Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-27

  • Gotta run, need to do some recording. Perhaps we should borrow from the awesome lca talk and call it "Geek my ride"? πŸ™‚ @NewtonMark @moldor #
  • Went for motorbike ride whilst upset today to clear my head. Wasn't sure it was a good idea but felt awesome, certainly helped my headspace. #
  • Just played at a wedding and included a rock version of "say a little prayer for you". Sounded awesome πŸ™‚ #
  • Just awesome. "Sorry. Wr don't send search and rescue teams into plato's cave" #
  • Yass peeps: fill out the Yass public transport survey up πŸ™‚ (pls note, survey design somewhat lacking) #
  • I wonder if ppl in peace are more comfortable with language of war than those who are not. Reading Crikey's "bring on the bloodbath" email. #
  • Interesting RT @abcthedrum: Chris Uhlmann: Plotting a balanced course in a climate of angry grievance #
  • Something like Gibson's Lo Teks? πŸ˜‰ RT @alexkidman The streets of Byron are awash with tech journos hunting in packs. #
  • Looking forward to seeing Limitless. Looks fascinating from a number of perspectives πŸ™‚ #
  • & West πŸ˜‰ RT @miladyred "People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or prostitute" Daria #
  • Currently reading articles by Henry Jenkins on "spreadability". Very interesting for #gov2au peeps (via @chriswinter) #
  • RT to #gov2au πŸ™‚ RT @NicholasGruen: Isn't #Gov2 just a movement of people trying to figure out whether they're Clark Kent or Jimmy Olsen? #
  • RT to #gov20 #gov2au πŸ™‚ RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov #
  • Interesting πŸ™‚ RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov #gov20 #gov2au #
  • Interesting πŸ™‚ RT Apps for Democracy Yields 4,000% ROI in 30 Days for DC.Gov #
  • The fantastic talk by Dr Karl Braganza from BoM about climate variability and trends is now up at #
  • (I know I've been using twitter too long when I start naturally writing tweets that are 140 characters long without having to edit ;)) #
  • It's so awesome that @ParlLibrary tweets bills entering parliament, it's a handy way to keep up with what's happening πŸ™‚ Thanks! #gov2au #
  • Hey @jameskliemt, would love your thoughts on the opps and benefits in gov agencies using social media given your experience πŸ™‚ #
  • Lots of fun and good discussions at @ACTwonkdrinks tonight πŸ™‚ #
  • Q about noticeable effects of weather in talk by BoM. A: if we only respond to climate change we notice day to day we miss the big picture. #
  • People should check out the Aph parliamentary library talks online πŸ™‚ #
  • BoM is currently differentiating between dry areas and actual droughts which are a notable diff in norms as opposed to just being dry. #
  • BoM: temps consistently increased decade on decade, rainfall decreased in regularity & increased ferocity but still trending to drought. Wow #
  • BoM: its the shift in the mean of climate data that demos real change in climate over time, not extremes. There is a trend in heat events. #
  • BoM: we look at the ongoing information. Extreme events are of interest but are not the only data that demonstrate climate is changing #
  • Sort of ironic that I'm sitting in a briefing on Australian climate by BoM *inside* parliament house. Perhaps we should go outside πŸ™‚ #
  • Abbott addressing his flock. Thought I'd have a sticky beak at the carbon tax "peoples revolution". Lots of Lib placards #
  • This is quite fascinating and debunks a lot of myths we hear much too often. "Gay Sex vs. Straight Sex" #
  • Brilliant, stumbled across this demonstration of how #datavis can go horribly wrong or be inappropriately applied #
  • Cute #datavis of #qanda tweets RT @mtats: RT @tweeveetv: Last night's #QandA in 60 seconds; #
  • Nope, awesome! πŸ™‚ RT @grmsn you see this? #opendata #
