Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-13

  • Aww, thx! πŸ™‚ #
  • .@John_Hanna Hmmm, not really that I know of. Was international list. Most people in the industry are great, men & women alike. A few tools #
  • .@williamparry don't hate, then the terrorists win πŸ˜‰ #
  • . @John_Hanna The argument devolves too quickly into one about free speech. I want to understand why anyone would think this way & address. #
  • Wow, amazing that some ppl actually speak & think this way. A minority but a loud minority. #womenhaters #
  • "i find out who I am when I'm climbing the mountains of mars" /cc @kelisha @swearyanthony #
  • Check out these guys, they do "literal trailers" for movies.and games. Much lols. #ac3 For @swearyanthony #
  • "If it bleeds we can kill it". So much lols. #
  • Ohcrap, thx @Wittylama RT Klout #
  • OK, I'm really at the end of my tether, anyone in the Canberra area able to loan me a fast laptop for a week or two? Just need web browsers. #
  • Some #govhack media, thanks for the coverage πŸ™‚ @jamie_kirk & a kinda-shout-out from @stilgherrian #
  • HAH! Your mum must be proud πŸ˜‰ RT @FakePaulKeating: @piawaugh pfft. Lightweight. "Facepalm central" #
  • MWAH hahaha! Thanks @akshatj_96 & @purserj for Klouchebag lulz. My score is 27, or 'mostly alright', hah! #
  • Wow, just joined @Klout. Fascinating! Wish it included Soundcloud πŸ˜‰ "According to @klout, my Klout score is 45." #
  • An awesome song to start work to. Enjoy #music #
  • "Where to ebooks go when you do?" Great article, tackles the major challenge of digital culture wrapped up in DRM #
  • It's funny how we feel most safe in motion, but only when still are we able to really see what's around us. Kung Fu thought for the day. #fb #
  • Dammit! RT @ACTwonkdrinks: Not enough interest for a Budget Edition of #actwonkdrinks Why kind of wonks are you lot? #fail #
  • Have had to limit the size of Sydney #GovHack due to venue, so get in quick before we hit capacity! 28 seats left atm #
  • Right, thanks all, looks like CC-BY is on individual #budget papers, but not on copyright page Be good to fix that πŸ™‚ #
  • What happened to the CC-BY for the Budget papers? That's quite unfortunate, seems a backwards step. #
  • Went to write democracy and typo'd demoncracy. I think there's something in that for all of us. #
  • Kudos to the Adobe tool. It''s a bit slow but works really nicely πŸ™‚ #
  • I lie, it works in IE6 and IE9, but not well in IE8 and not at all in IE7. Wonderful. #
  • Internet Explorer, the bane of web developers everywhere. How could it work in IE6, 7 & 9, but not 8. FFS. #backtodrawingboard #
  • cool, done πŸ™‚ #
  • Nice, now over 100 ppl registered for #govhack Hoping for 300 so go register (Sydney or Canberra). Will be awesome πŸ™‚ #
  • . @gavintapp Shiny, but seriously, promoting a "developers" laptop and then saying "key tools and utilities (emacs, Vim, Chromium etc)" πŸ˜‰ #
  • Funny. I get so much spam on Google+. Facebook and Twitter are wonderful by comparison. #
  • Wow, the @SensisAPI zombie app challenge is teh awesome! #gov2au #
  • Putting together a #GovHack team to compete 1-3 June? Check out some previous mashups/hacks on #
  • Interesting RT @wtfsheep: @parisba I thought this was an awesome open data mashup: #CHI2012 #govhack #
  • So, going to see Smashing Pumpkins and Tea Party in July, all I need is Tool, Kyuss, Stabbing Westward, NIN, Lamb and I'd be in heaven πŸ™‚ #
  • I know, crazy hey, but I tweeted a new song of theirs earlier today which was surprisingly good. So am excited πŸ™‚ #
  • WOW! I am now also going to Smashing Pumpkins with @alexmyoug, looks like July will be #relivemyyouth month! πŸ™‚ SOOOOO EXCITED! #music #
  • Just received the Tea Party tickets in the post!!! Hey @alexmyoung, I can't wait! #
  • Fascinating RT @OZloop: APS – The perfect storm. Cutbacks, culture and abuse #gov2au #opengov #innovationweek #govcamp #
  • . @1159 Heh πŸ™‚ Saw Tool in '97, still one of my favourite gigs ever. They covered Hurt too, double perfect! πŸ™‚ #
  • "See my shadow changing, stretching up and over me. Soften this old armour, hoping I can clear the way". Tool is helping me work today πŸ™‚ #
  • I love Linux. Some useful ffmpeg for converting and manipulating video/audio without having to open video editing suite #
  • Have you registered for #GovHack yet? Over $30k in prize funding for awesome apps, mashups & datavis, so come get some! #
  • Wow. New Smashing Pumpkins, and surprisingly awesome. #music #

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