- Everyone needs to get this book. It's awesome! "What's that?" "It's a book" "Does it tweet, blog?" "No its a book" #geek http://t.co/uR2SQeT #
- And I'm a dog person too π RT @wobster: also, even for you cat haters… http://t.co/fem0vjr #kittensstillarecute #asaremums #
- Am writing a multipart blog 1) the geek shall inherit the earth 2) private the new public? & 3) freedom through responsibility. Interested? #
- The whiteboard overview of Richard Gill's talk for those interested π #tedxsydney http://t.co/KJio0Hy #
- Just watched an incredible talk by Richard Gill at #tedxsydney about how music, particularly creating music opens up our minds. Incredible! #
- The #tedxsydney rule of no Tweeting/Blogging/tech in the room makes me feel repressed and disconnected from my "extended mind" π #
- Watching Much Ado About Nothing at Canberra theatre, it is excellent! Currently in intermission. #
- Gotta run all, going to see "Much Ado About Nothing" at Canberra Theatre, then up to Sydney for TEDxSydney!!! π Woot! #
- I will publish the audio this arvo for everyone π RT @craigthomler: Allison Hornery now presenting at Gov 2.0 lunch in Canberra #gov2au #
- .@NickHodgeMSFT heh, perhaps π I was however going for the Equilibrium look π #
- Shiny new helmet for Bumblebee π Woot! http://t.co/8c40Ft5 #
- .@certifiedwaif totally, the article was kinda pointing out how stupid the assumptions we put on girls are. #
- Good luck with that π RT @citizen_cam: @piawaugh I use it to attract a stalker. I've always wanted one. #
- But it will make it rock! RT @redneckninja: Listening to the Tron soundtrack will not make your bus faster #
- It's funny how we each define our own acceptable privacy to some degree. I'm happy to have public tweets, photos, but find 4square creepy π #
- Gar! RT @bourdieu: Doing math is for ugly girls http://t.co/WpsbcBa /via @JotaC #
- It's dark, cold and I'm awake. Obviously time to go out jogging! #madness #
- For tweetmp stuff ask the @tweetmp guys π they are pretty cool, so be polite noobs π /cc @grmsn @dotnetnoobie #
- Pretty! I miss Sydney π RT @TagAlongTess: @piawaugh Damn I forgot! It looked like this for the walk home: http://t.co/FsiDDOE #
- Interesting post, as usual RT @grogsgamut Poll them up, poll them down, poll them round and round http://t.co/qlf2iOR #
- OK, I think it is time to go for lunch. #
- Heh, see http://xkcd.com/644/ for how, "the rest is software" @greatmechanism π #meta2011 #
- To #gov2au π RT @wsgcanberra Hear @piawaugh on Open data & the importance of visualisation at WSG Canberra 8 June RSVP http://bit.ly/mf1vgG #
- For #meta2011 peeps, info on @katelundy's #publicsphere at http://bit.ly/g5GOct & you can read #gov2au report http://bit.ly/iBANWD #gov2au #
- .@JPBarlow pfft, its in the very attempt to "civilise cyberspace" that they miss the point! #
- Totally! RT @wolfcat: Wait till Alan Jones hears about the data carrying capacity of a homing pigeon with a USB drive attached to its leg #
- .@chieftech We could use embedded chip for encrypted storage of private data, accessible through dna matching, expanding our capabilities π #
- .@ChristophHewett I think many ppl look at mindfulness but don't integrate in everyday life. Treat meditation like a short holiday #mindful #
- Nice! New chilled "Sprawl" for your auditory pleasure π http://t.co/ckS1WQF Harder version at http://t.co/Qb8wp1S /cc @mideion #music #fb #
- Brilliant! "When Wikipedia is down my apparent IQ drops" http://t.co/UEYWx7W #
- No I didn't thanks! π RT @RobbieDashwood Not sure if you saw this today? http://bit.ly/jm9Hd0 <- social media review by Sensis #gov2au #
