I didn’t get to blog much over the last few weeks, so here’s a catch up
Just discovered the joy of Orkut, an “online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends” and latest fad for the online community So far I only have 14 friends but unbelievably am connected to 27561 people through these links. It has kewl profiling of people, community groups, photos, forums, and heaps of functionality. Check it out!
I never got to put up pictures of my class in china. Also some pictures from my presentation to the Beijing Linux Users Group. They are a great group and I hope to be able to help them develop.
We went and saw some Chinese theatre and acrobatics, which was awesome! A big hello to my drinking buddies Li li and Jenny. And then as a special treat on my last day, much to Natalie and my delight it snowed! We presented Simon his wonderful present and I flew home. I always get ‘homesick’ when I leave China. Oh well I’ll just have to return soon
We had my Dad’s birthday when I got home, where I finally got to wear my chinese dress with very red lipstick It was a fun night with Dad being pampered as usual. Jeff was a little worried about dessert, but it was all good
I even saw my old Maths teacher.
The little I got to see of linux.conf.au was good. It was wonderful to see Bdale, Michael Davies, the old and then new LA committees, Thom, Mike Beattie, the CLUG/LUV/PLUG/LinuxSA/HUMBUG/SLUG/AUUG dudes, and all the rest, as well as meeting new people like Keith Packard (the naughty pixie) and Havoc (the cranberry juice extraordinaire). I did pretty well for the 1.5 days I got to attend
Had our first Linux Australia meeting which went well. We have a big face to face meeting in only a few weeks, then things will start rocking. More to come.