Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-20

  • I added an idea for #govcampnsw about a yearly round of #gov2au awards and case studies. Vote it up or add your own πŸ™‚ #
  • There are still tickets available for lunch with Dom Campbell on Fri 25th for interested #govcampnsw or #gov2au people #
  • .@dominiccampbell heh, *an* answer, there are many answers & gov shouldn't tether itself too tightly to corp. Can be inhibitor #govcampnsw #
  • .@dominiccampbell come on, everyone is doing great work within their areas πŸ˜› But yes, this is why collaboration so vital. #govcampnsw #
  • Chatting to @chieftech. #gov20 skills: community devel, knowledge mgmt, tech literacy, good comms, creative & critical thinking #govcampnsw #
  • Innovators dont just need empowerment and freedom to be awesome, but collaboration and cross disciplinary sharing and skills #govcampnsw #
  • RT @paintmehappy: #govcampnsw business card in AMP "catalyst for magic", @piawaugh's business card is "geek liason" #
  • .@martinsw talking about social innovator programme where person paid to sit inside dept to innovate. V interesting! #govcampnsw #
  • Some more notes on #publicsphere from my #govcampnsw talk inc the Prezi πŸ™‚ #
  • .@paulwallbank Enjoy πŸ™‚ #
  • Community devel should take this into account RT @paulwallbank Gr8 point on exacerbating digital divide relying too much on tech #govcampnsw #
  • People in gov need to have both their media comms team to deal with media & community devel team to deal with people #govcampnsw #
  • We need, as #gov20 community, to resist "othering" as much as possible. Issues we face are not all clear cut blame games. #govcampnsw #
  • I posted ideas from the groups I talked to about innovation in gov on the #govcampnsw blog comments at #
  • .@Jeffrey_Knowles I think that is a fairly unfair. Many public servants do have public service at their core. It's not the money #govcampnsw #
  • Worth checking out some of the Gov 2.0 Showcase for case studies #govcampnsw #gov2au #Gov20 #
  • .@chieftech I aim to misbehave πŸ˜‰ #govcampnsw #
  • From our group: important stuff for innovation, so many ideas I'm writing them up elsewhere and will blog them in 10 mins πŸ™‚ #govcampnsw #
  • .@chieftech asks us to come up with top 3 things for innovation in gov. Open data, public engagement & citizen-centricity? πŸ˜‰ #govcampnsw #
  • .@martinsw This is why precedents are so important. Precedents & policy help mitigate the risk gov SES are required to manage @lyndakelly61 #
  • Yes RT @bxmx: @piawaugh Agreed – #gov2 takes organizational change w takes time to be done right… cc @dominiccampbell #govcampnsw #
  • .@dominiccampbell: says biz case for #opengov isn't clear. Really? I think #opendata a way to reduce cost of FoI compliance (eg) #govcampnsw #
  • .@dominiccampbell: #gov2au poised to leapfrog world 2yrs ago but hasn't moved much. I think fast for gov but slow for society #govcampnsw #
  • .@dominiccampbell: Talking about "We Gov", the shift to a collaborative way to do goverment. #govcampnsw #
  • .@dominiccampbell: needs to be a shift in thinking from 'public institutions" to "public value" #govcampnsw #
  • But without the accountability. Big diff RT @paulwallbank A corporation is just as much a bureaucracy as a public service dept #govcampnsw #
  • .@martinsw referencing the "cathedral and the bazaar" as a model to look at with regards to #opengov #gov20 at #govcampnsw #gov2au #
  • .@martinsw: "Collaborating with people you don't agree with is very very hard." <- Welcome to democracy πŸ˜‰ #govcampnsw #
  • .@martinsw "The Innovator's DNA" at #govcampnsw "Associating, Questioning, Observing, Networking & Experimenting" #
  • .@martinsw talking on the role of connectedness (how we share, collaborate, interact online) to productivity & innovation. #govcampnsw #
  • Going to try to add ideas to the ideascale throughout the day from talks I attend. Add your ideas to #govcampnsw #
  • .@johnw3lls introducing @martinsw to speak at #govcampnsw #
