- Awesome day hanging with friends π Took @dirdigeng out to Tidbindilla to check out the space tracking system π Much sciency awesomeness! #
- Nice, Placebo and Bowie remixed by UNKLE. Without you I'm nothing. http://t.co/JIpUVd5 #music #
- Currently listening to The DC3 and loving it π http://t.co/lGc83F2 #music #
- Yays, thanks π It was a group effort RT @NETDe: A massive THANK YOU to @piawaugh and many others who organised #govcampau #
- Awesome and great work today π RT @FCTweedie: With @piawaugh at #govcampau http://t.co/GHSCm0u #hipstamatic #
- Tee hee, blame @dirdigeng RT @NETDe: Yeah just @piawaugh relaxing, I draw your attn to her unpatriotic shirt! #govcampau http://t.co/kLYkmz6 #
- Oooh! Great link to look into for Digital Culture #publicsphere http://t.co/H4pysWW #
- .@mlockrey She largely spoke to wiki page she put up a few days ago so check it out & contrib π http://t.co/IC07aJm #govcampau #opendata #
- The #govcampau whiteboard but more readable version on the wiki π http://t.co/uPcOBcm #
- That's the intention π RT @thinkplace: Cracking content at #govcampau – this should become a regular event! #
- Very excited about OAIC proposed models for a) valuing PSI and b) rating openness of data by depts/agencies #govcampau http://t.co/IC07aJm #
- We did have about 15 ppl cacel in last few days, good reminder to overbook events, part on the weekend! π #govcampau #
- RT @Travis_Longmore Disappointed I can't stay for entire #govcampau brilliant day so far! Will definitely go to next one! Congrats <-thx! #
- 1hr sessions about to start, OAIC on Valuing PSI #opendata biz cases on citizen-centric services & MyRegion in online eng #govcampau #
- Michael: 140 chars means there isn't really room for "spin" so discussions are more personable, more conversational #govcampau #
- Michael from ACT Gov says he was cynical of Twitter for genuine conversations but Virtual Community Cabinets have shown otherwise #govcampau #
- ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher's statement on #opengov http://t.co/jDScwgF #govcampau #
- Definitely RT @chieftech #gov2au can learn from the US's pragmatic but professional approach Penina is describing #govcampau #
- Woot! RT @williamparry #govcampau better search coming to data.gov.au! #
- Glad you spoke π RT @rdlltt: Thanks to @gavintapp & @piawaugh for encouraging me to talk at #govcampau the power of peer pressure! π #
- Mention of "the last three feet" in online public engagement wrt ediplomacy, edemocracy http://t.co/bamtmYN #govcampau #
- Just had to invoke the "oi, room moderator is god" on @trib, let that be a lesson for everyone π #govcampau #
- <grin> RT @cazjade It helps to remove account protection when tweeting at a public event. *facepalm* #
- .@census2011 held up as great example of (non emergency) use of gov social media around a project #govcampau #
- Someone in the room (*not* @sherro58) highly recommended John's article "Tweeting for your country" http://t.co/LaT20cY #govcampau #
- Updated #govcampau schedule w rooms http://t.co/tUC7uDJ Public eng in main rm, open data: open area lvl 2 & citizen-centric board rm lvl 2 #
- Am trying to collate links from the tweet stream/discussion onto resources page, would love help Tweeps! π http://t.co/olnoI2E #govcampau #
- Please add your links and thoughts for discussion to the resources page π http://t.co/olnoI2E #govcampau #
- #govcampau schedule updated http://t.co/tUC7uDJ #gov2au #
- .@sherro58 talking about senior ppl in gov using social media to talk directly to many ppl not through just a speech or the media #govcampau #
- Loving @sherro58's talk. Insightful, practical, realistic. "We'll know we've made progress when we stop talking & just do it" #govcampau #
- .@sherro58 suggests a "cliff of legacy" should be added tho the gartner hype cycle. <grin> #govcampau #
- .@sherro58 challenging attendees to look at how social media is changing our society for the better. Good point to consider #govcampau #
- Hah, data vis on the #gov2au hashtadg show top controls are @craigthomler, @sherro58, @piawaugh then @trib. Funny π #govcampau #
- Nice ImmiTV getting kudos from @sherro58 as a leading gov agency use of YouTube and video. #govcampau #
- .@lucian cool, watch the hashtag and all video content will be linked to schedule prolly tmrw π #govcampau #
- .@JudeBurger join the #gov2au Google mailing list and I'll make sure future ones are better promoted there π http://t.co/5vfV0Im #govcampau #
