- I *love* that movie! π RT @bubbiting Have you seen Black Sheep (NZ film)? Its terrific! #
- Just watched "Piranha", possibly the *worst* horror movie ever, but hilarious nonetheless. I do love me a good horror, this was not one π #
- Loving the camera effects on this tablet. My sister and I are horror movie-ing it up π #scary #honeycomb http://t.co/2340Azk #
- Am seriously impressed with Acer Android Honeycomb. Don't know why ppl bother spending heaps more on ipad for "browsing". #
- This is novel, a Droid based tablet that has diff interfaces for different apps. This is the games menu. I love it π http://t.co/0jCm6Uz #
- Woah, just heard "boom, shake shake shake the room" on radio. Hellooooo 1990's π #
- Ooh, this gov job looks like a perfect fit for an #opendata #gov2au & #geospatial geek π Thought I'd pass it on http://bit.ly/kLIxdj #
- Who wants to come see XMen on Sunday night? Dendy Civic Sun night. Need RSVPs for group booking please π #gov2au #actwonkdrinks #
- Watched the XMen trailer again. Awesome except whenever I hear Kennedy speak now I think of Clone High. π http://bit.ly/kAlfAR #
- .@technollama Cool π I realised it wasn't very good to post a photo where one can see a number plate, so I deleted the tweet & photo :/ #
- So cute!!! http://t.co/6JqIb1w #
- Awesome! RT @nurhussein: @piawaugh @ditesh Finally, Youtube gets a Creative Commons option! -> http://t.co/Lw3hOzQ #
- .@dannolan Hah! Channelling @anthonybaxter is definitely bad for one's health, reputation & liver. Kudos for surviving the exorcism! <grin> #
- Just watched X-Men trailer, totally pumped! Any other wonks/geeks in Canberra want to go along en masse to the Tuesday 6.30pm Dendy session? #
- Some great projects! RT @sherro58 Special Minister of State Gary Gray announces eGov award winners at #cebit http://bit.ly/lVDSws #gov2au #
- I love to fly. Really. The exhilaration of takeoff, the calm and beauty of coasting along above the clouds. I never tire of it π #
- Totally, that's why I work for her π RT @lisapettigrew: Great to see @KateLundy at #CeBIT – a great IT visionary for Australia. #
- .@kcarruthers you can deal with that through publishing data at high level for privacy & through tools that have min pop results #poltech #
- IMHO, authenticity is easier online than offline. Easier to cross-check, find context, compare & contrast, est "networks of trust" #poltech #
- Lovely to catch up with @latikambourke. Thinking I should stage a #bsg dress up day at parliament house. Who's with me? #poltech #
- Hockey saying we can't authenticate info now. I reckon internet makes it far more possible to cross-reference, find sources… #poltech #
- The #poltech panel http://t.co/5Ho36sC #
- .@purserj yeah, and apparently the difference is that one has no fire. <grin> /cc @mpesce #poltech #
- "Outsider innovation" and other thoughtful perspectives from Lessig http://bit.ly/kdM9QM (via @digiphile and @jclacherty) #
- RT @KateLundy New post: Followup to Q&A β 30th May 2011 http://bit.ly/iz3MoF #qanda #
- Interesting read RT @klandwehr: At the eG8, 20th century institutions clashed with the 21st century economy http://t.co/mCtoY2a #
- Haha! Love my boss! π RT @KateLundy: @MolksPolitica noted….. I do a passable Tina Fey impression…. #
- Enjoying gov discussions with @IainDale @markpesce @stilgherrian @purserj @peterjblack @kcarruthers @nickhodgemsft @msgovtech @craigthomler #
- Pretty π RT @mattatheque Visualizing machine learning algorithms http://j.mp/l1ONib ( via @CompSciFact ) cc @tomaszbednarz #datavis #gov2au #
- Ooh, thanks! Also, Zen & the Art of Archery RT @jclacherty The Sword Polisher's Record: The Way of Kung Fu #
- .@jzb Thanks! π Currently the post is 1) online culture 2) lessons/history of geek culture 3) freedom online 4) responsibility vs rights #
- Great post RT @drag0nista Better Political Reporting Is The Key To Better Politics http://bit.ly/jchHFz #
- Next step, Skynet RT @crisdeal BREAKING: TV chat show develops sentient being status. RT @abcqanda See you soon @KateLundy. #
- How many words is too many for a blog post? I have a massive piece I've written so I'm breaking it up into chapters π 1000 words? #
- ARGH! I HATE GEOBLOCKING!!! </rant> #gameofthrones #
- Ooh! National photographic competition to "represent your region", looks awesome! http://www.myregion.strutta.com/ #gov2au #
- Ooh! RT @timdunlop Search engine that specialises in data and stats – finds graphs, tables and charts http://bit.ly/mA1dpa #datavis #gov2au #
- Wow, sorry to hear about the awfulness you're dealing with @Shoq, just wanted to send constructive thoughts :/ #
- Heh, sorta not really π RT @dev_dsp Now Now. We both know that violence only solves one problem: Too much peace. #
- Yesterday I met up with some peeps doing awesome tech in Aus at CSIRO, thanks @tomaszbednarz & @mattatheque! π Keep up the awesomeness! #
- Hi @pjt013, nice to meet you on Twitter π Keep up the awesome work! #
- Heh, "I try to be nice to ignorant trolls…" RT @benpobjie I think "but that doesn't make it right" is a good way to end every statement #
- .@NETDe ARGH! You are the 10th person to say that! Yes the Cash version of Hurt is amazing & I love it. I also love the live NIN version π #
- .@ibeardslee Hmm, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb4qyuR7_cc & I highly recommend http://remix.nin.com/, some incredible remixes there! #
- Everytime I listen to NIN's "Hurt" I am completely immersed. Beautiful song. #
- Always interested in tech, but not sure about "align biz around leading products" RT NBN Co's IT strategy http://t.co/oKuAAxl via @itnews_au #
- Funny, I rarely wear my hair out due to it being curly and annoying, but left it out today and getting compliments π Nice start to a monday #
- Cool π RT @xtreemgeek: Geek boutique packed with cool stuff http://t.co/zSsa8x4 #