  • Mwah ha!! πŸ™‚ RT @jkonga: @piawaugh Be nice – someone worked hard on that "lofty" title. lol #
  • Holy moly! There is a climatologist kung fu disciple speaking at the APH Library today, I'm totally going. (Talk will be posted online soon) #
  • Haha, just saw invite for information session titled "how to stretch your cloud budget" & thought "sounds like a bit of hot air to me" πŸ˜‰ #
  • Actually, it would be awesome to get @mtchl to do a talk on datavis for a #gov2au lunch if possible… πŸ™‚ /cc @trib @craigthomler #
  • Wow, checking out and seeing some insightful data analysis and #datavis πŸ™‚ #gov2au (via @jeanburgess) #
  • Would love feedback or links to other awesome cultural collection digitisation projects on blog of @katelundy's speech #chass kthxbai πŸ™‚ #
  • .@katelundy just gave kudos to Louisa Lawson and the @digitisethedawn project πŸ™‚ yay! #
  • Having trouble sleeping these days. Am thinking of taking up a superhero alter ego so the time is used more productively. Suggestions? πŸ™‚ #
  • When you answer the phone and can't remember your name, it's probably time to go catch up on some sleep πŸ™‚ #
  • Check out the @ABSStats hackfest for students using census data #gov2au #opendata /cc @abscodeplay #
  • RT @du4 Conversations at American University: The Double Facepalm #
  • Also can't open a ppt from 1997 in modern Word. Might try OOo. Gar! #archivefail #
  • People who say sticking with the same company means ensuring future access to data obviously haven't come across MMF :/ #archivefail #
  • Fantastic remix including several NIN songs, really nicely done πŸ™‚ #hackingmusic #
  • Ridiculous yet ppl still think sw patents=innovation! RT @lwnnet Microsoft sues Barnes and Noble over Android #
  • Wow, late night at work tonight, but some incredible discussions about datavis/mapping/opendata. Very exciting times we live in πŸ™‚ #
  • It's amazing how often I refer people to awesome GLAM WIKI event @wittylama ran, gr8 stuff! #
  • Wow, congrats @digitisethedawn! Only just caught up with the news πŸ™‚ Awesome stuff! #
  • So much teh awesome! Looking at Augmented Reality foo & feeling really proud of Aussie innovation right now πŸ™‚ #gov2au #
  • Holy moly, the wonderful @wittylama just pointed me to the Creative Commons Al Jazeera stuff @abcnews shld look πŸ™‚ #
  • Fav songs atm: Ain't no rest for the wicked & Perfect Drug remix #
  • Joint Standing Committee on Cyber-Safety launched a survey for young ppl, 5-12 yrs & 13-18 yrs (links on sidebar) #
  • They got a lot right πŸ˜‰ RT @michaelragen by @GreatDismal
    RT @stiggeh RT @rosewal The year 2000 as imagined in France of 1910 #
  • Am wierded out by accounts that read like twitter bots promoting games I like… Eg @MulveyElisazxj @SandyLolaerh @GaraciaEdriszxj #
  • The problem with playing wedding gigs is you get all kinds of songs into your head that you'd normally never listen to πŸ™ Bloody "Bubbly"! #
  • I aim to misbehave πŸ˜‰ RT @pixel8ted: I didn't before but I will ever more now! #corrupted πŸ™‚ RE @piawaugh: Who giggles at time at 13:37? πŸ™‚ #
  • Funny & tragic! πŸ™‚ RT mjg59 Todays awesome discovery: amended US law that governs blocking IP-infringing imports is section 1337 of title 19 #
  • Yay! πŸ™‚ @mtats @paris_david @camcgr #
  • RT to #bcc2011 #gov2au @Gov2Vic @jsankar @gov2qld @piawaugh yes there is a gov2vic both on Twitter & #
  • Does anyone else glance at the time at 13:37 and giggle? πŸ™‚ #
  • I wonder if we shld more clearly articulate diff bw society & democracy. For eg we have multifaith society but (mostly) secular democracy πŸ™‚ #
  • Heh, I didn't even think it was that polite πŸ˜‰ Totally! πŸ™‚ @kwebb @chieftech @tom_worthington #
  • What is happening near you for #HarmonyDay today? πŸ™‚ Check out this map of events #
  • Support Harmony Day 2011, add a #twibbon now! – – Create one here – #

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