed up basically 150 packages in just under a day. Many thanks to all those people (plus Jeff and Sridhar) πŸ˜‰ who put in a champion effort!

What else. We’ve had teams register late for Software Freedom Day almost every day, so it looks like there will be over 200 teams this year, and it is only the third year! I’ve got an event running in Sydney which has technologists, journalists, politicians and culturalists giving talks, as well as some useful workshops so it should be a lot of fun for anyone in Sydney who can come along πŸ™‚ And I’m chatting to Alice Brennan today from Triple J about covering Software Freedom Day on HACK, the week day afternoon news on Triple J (and one of my favourite radio shows). More details on that when I know.

Phew! What are we doing today, Brain? …