  • Awesome to have support from NSW Info Commissioner Deirdre O'Donnell (in room), Chris Eccles (DG NSW P&C) & Dr Peter Shergold #govcampnsw #
  • .@lyndakelly61 Well, and it means the really passionate and committed ppl are all in a room together. It's a filter for awesome #govcampnsw #
  • .@johnw3lls: "Risk for gov is that we underestimate the power of the revolution & fail to tap into the community of innovators" #govcampnsw #
  • .@johnw3lls opening #govcampnsw and saying it is all about us. "It's your day, your agenda". Ppl will need to add their talks to the board #
  • .@allisonhornery giving a bit of a briefing for social reporting at #govcampnsw πŸ™‚ #
  • Wish i had my motorbike in Sydney, really feel like two wheel goodness today πŸ™‚ #
  • I blogged my #OSDC speech on #opengov #gov20 from this week which may be useful to some #govcampnsw peeps. #opendata #
  • Looking forward to #govcampnsw today πŸ™‚ Should be a lot of fun for sharing and learning. Some incredible peeps from NSW public service too. #
  • Anyone know an easy way to use USB devices on an iPad? Can't see any port in documentation, but hoping there might be an easy solution. #
  • Fascinating & thoughtful RT @beneltham: RT @abcthedrum: Ben Eltham on the US and China: Australia's great and powerful friends #
  • Happy bday @hollingsworth πŸ™‚ #
  • .@sund00bie heh, i know the shorthand. Check out ny press on #opengov the conclusion at the end deals with that exact issue πŸ˜‰ #
  • 2011 survey of gov shows 60 agencies using FOSS, over 750 implementations. Up from 2007. Internationally Aus gov ranks high #osdc #osdc2011 #
  • Catto: drawing link between tech gov innovation in gov and FOSS adoption in Brazil. Interesting. #osdc #osdc2011 #gov2au #
  • Further FOSS opportunities from AGIMO talk. #osdc #osdc2011 #
  • RT to #gov2au Catto: AGIMO service delivery includes,, govspace, govdex, the AGIMO blog #osdc #osdc2011 #
  • Presentation by AGIMO on FOSS talking about some of the opportunities. Great to see πŸ™‚ #osdc #osdc2011 #
  • Catto: AGIMO service delivery includes,, govspace, govdex, the AGIMO blog #osdc #osdc2011 #
  • Catto: AGIMO do policy for data centre strategy, Internet gateways, teleworking, IPv6, tech investment, FOSS, bespoke #osdc #osdc2011 #
  • Catto: AGIMO provide advice and policy for gov use of tech, whole of gov tech strategy, procurement on behalf of gov, ICON #osdc #osdc2011 #
  • Just about to hear from Brian Catto from AGIMO about FOSS in government. This will be very interesting πŸ™‚ #osdc #osdc2011 #gov2au #
  • Oh yah, and RT to #gov2au πŸ™‚ New post: OSDC 2011 Talk – Open Government, what is it really? #opengov #fb #osdc #
  • RT to #osdc & #osdc2011 Hopefully this captures it πŸ™‚ New post: OSDC 2011 Talk – Open Government, what is it really? #
  • Hey #gov2au peeps, come to lunch with Dom Campbell next Friday the 25th πŸ™‚ Should be very interesting & a good chance to catch up! #opengov #
  • Four day roots music festival starting today in Melbourne. Wish I'd known about it earlier! πŸ™‚ #music #
  • I am not going to make it to the #osdc #osdc2011 dinner, sorry folks, feeling unwell. Be there tmrw tho. /cc @osdc2011 #
  • Hackfest in Brissie on Nov 26th so register now πŸ™‚ #
  • Currently looking at a video project by George Bray looking at early NBN rollouts πŸ™‚ #
  • Currently reading the 2011 International Status of Open Source report. Interesting #opengov #gov2au #
  • The key thing about #publicsphere process is the commumity development & research to determine how to best engage ppl in the topic #OAICConf #
  • Ppl at #OAICConf should see event report section of recent #publicsphere lots of data & community analysis therein πŸ™‚ #
  • *Very* excited about Assassin's Creed Revelations. New trailer gameplay looks incredible. #
  • Hey #gov2au peeps, come along to a lunch at Parliament House to hear @dominiccampbell speak on Nov 25th πŸ™‚ #opengov #
  • Photograph Canberra, next weekend πŸ™‚ RT @hic_clix_pix: a community event on next Saturday…anyone can come! #

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