- .@trib's talk at #govcampau is good case study, but not how collab contribs to citizen-centric services as he said, I expect another talk π #
- Trying to not slice up my fingers on my poor shattered phone. Picking up new one on Monday. #
- Schedule at #govcampau is updated, more talks still to be added to the board π http://t.co/tUC7uDJ #gov2au #
- We totally do π RT @sherro58: @piawaugh thanks. I've been testing my infographic skills. Hope we have a projector. #govcampau #gov2au #
- Am looking forward to your speech π RT @sherro58: Big week for presentations. Up early on a Saturday for #govcampau #gov2au #
- You should speak π RT @landsatdog: Cool tools to query online open spatial data also need work. Looking forward to ideas #govcampau #
- Me too π RT @chieftech: Leaving for #govcampau #
- Hey @dirdigeng and @martinsw, you two should meet whilst Andrew is in Australia. Consider yourselves introduced π #
- Was awesome to hang out with the awesome @jameskliemt and talk music, I've much to learn π #
- RT @damonism: @piawaugh I read Hyperbad Days at about the same time. A much more interesting book about the singularity, IMO. Charles Stross #
- Accelerando by Charles Stross, a must read for… everybody! Fascinating ideas, philosophy + #scifi http://t.co/fzJxz8I /ping @bleeters #
- So true, thank you master! π RT @benno37: @piawaugh @ABC_Andy & an empty mind is what you want before focussing on actually doing something #
- The Digital Culture #publicsphere for @ibleeter π http://t.co/pLhhDBF #
- .@ABC_Andy although what if I aspire to an empty mind? Damn you Zen! #
- So much gorgeous! RT @wolfcat: @piawaugh thanks… this from the other day http://t.co/zsAmOY3 is cute overload π #alittlebitclucky #
- LOVE IT RT @ABC_Andy: @piawaugh An empty inbox is a sign of an empty mind? #
- Me too RT @chrisberg: a lot of people practice "inbox zero". i find "inbox twenty-six thousand five hundred and one" also quite effective. #
- Cool, congrats π RT @wolfcat: @adrallud this is my science is amazing moment π http://t.co/rNw3zZC #
- One sleep to #govcampau Exciting: OAIC are running session in #OpenData stream on model for measuring OpenPSI http://t.co/IC07aJm #gov2au #
- Listening to President Obama's "American Jobs Act" speech on the radio right now. Fascinating stuff. #
- You are awesome, thx! MT @JoBrodie @piawaugh Suggest SearchHash (what wthashtag used to do). See blog on other Twitter tools is.gd/ennsBC #
- Crazy things I sometimes do when I get home late at night: take Po for a 4km run. Feeling better for it though π #
- Exhausted, going home to puppy. And to remix a new song (this one is about repression and revolutions, should be fun). #yawn #
- Schweet! π Look forward to it! RT @free_play We'll be taking part in this! RT @KateLundy: The Digital Culture #PublicSphere bit.ly/r9Q3fw #
- .@NettieD thanks for the RT, it's certainly going to be fun π And an important discussion to had as a country! π #publicsphere #
- Aww, thx! RT @CathStyles: Onya, Kate and @piawaugh. MT @KateLundy: New post: #Digital #Culture #PublicSphere http://t.co/imD7seM #
- It has been a *long* time since I installed ubuntu from scratch. I am seriously impressed. 11.04 is *beautiful* to install, v pretty too! #
- Holy crap, just saw Soundcloud has experimental HTML5 support (audio). I'm enabling & testing when I get home π http://t.co/JzFaAnY #music #
- OK #gov2au peeps, anyone got a spare video recording device? I've got access to a couple of Flips & need 2 more for #govcampau :/ #sotired #
- Totally! RT @AnchormanMazda: @piawaugh Protect your stationery, I will. Force now powered by an electrical current! #
- Yoda: your desk protector! I want one! http://t.co/I8pt7yN #
- A song I'm working on with @mideion has sampled gun sounds (sounds amazing) & I shocked myself whilst driving. Can't stop giggling. #music #
- Awesome, thanks for that π RT camcgr Samsung Galaxy S2 from those I know who have one – awesome better than iPhone 4 #
- I'm looking to get a Samsung Galaxy S2, I broke my HTC proper :/. Any last thoughts from people before I commit? π Awesome, awful? #
- So who else is coming to the Open Technology Foundation launch next week? Looks interesting π http://t.co/26bs4Ok (scroll down) #gov2au #
- .@camcgr I think that is what this cultural policy will try to do π So get in and have your say to help make it happen π #publicsphere #
- AHHHHH hahahaha! A workmate just sent me this, had to tweet it. "Inbred cat" <grin> http://t.co/GotkNmE #
