- It's not about belief, data's obvious but narrative unfortunate. He was on side after 10 mins. Amazing what respectful dialogue can do [2/2] #
- Funny story: older guy upon learning I work in gov asked whether I believe in global warming. I said sad the issue been so polarised.. [1/2] #
- Taking @silviapfeiffer out for her hen's night tonight with all the girls. Lots of fun planned, and sangria
http://t.co/xJbe6q38 #
- Totally
RT @mattner_d: @piawaugh Thinking of #society5 will you be speaking on it at #BCC2012 #
- I love the sounds of a thunder storm and the sight of a landscape laid bare by lightening. Enjoying crazy weather in Canberra. #fb #
- Just watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for the first time. Excellent movie!
- I think I had the best massage of my life today. Thai Bliss on Uni Ave Canberra. Really well trained staff. I got the remedial
- Heh, thx for the link to my NIN post @stilgherrian
- Video up! I'm the short, pale one
RT New post: @VivekKundra and some lessons learnt about tech in gov http://t.co/A1xQLJTY #gov2au #gov20 #
- WIN RT @stewartsmith: @chris_bloke @piawaugh @mikal I bet Chuck Norris can transfer data faster than light
- Yes
RT @nzlemming: @piawaugh @trib Heh, leading thoughts is like herding cats. You get a bit scratched up. #
- True, but what of new ways? Quantum anyone?
RT @chris_bloke: @piawaugh @mikal sadly new pipes don't increase the speed of light.. #
- Me too. Would be difficult T9 compete is think RT @jimboot: @piawaugh I'd be interested in the cost diff between Au & us cloud #aiiasummit #
- .@trib you need then all
you are in a position of being a thought leader. So lead
- RT to #gov2au #aiiasummit
vid to come. New post: Vivek Kundra and some lessons learnt about tech in gov http://t.co/A1xQLJTY #
- .@jackrdan Tethering from phone. Free & quality wireless should be a bare minimum expectation at confs today, *ESP* tech confs. #aiiasummit #
- Gar, fascinating discussion atm whether Aus can compete on cloud services due to international latency/local laws & I'm stuck USB tethering! #
- Yeah, this is a fascinating discussion tho because it goes to heart of validity of Aus capacity @steve_evil @rbtcollins @mikal @stewartsmith #
- Thx all. Au cloud services a ? due to latency/laws @cgiffard @johnallsopp @rockyh @johnallsopp @rockyh @stewartsmith @jimboot @stryqx @mikal #
- Would more international pipes help? RT @stryqx: @jimboot @piawaugh will no-one think of the physics? Useful only if latency not important. #
- Me too. Would be difficult T9 compete is think RT @jimboot: @piawaugh I'd be interested in the cost diff between Au & us cloud #aiiasummit #
- Thx RT @RockyH: @piawaugh it's not so much about safe harbour being an issue setting up cloud data centers here but latency and capacity. #
- Lucky they have us
Loud constructive input important MT @trib: Too many still wowed by celebrity & buzzwords rather than dirty hands IMO #
- Happy bday! You guys are too cute
RT @nambor: β¦perfect day for a birthday too @alexmyoung 8) Happy birthday β I love you heaps!! #
- I wonder if anyone will talk about safe harbour issues in relation to opp for Australia to be leading global cloud provider? #aiiasummit #
- .@trib sure, in the two talks I've seen in the last 24 hrs, he has spoken primarily about old role and broader shift in society. #
- Sure
RT @TheFlashpacker: @piawaugh hey we're sitting behind you live streaming #aiiasummit could you RT the link? http://t.co/FPdk38xX #
- .@trib heh, but Stephen, cynicism should not blind you or lead to pessimism. Everything always w/ critical thinking. Otherwise you miss out. #
- Vivek: often gov collaboration stalled by us vs them attitude. Hard to get ppl over that. #aiiasummit #gov2au #
- .@trib hah, @stilgherrian's cynicism sometimes get in the way
I'm not breathless, he us making some good points. Certainly some hype too #
- Vivek in response to ? on what he'd do differently: move faster. He wants more focus on reforming gov hiring to get better ppl #aiiasummit #
- Vivek: tech isn't a panacea, you still have disconnected ppl, you need to engage w/ *all* the ppl. But don't use that as excuse #aiiasummit #
- Vivek: there is a shift in power from a few gov officials to the ppl. Which was the point of democracy but now we have the tech. #aiiasummit #
- .@stilgherrian have you looked at it? I understand being cynical of dashboard hype, but it's a very cool project. #itdashboard #aiiasummit #
- .@lukehopewell I think he is v interesting. At last nights #gov2au dinner he spoke about shift in society w SOPA as eg of public rebelling #
- .@FCTweedie totally. Cloud is like outsourcing, similar risk unless carefully considered & strategic control maintained #aiiasummit #
