I can honestly say I have had the most AMAZING week! On Sunday Jeff and I married, which was fantastic! Honestly the most amazing day and we felt so proud to be sharing it with so many people we love. At the ceremony, afterparty and now at LCA. We will be absolutely blogging any more photos we get, all the professional ones will come printed and on cd, so they’ll go up. Now I’ve a real incentive to get some to put all our photos in online
What to choose…
I have a personal plea to the interweb at large, as of Sunday I have lost my “Pia Smith” Googlejuice. Many thanks to those who have helped contribute to getting it back.
LCA has ROCKED WAY HARD!!!! I have had heaps of fun, given three talks (two to gov and one to the main conference) and I think I’ve achieved what I set out for. A whole raft of people are inspired to kick ass and a lot of issues I’ve been concerned about are off my chest
I really love this conference, and the community. Being able to have 100 thought provoking and incredible conversations with people who have similar values, and similar concerns is nothing if not mind blowing. I thank every single person who makes this event what it is, the organisers who have put on an amazing conference, the sponsors, the speakers, and of course all the attendees.
At my talk I spoke about the 5o’s. The idea that many of us are stuck somewhere between the business focus of Open Source and the inflexibile extremeness of Free Software. The things I care about are:
- open source
- open licence (as defined by the OSI)
- open standards
- open knowledge
- open community
My good friend AJ came up with the best possible description for this. OPEN LOVE! (Note – AJ is walking around saying I suck at the moment because I illustrated the concept in my talk with a picture of him in swimmers
Ironically enough when googling for “open love” (not recommended) you’ll find a reference to loving open source, rock on! I also spoke about the code vs culture issue we have, but I’ll blog about that when I put my slides up in the next couple of days when I add all the feedback from yesterday into it.
Pia Waugh!!! Yay googlejuice!