- Interesting thoughts RT @MrLicharo Gail Dines & 2nd wave feminism […] http://bit.ly/kYDbnE #
- Hi @RobbieDashwood @acmadotgov, the #publicsphere info and prezi is up at http://bit.ly/g5GOct π More to come soon. /cc @katelundy #
- YES! π What he said RT @grmsn: @chieftech Used for a purpose other than intended = hacking! π @piawaugh #
- Nice "Principle two requires agencies engage the community online" RT @AusIT Open public sector info principles launched http://t.co/ZT1cVDO #
- Its worth checking out and engaging with @AUS_Hansard as they are experimenting with tweeting parliament biz /cc @moldor @renailemay #gov2au #
- WOW!!! Competition to map dark matter in the universe with prize being a trip to NASA http://www.kaggle.com/c/mdm Check it out! #gov2au #
- Argh! Belly pains making it hard to concentrate. Have triaged with nurse & likely not serious, but taking twice as long to do anything :/ #
- Aww man! I got steamed vegies from staff cafe & not only got odd looks for my beanie but now I have belly pains! At least my head is warm :/ #
- For anyone using WordPress+FeedBurner and wants ppl to be able to subscribe to Tags. http://bit.ly/lyd2rQ #tech #gov2au #
- Tee hee, can you tell I'm looking at phones atm? RT @jeamland: When's the George Negus S come out again? #
- Haha, I mispelt George Negus as George Nexus, whoops! Need another coffee obviously! /cc @renailemay @mwyres #
- Report worth reading by the Climate Commissioner: "The Critical Decade" http://bit.ly/ijQm1t #climatechange #climate #
- RT @KateLundy New post: Senator Lundy at a Climate Commission Forum http://bit.ly/lubpr4 #climatechange #criticaldecade #climate #
- Awesome! π RT @miladyred http://bit.ly/iP9DwB Beanie town! #
- #ClimateChange Commission happening now in Parliament House Theatrette http://www.abc.net.au/news/abcnews24/ (via @katelundy) #
- RT to #gov2au @moblabs AR Dev Camp Sydney – June 11 sponsored by @phmuseum @layar. Come along and play http://bit.ly/l6n14q #AR #ARDevCamp #
- Hi all, thanks and I agree! @willozap @lozz @max_au @damana #
- Just for @lozz, me and my beanie today π #dresslikeacatburglarday http://t.co/YhwqLhe #
- Why is it that beanies are so very comfortable, so very very warm, and look so utterly ridiculous! Today, I do not care π #
- Very interesting stuff! RT Open Technology Foundation to increase govt interoperability in ANZ – http://bit.ly/mBBeW7 #gov2au #opengov #
- Thanks Seb! It is. RT @sebchan: spirited reply from @auchmill is well worth a read. http://bit.ly/jFPYIH #gov2au @sharingnicely #
- Always enjoy Nat's insights π RT Four short links: 18 May 2011 http://t.co/7cJvKwH via @radar #
- "We need librarians more than we ever did", good post! RT @sharingnicely Seth Godin / Future of Library – http://bit.ly/jErBPB #gov2au #
- Anyone done a comparison of the HTC Desire and HTC Incredible S? I've got the Desire but considering going on a plan to get the Incredible #
- Wow, @mideion did another version of "Sever the Sprawl", I love it π http://mideion.com/track/sprawl V1 at http://bit.ly/jOqbI0 #music #
- Mwah ha ha! π RT @1159 That is some tough lettuce. #iceberg #
- Note to self: do not concentrate on other things when eating lettuce with a fork. I've just chipped my front tooth :/ #
- Having yummy halouni cachetori with salad leftovers for lunch, thanks to the wonderful @jdub #noms #
- RT @dannolan: @piawaugh I actually really love engaging with Depts on social media. It makes me feel like a valued citizen, oddly.#gov2au #
- DIAC getting questions on role of Twitter. Be nice when ppl start accepting social media as valid public communications #estimates #gov2au #