- Man, I hate shopping. Am out doing wedding shopping with my sister. Did however find a stunning corset π #
- "We're trying to challenge myth that there are not enough resources to go around." Occupy London takes city, Daily Mail http://t.co/AfvfMfzX #
- <grin> "so delicious and ARGHHHHHH!" π RT @AnchormanMazda: @piawaugh Gravity, the breakfast of champions! #
- Interesting RT @Jeff_Sparrow: Some initial thoughts about Occupy Melbourne http://t.co/qZnoQ2qn #OccupyMelb #occupyOZ #occupymelbourne #
- For realz! Mwaaaahhhh hahahaha! RT @wombat1974: Ice ice baby! http://t.co/hOxFJO4H #
- I have to say riding my bike is still one of the most awesome feelings in the world π #bumblebee #housesitting <3 http://t.co/RAwkWpbb #
- I have to say riding my bike is still one of the most awesome feelings in the world π #bumblebee #housesitting <3 http://t.co/oW5dfDoj #
- Looking after my beautiful niece Tilly, almost relaxing after last month of insanity π She's gorgeous, esp asleep π http://t.co/TFINGjzN #
- .@Ben_f0x voting open till 20th, contribs till 16th http://t.co/cEOXCB6s π /cc @sheseesred @rashasman @bigtripco #publicsphere #
- Woah! Get out of my xkcd's @DavidParis! Now! http://t.co/tKnNt3Is #
- Hey @Grisel carreira, awesome to see you! Feels like yesterday π check out http://t.co/HWRuCd61 #
- Just added Dr Paul Brock's speech notes to #publicsphere schedule. Some really good insights about education & arts http://t.co/G6JvyVS4 #
- Am seeing The Wharf Review 2011 show next week in Canberra, should be hilarious π http://t.co/5q0bv4xF #
- Hey @ideascale, is there any way to enable anonymous voting in a campaign? I've searched bu it isn't clear whether it is possible. #
- Wow, 251 votes already! Vote up the Big Picture or sector Digital Culture ideas you think are important http://t.co/SanzJPs1 #publicsphere #
- o/` "Without you everything falls apart, without you it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces" o/` A little NIN to help me concentrate π #
- Hey @CathStyles, thanks for the feedback, I've merged and then deleted three of the ideas. I reckon ppl start with Big Picture & then drill #
- Vote for the Big Picture or sector specific Digital Culture #PublicSphere ideas you think need highest priority at http://t.co/cEOXCB6s #
- Fascinating RT @BiellaColeman: Interesting letter from Anarchist to #occupywallstreet http://t.co/RTbrTRNE #
- Hah, I'm rather well represented, yay for RT π @TheWallAU: Best tweets from the National Cultural Policy forum #ncpaus http://t.co/4MaJtuY2 #
- Good point and nice to meet you π RT @endamurray: Where is the Training for the creative industries? #ncpaus #
- MT @angrygoat: govt must water the roots; infastructure like the NBN, making spaces for communities so innovation can happen #ncpaus #
- MT @nzJayZee: Agree. Govt's role is to let it happen not make it happen. The diff is not making presumptions about types of outcomes #ncpaus #
- Personal thought: innovation isn't top down it's grassroots. Gov policy should support/facilitate awesoneness not presume to lead it #NCPaus #
- Sabiene: It's important ppl in arts acknowledge audience expectations have changed. #ncpaus They expect immersion, engagement, to have voice #
- Sabiene: games development provides incredible opportunities for rest of arts/culture sector #ncpaus #
- Thank you Sabiene for pointing out the discussion paper is just that. It is a starting point, not "the policy". #ncpaus #
- And yet science often sits above art in support terms, how do we give art the same level of support & recognition as science? #NCPaus 2/2 #
- Artists are like scientists, they innovate, create & explore for sake of it & society benefits even when no economic outcomes #NCPaus 1/2 #
- What about digital, tech, business, collab, online, entrepreneurialism & new biz models training for arts/culture at school? #ncpaus #
- RT to #publicsphere @aroha_groves: Arts in schools important in digital era: digital interfaces r visual & young need to be skilled. #NCPaus #
- "Arts lead to real measurable social outcomes" speaker at #ncpaus #