- Heh RT @stilgherrian: "Darwinian pressures of the consumer web!" DRINK! #AIIASummit #
- Vivek: innovation in gov requires good policy/procurement & good people. He made the same point at last nights #gov2au event. #aiiasummit #
- Vivek's shift to "cloud first" strategy was result of frustration with gov use and misuse of tech. #aiiasummit #
- Vivek: when we identified issue projects we put then on hold & put sector on notice. We cancelled wasteful/failed contracts #aiiasummit #
- Vivek: talking about IT Dashboard, a very cool initiative & open sourced too
He challenged the status quo and focused on outcomes #gov2au #
- Vivek gave kudos to Minister Conroy for his cloud speech & to @katelundy for her work on public participation. Yay
#gov2au #aiiasummit #
- At #aiiasummit on #cloud Be interesting to see how balanced it is. I think "cloud" useful if considered carefully http://t.co/f8In3ZMb #
- Yes. Neither are top clicks from YouTube RT @bernietb: Oi, News Breakfast, Obama tweeting a valentines message to his wife is NOT news. FFS. #
- Vivek on ? of gov procurement: centralised policies important but whole of gov contracts in consultation w depts. Mandate won't work #gov2au #
- Vivek: procurement policy that disrupts status quo & enables engagement with innovative players is vital for gov innovation #gov2au #
- Vivek on ? re gov as tech change agent: gov should demand projects on time, good service. He challenged sector to better serve #gov2au #
- Currently a debate about whether online if even what citizens want, need. Good comments from the floor & Vivek #gov2au #
- Gr8 point. At least you're not alone RT @AMCSviatko: @piawaugh But how do you recognise them & utilise them? #frustratedchangeagent #gov2au #
- Vivek: the danger is to not move, to play safe. It's vital to move and be thoughtful but bold to use the opp. #gov2au #
- And #gov2au @craigthomler
RT @USAembassyinOZ: Check out @piawaugh for "tech, #opengov & innovation" with @VivekKundra right now! #
- Vivek on ? of Digital Divide & representation: NBN major opp, but elsewhere you need to figure out innovative ways to engage ppl #gov2au #
- Vivek on expectation mgmt: β¦ but ppl do have many useful contributions to make, so you need to facilitate & support that #gov2au #
- Vivek on ? on expectation mgmt of #gov20 we are in transition period. Ppl don't trust gov or feel they have voice. Need to persist #gov2au #
- Vivek on my ? on innovation in tech: you need to let go of ppl who don't innovate, hiring practices important to get change agents #gov2au #
- I'm starting to think I should invite @vivekkundra to contribute to #society5 & the #distributeddemocracy
- Vivek: #gov20 community, both in gov and in citizenship are driving innovation. Gov investment on NBN very important to innovation #gov2au #
- Vivek: it is now easier to innovate and compete due to new tech, and those that innovate dominate, as they fill the space. #gov2au #
- Vivek: European changes 2 gov transparency drove out inappropriate stuff. Basically new shift in power makes transparency inevitable #gov2au #
- Vivek: Indian gov drove aggressive FOI changes, results of the transformation was short term pushback, longer term transparency #gov2au #
- Vivek: SOPA a good example of conflict of old and new ideas, old and new models. It made for a public uprising & diff outcome. #gov2au #
- Vivek: why is gov behind the ball? Basically because gov has traditionally looked to small groups, now gov needs to expand this #gov2au #
- *Loving* this talk! #gov2au #
- Vivek: greater shift in power today than ever before due to technology. 5b mobile devices. Everyone can be a sensor & publisher #gov2au #
- Vivek: #opengov is an epic war between the status quo and progress. Inertia in gov is hard. There's a universal shift in power #gov2au #
- Going to try live Tweeting @vivekkundra on tech, #opengov & innovation. @craigthomler is also here so follow #gov2au
- Great stuff RT @glenn_archer: RT @sherro58: Not just nonsense: #gov2au examples http://t.co/AZpvwLFi #
- Heh RT @mpesce: No one take two seats on a peak hour train in my town. #cityrailavenger #
- I feel the love
RT @aguidodavis: @piawaugh yes, I will celebrate it byβ¦working at tech support.
#valentinesdayplans #
- Tonight am going to hear @vivekkundra talk tech, #opengov innovation & gov. Should be awesome
#gov2au #oddvalentineplans #
- Happy Valentine's peeps!
#fb #
- Heh, totally
RT @aguidodavis: @piawaugh If this is the black wrist cast of yore, further upside: feeling vaguely badass. #
- Downsides with wrist cast: no motorbikes, no guitar, no gaming, limited typing, pain. Upside: bone supposedly healing. Only 3wks to go! #fb #