- Thx Nick! π RT @NicholasGruen: The #gov2au brain drain – in both directions – with a little tribute to @piawaugh http://t.co/Pa93GgMo #
- Interesting: A quiet revolution in UK government IT: open source ousting big-vendor lock-in
http://t.co/QOR4HVns via @marshontap #gov2au # - .@peterbayley I don't think it is a given. I have yet to see a good definition of the characteristics and why they are important. @willozap #
- Interesting RT @wwjimd: Why Piracy Is Indispensable For The Survival Of Our Culture http://t.co/ZrWroFAU #p2p #
- . @peterbayley read the first (and currently only) post in the present category, you'll see what I mean π /cc @willozap #
- .@peterbayley need to understand the present to define the possible futures, don't you think? Past helps with context/lessons /cc @willozap #
- Agree. Will be interesting to see how the approach pans out. RT @petercarrceo: @renailemay good rant today #
- Hey @grogsgamut @grmsn @trib @openaustralia @dobes, check out my new project http://t.co/s5jjJGBn #society5 π #
- Hey @craigthomler check out my new project http://t.co/s5jjJGBn #society5 π #
- Hey @ioerror @bernardkeane @stilgherrian @renailemay #gov2au #opengov #gov20 peeps, check out my new project http://t.co/s5jjJGBn #society5 #
- Announcing Society 5, a collaborative project looking at the past, present & future of the Internet http://t.co/VE55seK6 @willozap #society5 #
- This RT @GeordieGuy: YES http://t.co/BQKhanXT #
- Thx @KathyReid, happy to help again with @GoGirlGo4IT anytime π /cc @adainitiative @kattekrab @pfctdayelise @Bianca__Gibson @me_gardiner #
- Best bumper sticker I've seen all day π http://t.co/IhXEozMy #
- Ooh, national archives are looking for a clever web developer. Looks like a fun job with a good team. http://t.co/N0YdCrQd For #gov2au peeps #
- Doing Gung Fu in the morning is awesome. Coming home to puppies (6 month great dane X & Po) also awesome. Loving my new place in Canberra π #
- Working on something cool with @willozap, stay tuned to our tweets π #society5 #whatarewedoingtodaybrain #
- 100% of those surveyed say it is so (1) RT @NanoPunk: Survey says @piawaugh is a kung fu rockstar. That is one survey that isn't dodge. #
- <grin> RT @dannolan: @GeordieGuy @piawaugh call of duty modern policy warfare internet edition #
- Great reading for the day: Challenges of Evidence Based Policy Making, by Gary Banks AO, from APSC (2009). Useful for #gov2au & #opengov π #
- Awesome RT @BR3NDA: ZOMMMMMGollygosh. it really happened! http://t.co/IwJ1PrcJ #
- "Mirrors were invented by guy called Sock you Right in the Teeth, usually shortened to Socrates". <grin> http://t.co/hRTJevTw @RealAskANinja #
- Fantastic! RT @paulwallbank: Hi Come Join Us In Canberra: The life of a public servant in 1973 http://t.co/5TlOedkZ HT @Colvinius #