- Talking about education & art, I wonder whether anyone will mention how art is one of the core elements of national curriculum… #ncpaus #
- Yes RT @aroha_groves: @twaklin 10yrs a long time (esp digital) and policy needs to be FLEXIBLE to accommodate changing circumstances #NCPaus #
- Check out @questforjackie1 peeps, cool project π #kungfurocks #
- Interesting points at #ncpaus about value of cultural diversity, inclusiveness, Aboriginal arts and recognition, technology, arts excellence #
- .@LeahBarclay cross sector skills & collaboration is vital to innovation, to taking advantage of awesome skills across the sector. #ncpaus #
- When I said last cultural policy before internet, I meant mainstream adoption π #ncpaus Digital Culture #publicsphere http://t.co/WH7FbCvG #
- Awesome, listening to project in Western Sydney "finding Jackie Chan" getting youth engaged. V cool π #ncpaus #
- Woah, suddenly seeing myself on big screen is really disconcerting! On #ncpaus panel π #
- I'm there π RT @FeralArts: Getting ready for today's National Cultural Policy Forum at the Opera House http://t.co/QM39xGiE #nbn #NCPAus #
- Enormous pain in my left side, hoping it isn't appendicitis. I don't have time for this :/ #
- Hey @sundress, pls check out latest song and see what you think π http://t.co/K9ZstNYX #
- Still finishing cultural heritage & Big Picture ideas from wiki but vote 4 ideas you think most important http://t.co/cEOXCB6s #publicsphere #
- Apples & Earl, great combination π Right now it's hot water & da musics π I'm an am person so I have about 6 hrs to be productive π @bxmx #
- Listening to some rocking music to compensate for 3 hours sleep. Woot!!! Working on publicsphere foo. #
- HAAAA hahaha. Running Windows 7 temporarily for analysis sw I'm using, it just asked me to reboot cos it hadn't rebooted in a week π #funny #
- Awesome, just outsource everything again cos that worked so well last time! RT @ZDNet: Who needs an IT dept anymore? http://t.co/83cq76kM #
- And awareness helps critical thinking π RT @fredwilson: Some Thoughts Of "Lineage Of Thought" and Lineage More Broadly http://t.co/fpsPshmL #
- Heh, and Chuang Tse before him π RT @muz4now: All that we see or seem is but a #dream within a dream. ~ Edgar Allan Poe #quote #
- Everytime I hear a sleeping bag zip up, I'm reminded of the intro to Smashing Pumpkins "Bodies" π #
- Hanging out with the awesome @sundress is awesome π #
- <blush> RT @prjmellors: well whenever i need to photograph an attractive warrior ninja princess you'll be the first woman i think of π x #
- Terrible, and funny, but terrible π RT @designersays: Just saw a couple holding hands. So of course I had to run them over with my car. #
- Walking through canberra airport, laptop over shoulder, phone in hand, game of thrones in the other hand, I'm ready to take on the world π #
- Posted to Facebook & G+, forgot to post here! End of the day #frocktober effort from weekend 1950's wedding π http://t.co/zGWD87jW #
- Thanks @deanapra for contribution to the Music/Media page for the #publicsphere consultation, great figures to help! http://t.co/UuI2CLya #
- OK, 2200 tweets have been parsed and contributed to the digital culture #publicsphere wiki. Brain is quite full. http://t.co/8Lvlx9gz #
- Oooh, thinking about going to "Game On" festival about gaming http://t.co/cRhemSF5 #
- Hey @NettieD, you mentioned that AIMIA is national peak body for digital, is it contributing to #NCP or Digital Culture #publicsphere #
- Especially given your conference this weekend, we're taking contribs to the Digital Culture #publicsphere till Sun night @EmergingWriters #
- Hey @EmergingWriters, I hope you guys are contributing your thoughts to the #publicsphere wiki after following along at the live event π #
- <Yawn> Is it lunchtime already? Reading through 2200 tweets for #publicsphere is all consuming work! #
- Uh oh, multiple people editing the same #publicsphere page π Let's see how wikispaces handles it…. so good so far… #
- Hey @vaguelym, are ACMI adding to the #publicsphere paper? Be great to get your input given ACMI great work, even just some case studies π #