- Make sure you reserve a spot at the Digital Culture #publicsphere Live Event. We're finalising venue but places lmtd π http://t.co/XtM1QYQ #
- Woot! RT @KateLundy New post: The Digital Culture Public Sphere bit.ly/r9Q3fw #publicsphere #games #culture #arts #digital #notconverg #
- Robert Connolly: what I love about the NBN future is how creators can be so close to their audience.#coa2011 #
- Robert Connolly saying why he moved into gaming. Also previous point made about how Aussie games companies succeeding *during* GFC #coa2011 #
- Halfbrick Studios: games is now about a service, not just the software. #coa2011 #
- Listening to Shainiel from Halfbrick Studios. Awesome stuff π #coa2011 #
- Ideas about making your creations go viral from the #beachedaz guys π #coa2011 http://t.co/mJ8jYc1 #
- #BeachedAz Bro: "we were kings of Geocities back in the day, so we uses the internet and went direct rather than the traditional film model" #
- RT @purserj now all we need to do is get them and the Mythbusters guys on the same stage and we achieve perfect nerdgasm #coa2011 #beachedaz #
- Hearing from the Beached Az creators. AWESOME!!! #COA2011 oh nooooo! Bro! #
- Awesome to see Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman and Joss Whedon all in the top 10 Sydney Opera House most accessed content π #geek #coa2011 #
- Just saw @natalietran featured in video about Aussie creativity π Love it! π #creativeaustraliaonline #coa2011 #
- Anyone know where I can buy one (without or with a plan, will consider either). /cc @jdub @vk2ktj @johnf #lazywebs #Galaxy2 #
- TOO MUCH AWESOME! π MT FakePaulKeating:I tried to clone @KateLundy. It caused a rift in space/time, reality could not handle it #
- .@Skigod don't know what PR *should* be, but often enough it's about managing messaging/mitigating risk, not actual engagement #gov2au #
- .@katelundy says social media shouldn't be the domain of PR, that misses the point. It's about genuine engagement, conversations. #gov2au #
- .@katelundy saying we all need to be the change we want to see with #opengov & #gov20 The policies exist, now implementation. #gov2au #
- .@katelundy giving a shoutout to the #gov2au community saying they are international leaders and inspirational for gov to move on #gov20 #
- This is why I love my HTC, an iPhone would be toast now π #droppedmyphoneforthelasttime http://t.co/Rvv1i2g #
- How many? Can't stand the suspense! π MT @Pollytics @GrogsGamut Do you know how many people have pulled me up to demand corporate tax cuts? #
- Totally! OMG! RT @AnchormanMazda: @piawaugh All the way across the sky! So intense! #
- OMG, Civic rainbow. What does it mean?!?!? http://t.co/uKJqkCn #
- "Are you feeling lucky, sweetie" #replacewordinquotewithsweetie have to go to sleep now. Night folks π #
- .@julieposetti indeed, the future business models of journalism just took a sharp plunge to insanity π /cc @renailemay @nehadk #
- Heh, totally. *Plus* he enjoys it π RT @nehadk: @julieposetti Outsource reverse trolling to @renailemay. Force is strong with this one. #
- Sounds like a win-win π RT @jasonlangenauer: Who'd like to join my mutual-admiration society? #
- .@Bondles did I? When? π You try, this is fun π I have to asleep bow though, big day tmrw! Night. #
- .@benmcginnes thanks, and now to sleep, perhaps to sweetie π /cc @benpobjie #replacewordinquotewithsweetie #
- "Fear leads to anger, anger to hate & hate leads to sweetie" RT @benpobjie: "No Luke…*I* am your sweetie" #replacewordinquotewithsweetie #
- <3 One of my fav movies RT @crazyjane13: Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Sweetie knows. #replacewordinquotewithsweetie #
- "What we've got here is a sweetie to communicate" #civilwar #replacewordinquotewithsweetie #
- "Say hello to my little sweetie!" RT @benmcginnes: @benpobjie Is this a Sweetie I see before me? #replacewordinquotewithsweetie #
- It's going to rock! π RT @rdlltt: @trib @craigthomler @grmsn speaking of which, I'm looking forward to govcamp this weekend #gov2au #
- Is v entertaining π et @louisasays: In the nations capital for the great Walkley debate @thepressclub pitting journos against politicians. #
- Wow, seriously big days atm! So exciting! #
- Yes, please, PLZ! Can it include Kung Fu? π RT DavidParis: @conwayh @louisevmorris @ebony_bennett @Bondles @quinnclare ACTION. #
- Currently reading "Why digital did not kill the opera star" by @artsdigitalera. Great article about #digitalculture http://t.co/T1kZcZ9 #