- Saw the US Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movie. Apart from the gratuitous (but beautiful) intro, it was fantastic. Really well done π #
- Yays! π RT @gavintapp: RT @maxious: Linux.conf.au 2013 Canberra (successful) bid website @ http://t.co/1xZykNtS #lca2012 #
- #lca2012 was amazing. So many wonderful, inspiring, thought provoking, awesome ppl & discussions. Thx organisers, LA & every person there π #
- Yes. I wanna red one π RT @emmajeans: @piawaugh This! http://t.co/rjCdKzUP #
- Great point from @ioerror, encrypting data before you store it online helps with privacy/security issues of trusting the #cloud #lca2012 #
- "I have nothing to hide" is a fallacy or a matter of privilege. — @ioerror #lca2012 #
- .@ioerror talking about the panopticon and how people tend to self censor when they are under surveillance. See also Foucault. #lca2012 #
- .@ioerror just took a photo of the crowd. Obviously to identify ALL THE PEOPLE. #lca2012 #gettingparanoid #
- For those interested, the book ref'd last night is War on the Internet by @BernardKeane. I highly recommend. http://t.co/mltRTFp0 #lca2012 #
- Last night I had a dream. A dream my cast was on the wrong hand. I woke up trying to pull it off *over* fractured scaphoid. Ouch π #lca2012 #
- .@nurhussein thanks, it's fantastic! Great content, ppl, discussions. It is wonderfully inspiring. #lca2012 #
- I didn't mean it quite like how it came out π RT @mibus: "With a name like Rusty, we had to get some type of tool…" — @piawaugh #lca2012 #
- Cool RT @willozap: @piawaugh Ok, new way to start: Fun + Sarkozy: #society5 http://t.co/cVdh02nm http://t.co/t9d0dLbm http://t.co/sWaVur5L #
- Interesting article by @dannolan on the scope creep (im)balance of policing http://t.co/QiUsXlmZ #
- Elizabeth Garbee giving gr8 talk on astronomers trying to measure gravitational waves using millisecond pulsars. Ref'd Au SKA π #lca2012 #
- RT @kim_weatherall: Paper shows patents impact scientific research http://t.co/7Kb3xYGd (scientists avoid projects impacted) #lca2012 #
- RT @kim_weatherall: This paper finds patents don't significantly help commercialization of inventions: http://t.co/Z5egwKiq #lca2012 #
- In open data BoF @aimee_maree talked about Got Gastro, great website. http://t.co/sOtiQTK1 #lca2012 #gov2au #
- Achieving open data: step 1) just publish, step 2) quality data (compliant systems, etc), step 3) collaborate #lca2012 http://t.co/x6EBDucM #
- Hey @kim_weatherall, @felix42 said you have some research/stats around patents in Australia. Anything you can share? π #lca2012 #
- The Free Software Act, interesting idea. http://t.co/jJcvMe9U #lca2012 #
- Tridge says independent invention as a defense & interoperability as fair use are two mods that would improve patents system #lca2012 #
- Grin RT @patentology: FOSS headlines you will never see? What abt 'Blackburn decline Samba transfer request' http://t.co/2MIKrp2G #truestory #
- Powerful statement on #SOPA from xkcd. Nice. http://t.co/YIglzRMQ #
- Ta RT @trevclarke: @joshgnosis @j_hutch @gusworldau Slowest search ever, results for "open source" Herald Sun: http://t.co/UZ41UbkP #lca2012 #
- Handy tip from @gusworldau: press releases are useful but personalise them, tell the journo why they'd be interested #lca2012 #
- Handy tip for dealing with the press, press releases are useful but personalise them, tell the journo why they'd be interested #lca2012 #
- Point from @gusworldau on falsity of broad assumption ads always dictate content in tech media. #lca2012 #
- Linus' response to a media question from @gusworldau on how much it'd cost to get him to come to a geek party. #lca2012 http://t.co/Ypig34cD #
- "journalists like free speech, they like free beer, but don't always want to get into the complexities in between." @gusworldau #lca2012 #
- Fascinating, the top 10 tech media websites in Australia by @gusworldau #lca2012 http://t.co/9a7kxqIK #
- I think we have a good community of tech journos in Australia. Doesn't always translate to coverage says @gusworldau #lca2012 #
- Totally, voting now π RT @chrisjrn: Hey, @gusworldau's talk on tech journalism is fantastic. #lca2012 #
- Angus' talk about FOSS & media. Hilarious & informative. Gets my vote π "The only way Linux would make the Sun Herald" http://t.co/Anqa5YCZ #
- .@chrisjrn Hah! "With all due respect…" http://t.co/G4IEoSmp #talledaganights #lca2012 #
- Whenever people start effectively with "no offense, but…" I am entertained and mildly annoyed. Thanks audience member π #lca2012 #
- Haha, jokes OH in @allisonrandal's talk: "man house", "apropos flush" #lca2012 #
- Accidentally stumbled across this surprisingly interesting article on "Australian egalitarianism", starting w language http://t.co/anAwrkvn #
- Karen's talk this morning has reminds me to turn off bluetooth/wireless on my phone now, and on my heart monitor later π #lca2012 #
- Cool, RT to #lca2012 @lukeweston: @piawaugh: http://t.co/kAccnvxj #
- .@Alegrya Big difference between striving for great user experience (similarity) & lock-in Apple imposes vs what FOSS tries to do #lca2012 #
- .@ioerror Cool, thanks. Hey @supersat @aczeskis, is there a blog post or something about your car hacks? π /cc @lukeweston #
- Scary RT @ej_butler: @hackuador @piawaugh Did you see this story last year? Insulin Pump hacked http://t.co/if6ngxwD #medtronic #lca2012 #
- Really enjoying the talk by Karen Sandler at #lca2012 Bring home the importance of software freedom to everyday life, esp health apps. #