- Currently reading @jbwardle's discussion paper to #publicsphere Some clear policy recommendations. What do you think? http://t.co/dTfF00TI #
- Hey @avaguelym, are ACMI adding to the #publicsphere paper? Be great to get your input given ACMI great work, even just some case studies π #
- Hey @serkowski, you commented that file sharing is cultural participation. What exactly would you like put into submission? π #publicsphere #
- It's very hard to get information about the amount of sales of video games & addons from distributors (eg Sony, Apple) #danz12 #publicsphere #
- .@AaronJPercival you'd be surprised what they already know, esp since statistically they would havre gamers on staff π #danz12 #
- Totally! Bring on Decathlon, Karateka & Alley Cat! RT @newcastleboyy: @piawaugh I love retro games from the 1970s and 1980s best #danz12 #
- Check out the #danz12 report on video games in Australia. Very interesting research. #publicsphere http://t.co/6eZ1Zjkm #
- Will check this out RT @kattekrab: @piawaugh – I'm reading @avantgame's "Reality is Broken" gaming ++ #
- 83% of parents play video games of which 88% play with their kids. For education & "to spend engaging time together" #publicsphere #danz12 #
- Average adult video gamer has been playing for 12 years. #danz12 #publicsphere 70% households have multiple gamers, not just 1 #
- Vast majority of video gamers play around an hour a day, problem gaming quite a low proportion. #danz12 #publicsphere #
- Women are now 47% representation of gamers in Australia, schweet π #danz12 #publicsphere And across most types too inc shoot em ups. Woot! #
- Slide on % of each age group playing games. #danz12 #publicsphere http://t.co/mXZjaGcq #
- Brand: 3 yrs ago, diff between gaming & non gaming households wrt mobile games only 2%, now mobile gaming prevalent #danz12 # publicsphere #
- And from nowhere I have the Whitlams playing in my head π #
- In 2005 78% households were gaming households, 2011 it is 92%. Average age of gamers is now 32. Wow. #danz12 #publicsphere #
- Comment from 71yr old male, gaming helps continue learning & keeps you stimulated esp as you get older #danz12 #publicsphere Interesting #
- Jeff Brand: Bond Uni have been doing national research on digital media & games for 6 yrs. 1252 households polled for #danz12 #publicsphere #
- About to attend #danz12 where Jeff Brand from Bond University will be presenting anout the state of games devel in Australia #publicsphere #
- Hey @shineslike, thought you'd appreciate that the Minister's speech reflected on your points a lot π http://t.co/jD1Aragg #publicsphere #
- Almost all speakers from the #publicsphere now have slides, notes or video available at http://t.co/IKFZy7OR Check it out π #
- Awesome contributions to #publicsphere on linked data, metadata & measuring openness of cultural heritage by @wragge π /cc @Timh01 #
- Hey @paul_callaghan, you would have seen ppl like your video a lot π Games wiki page shaping up nicely http://t.co/mp38llTj #publicsphere #
- .@lizellesmith NP, working through the twitter stream for #publicsphere is quite inspiring. Some great stuff there! Capturing it all. #
- Hey @benpaddlejones, that article "can games be radical" was fascinating. Have added to games page #publicsphere http://t.co/zGbRlaB0 #
- Hey @lizellesmith, just letting you know I've been adding your comments to cultural heritage page, big picture & digital art (ref ur nick) #
- Just for stats and reporting π @letsmakegames #
- Hey @letsmakegames, did you end up doing roundtable for your contributions to #publicsphere If so be great to know when & how many ppl π #
- Hi @fredgarnett, I added "The 21st Century Public Sphere" to the Media page of #publicsphere What specific ideas do you want added? #
- Hey @leighblackall, I added your refs about access to academic papers to Big Picture, see what you think http://t.co/eu6fgUGV #publicsphere #
- Working gives me the hungries! Going out to get some Indian noms then back to #publicsphere analysis. Some incredible contributions π #
- Wow, #publicsphere wiki really coming along. I've cleaned it, added refs & most group discussion notes, now Tweets π http://t.co/8Lvlx9gz #