- Having a nice chilled day today, hope everyone else is too π #fb #
- Had wonderful game of chess with @alexmyoung, perfect finish to the day π #fb #
- For anyone in sydney cbd this arvo who knows @katsbud or I, drop in and wish us happy birthday at the arthouse π #
- Wow! Over 3000 plays and 260 downloads of my songs! Now that is creative incentive π http://t.co/iZZCcBxj #music #fb #
- There is nothing a good coffee, mushroom dumplings and good music can't fix! Good morning Canberra! #
- .@weezmgk thx π I guess I can see why ppl do it to some degree. It's inconvenient but realistically such a small issue, why compound it? π #
- .@weezmgk heh, I tend to not be too bothered by stuff like this. It makes me appreciate how good I have it. #firstworldproblems #
- Hah! Goods to know π RT @allanonau: @piawaugh check your hubcaps. I hear it's like catnip for the retired. #
- Totally RT @sund00bie: @piawaugh sorry to hear, but those old people can't be trusted. they just have no respect for the youth of today π #
- Totally, hoodlums! RT @jethrocarr: @piawaugh those mobility scooter gangs are a vicious bunch. :-/ #keyedmycar #
- Today I found my car out had been keyed & a windscreen wiper bent. Awesome π I blame the retirement home close by #fb http://t.co/VSnLeHjC #
- Both π RT @GeordieGuy: @piawaugh are you vego or just masochistic? #
- Exactly what I felt like. Salt n pepper silken tofu. http://t.co/yal7dfGZ #
- <grin> cheeky RT @grmsn: *Yawn* @ #gov20cebit discussions. See @sherro58 snarkiness isn't reliant on anonymity. cc/ @piawaugh ;o) #
- I disagree. Capacity to participate anon is important RT @shotsie2010 @sherro58 at #gov20cebit – "anonymity + keyboard + platform" = trouble #
- Yes! RT @sharpey22: #gov20cebit A new paradigm for Govt! Agree w @Skytland – Govt agencies have awesome potential 2 change world. #
- Awesome, check out the datavis RT @cjjosh: Presentation by Nick @Skytland from NASA avail at Slideshare /skytland #gov20cebit #gov2au #
- .@skytland is now talking about open source, open data & datavis. Too cool. See http://t.co/N5ZJCbRH & http://t.co/SjAMjgLF #gov20cebit #
- Have to run #gov20cebit peeps, I'll be back at afternoon tea briefly for coffees π #
- .@skytland: moon rock at Canberra space station is best he has seen. I highly recommend a trip to Tidbindilly (esp on motorbike) #gov20cebit #
- .@Astro_Mike is getting.a lot of love from @skytland at a #gov20 conf in Australia. Oh hai! π #gov20cebit #
- Yes! @skytland "It's not just about taking, it's about trusting in your citizens and engaging them." #gov20cebit #gov2au #
- Listening to @skytland from NASA talking about you're the world has changed and how collab is key for #opengov Great speaker at #gov20cebit #
- .@rhysatwork you'll be glad to know @katelundy gave kudos to innovation in councils, encouraged better cross sphere collab π #gov20cebit #
- You can check out the Digital Culture #publicsphere submission at http://t.co/8waOyMFa Almost 200 ideas! #Gov20cebit #
- Briefly at #gov20cebit to hear @KateLundy, maybe a couple more if I can π Looking forward to getting back into #gov20au community stuff now #
- He totally rocks π RT @simonrutledge: Just about to get started with @solutist #gov20cebit #
- Sometimes waiting for something is the hardest thing!!! #
- Love this quote RT @Palidan "Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment." Lao Tzu #
- .@Tiffany_King Noble Palace is definitely ahead by several votes atm, thanks! π #
- Ok canberra peeps, what is the best yum cha place in town? π #
- .@jdub Heh, totally π I only watched the first of the Borgias recently, was INCREDIBLE! Need to watch the rest. @mikestuchbery #
- Not sure whether to be excited or scared RT @jdub Yes, my last retweet does mean in all likelihood, there'll be an Assassin's Creed movie #
- Listening to Radiohead at the Phoenix, having a drink with a friend. Feeling good with the world π #
- RT @Nyx2701: Interesting blog by @Drag0nista: Is the tide turning for Tony Abbott? http://t.co/I6AO5sOf #auspol #
- On some leave to rest. Today = wash car/motorbike, mow lawn, cook, clean + Dexter for reward π slowly.catching up on sleep. #fb #