- Hand is aching today. Too much typing & Tweeting π Retiring early to write blog & prepare for Martial Arts BoF tmrw morn at #lca2012 π #fb #
- Thanks @chrisjrn @kathyreid & @jaimekristene #
- OK, I've forgotten and can't quickly find this on the wiki, how do I vote for talks for the "Best Of" slots at #lca2012 π #
- Fantastic talk by Bdale Garbee about FreedomBox, a great idea to make privacy easy for people online. This gets my vote π #lca2012 #
- Wikipedia has gone dark to protest SOPA. Fascinating. Be great to get stats after the blackout on how many click throughs & such #lca2012 #
- For those I've chatted to about #society5 I've some early thoughts in my blog last year http://t.co/CWgkLcZt #lca2012 More coming v soon π #
- Hey @paulzee, you can see most tech related stuff from the last federal budget here http://t.co/HhJVwtrt #lca2012 #
- OMG PWNIES! π #lca2012 @caseopaya: @piawaugh link for you http://t.co/lEVUHaym #
- If ppl want to read great book on critical thinking & failure (even in science!) read @tribalscientist's book http://t.co/q7sOuFAX #lca2012 #
- Actually, bridge experiment isn't taking into account the variable of person type choosing to take a scary bridge vs safe bridge. #lca2012 #
- Playing Tetris interferes with long term memory, scientifically proven apparently. Wow. That will be useful π #lca2012 #
- Listening to @pjf reminds me of Gladwell's Tipping point. Recognising different traits helps your project "connectors, mavens & salespeople" #
- Hey @tribalscientist, @pjf is giving kenote (now) at #lca2012 & referencing the chicken and shovel split brain experiment π You might enjoy #
- Interesting analogy between taxes and club membership. Comments are quite diverse too. http://t.co/CPqmRWLz #
- Also for @chrisjrn, other #lca2012 peeps may enjoy the Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator π http://t.co/5d1UxIHM #
- Yo @chrisjrn, you can find that song in my soundcloud favs http://t.co/Z5lhNzm3 "Burn (Angel of Destruction Mix) by TweakerRay" #
- POLICY CIRCLES is interesting (made for Pacific consultation). Ppl might also be interested in #publicsphere http://t.co/zvI5NUPu #lca2012 #
- Hearing about Pacific Institute of Public Policy http://t.co/V5XK93fL & Policy Circles http://t.co/Ky9UinMB Interesting projects #lca2012 #
- Excited about the mix of martial arts lined up for the Martial Arts BoF. Come along if you are interested π http://t.co/Ar5Y3aPi #lca2012 #
- Interesting point from POLICY CIRCLES talk at #lca2012 "People are torn between the desire for peace and desire for justice". #
- .@purserj Ah, BOFH culture, it is a dangerous and seductive path to darkness. Resist the user-hate people! π /cc @shorebuck #
- I think there's something in that for all of us. RT @shorebuck as a user you can hate an editor. As tech support you can hate all of them (: #
- Whenever I use OpenOffice I am reminded how annoying it can be. For the smug out there MSOffice is no better. I should stick to vim #lca2012 #
- For @ajtowns, this is stunning! Manual 3D printing of fish -> painted layers between layers of resin. http://t.co/VVAXyEy5 #lca2012 #
- Interesting read "APS employees have the same right to freedom of expression as other members of the community" http://t.co/aneyG1gd #gov2au #
- Just linking to the Sarkozy speech for ppls interest, which I'm going over again for research. http://t.co/tA6y0EDM /cc @willozap #society5 #
- Yes! RT @kattekrab: RT @rillian: #lca2012 remains an awesome group of people. #
- Watching movie reader that describes video content as it plays. Demo is Elephants Dream which is hard to understand regardless π #lca2012 #
- Really excited about @ioerror's talk Friday. Might feed into a project I'm working on atm so hoping to chat. Watch this space π #lca2012 #
- Martial arts geeks at #lca2012 – Come to the Martial Arts BOF Thurs morn to train & share π http://t.co/bjjOzUyY #
- In multimedia miniconf. Jan makes a good point: DRM fundamentally flawed because limiting access to content you want ppl to access. #lca2012 #
- Relevant to Haecksen #lca2012 RT @PennySharpemlc: From US: why women don't want to run for elected office. Worth a read http://t.co/5WjeEQmP #
- Stunning RT @neerav: wow 1 of my photos (full moon last wk) http://t.co/ao3RR66Z was featured on the Flickr "Interesting" page. 1515 views #
- Awesomes RT @BronyRT: RT @nekonoir: Linux + Bronies = all the squee #lca2012 #mylittlepony http://t.co/30RPmfV7 #
- Tmrw I will bring my pwnies tshirt π RT @Tempestrix: Why are there ponies? #lca2012 #sysadminconf #
- .@weezmgk ah, thanks π and to the rest of you too π #
- In Haecksen miniconf at #lca2012 listening to stats on female representation at lca & of speakers. We have gone from 0% to 23% speakers π #
- Arrived at #lca2012 in time for the conf opening. Yays! I'll be tweeting this week about the conf, mostly just thoughts/links/blogs π #
- Interesting. Kind or kid? RT @bengrubb: Aussie wunderkind gets $US250k for technology that could revolutionise web http://t.co/1ds0Qtsr #
- Hah! π RT @linuxconfau: @piawaugh Safe travels Pia! We'd say break a leg, but we don't want to risk it π #
- One for @johnf π Moosli from the plane. http://t.co/O1ynQDPo #
- One for @johnf π Moosli from the plane. null #
- Now just a bus ride away from #lca2012 Woot! #
- On my way to #lca2012 Early start but it's a long way to Ballarat π Will blog the week as usual. #