“The NSW Department of Education and Training (DET) may increase the penetration of Linux on its 165,000 desktop fleet because open source is “clearly an industry trend”.” – An old article but I spent ages looking for it and wanted to tag it for future re
“A person is a person because of other people. I hope the principle of Ubuntu becomes the world’s password. Love of self leads to love of all” Ubuntu mug by Samuel L Jackson. The man is just too cool 🙂
Category: del.icio.us
links for 2007-06-11
“This article is all about the patterns I and other women have found in human interaction, office and online environments, which make them less conducive to tech women participation.” – gloriajw. A really insightful look into women and men in tech communi
Just a really beautifully done video clip done apparently using Synfig, an animation tool I’m playing with for a student workshop. Nicely done, I’d love to know how they did the feather ruffling…
links for 2007-05-15
“…you just need to read Bill HIlf’s quotes to see that Microsoft clearly feels that it’s losing” – Nice article by Matt Asay. Bill is making some pretty outlandish and misdirected comments that misinterpret grossly where FOSS is at today.
“Organizations with annual revenue of more than $1 billion saved an average $3.3 million in 2004 from their open source software.” – Toby Ward. A blog post from last year that I just stumbled across with some fascinating statistics about FLOSS usage and s
“Dr. Bentson did a survey of Linux kernel developers to find out about their backgrounds.” – This is an old article (1999), but I wanted to tag it so I could find it again 🙂 It took _ages_ to find!
links for 2007-05-06
“The opportunity open source brings is to be able to participate with community… It’s very much performance driven and is very much making the planet a better place.” – Naomi Simson about Open Source. Nice story by Rodney Gedda.
links for 2007-05-05
“I believe that OpenOffice is a cornerstone in the community’s fight against dangerous monopolies, and needs to be supported.” – Gernot clarifies his point from the ZDNet story about his comments on OpenOffice.org.
links for 2007-05-04
“The government and open source conferences saved it – good oh!” – Rodney Gedda’s blog. Glad to be of service Rodney 😉
links for 2007-05-03
“Mitchell Baker… says Firefox is predominantly about promoting a healthy and open Internet where no company or individual holds a monopoly on innovation.” – Nice quote from her talk at CeBIT.
“Steward said the views of open source among federal government agencies are “positive”” – Nice story by Rodney Gedda, picked up from the eGovernment conference yesterday at CeBIT.
“I’d like to say Asterisk was a grand vision to change the telecom industry but the reality is that I needed a phone system for my Linux tech support business and I couldn’t afford one, so I just made one” – Interview with Mark Spencer of Asterisk fame.
links for 2007-05-01
“Mozilla’s Firefox web browser has shown the world that open-source software can challenge the establishment.” – Mitch Baker at CeBIT talking about Open Source
“Open CeBIT is Australia’s lineup of business and government speakers and exhibits on Open Source.” – A nice mention of Open CeBIT on the edna education website.
links for 2007-04-10
“LinuxChix has appointed a new international co-ordinator, Mary Gardiner” — Rock on Mary!!
links for 2007-04-05
“The following tables compare how different DBMS products handle various SQL (and related) features. If possible, the tables also state how the implementations should do things, according to the SQL standard.” — Troels Arvin. I’m not really a database pe