Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27

  • Pretty!!! Find out how green πŸ™‚ RT @ABCtech Ed: Just had go in this Tesla #wantsone 0-100 sub 4secs. Totally silent #
  • I think when it comes to ppl not in politics, the traditional labels of left or right don't really apply anymore. Most ppl are just ppl #
  • Interview between @katelundy and Gary Humphries this morning on carbon pricing for those interested. #auspol #
  • Oh that's hilarious RT @twoscomplement: @piawaugh Seems relevant πŸ˜‰ : About OS updates (via @mefspb) #
  • Just started following @ABCtech, some good stuff for geeks & techie ppl πŸ™‚ (being a geek, of course I use that term for power of good πŸ˜‰ #
  • Few: "if we want to compare things, we need them in front of our eyes at the same time." Logical but underused wisdom #datavis #
  • Perhaps RT @camcgr: Microsoft products stuff up – the reason is we all expect a higher standard from Mac and Linux as its sold on that basis #
  • Totally πŸ™‚ Also great tools for awesomeness but for most, misery RT @shorebuck: @piawaugh all computers are boxes of misery is my philosophy #
  • Why is it simply accepted by most ppl when Microsoft products stuff up, but if Macs or Linux stuff up there is a different standard applied? #
  • Few currently discussing importance of not just making sense of data, but the skills to communicate narrative to ppl. Book "Switch" #datavis #
  • Fews: Eyes have most receptors, highest bandwidth, highest conscious bandwidth & generally most powerful sense. Using cute graphs #datavis #
  • Few: data sense-making process Discovery-> Examine-> Understanding -> Explain -> Decision. Few: eyes most important, I reckon brain #datavis #
  • For @cafuego, the "poopy pant photo" πŸ˜‰ #
  • Lovely evening with @kattekrab & @cafuego. Yummy dinner, walk along pier & awesome inspiring discussion. Thx hugs! πŸ˜€ #
  • We are going into fonts at the Stephen Few course. Argh! I am surrounded by typofiles! @jdub @kattekrab @klepas @sundress @katelundy πŸ˜› #
  • Stephen Few has a fictitious org chart with Gordon Gekko, Bill Lumbergh, Ari Gold, Miranda Priestly & Matthew Scott – Hilarious! πŸ™‚ #datavis #
  • For those interested in free sparklines: for OOo or for excel (invented by Tufte) #datavis #
  • Today's #datavis on dashboards comes down to a) provide status + context + assessment b) simplify & don't be limited by tech & c) think! #
  • Wow! Will help a lot of SMEs with gov work πŸ™‚ RT @sherro58 New, improved!!! simple contract templates for <$80k #gov2au #
  • Ran into @DavidTangye at the Stephen Few course πŸ™‚ Always good to run into other tweeps IRL πŸ™‚ #datavis #
  • At Stephen Few course in Melbourne, today: "dashboard design" for "at a glance monitoring". Creepy #datavis for #opengov & democracy? πŸ˜‰ #
  • Just signed up for @barcampcanberra, very excited! πŸ™‚ Am thinking of doing a talk on #datavis or perhaps an update on #gov2au Should be fun #
  • Sometimes I read things that make me angry. A good friend (Muslim) advised me recently "don't let people make you upset or they win". True #
  • Colour blind simulator – useful for #datavis and other design stuff #
  • Apart from being all flash, this is a useful site for colour selection in #datavis (& probably general) design #
  • Wow, great & depressing RT @LaTrioli International language of sexual violence: my take on the Lara Logan controversy. #
  • The "Graph design IQ test" by Stephen Few – interesting! #datavis #
  • Also just learnt from my #datavis course, I should trust my instincts, even if others have done this stuff for longer πŸ˜‰ #
  • I think #datavis is a bit like life, you resort to habits & "conventional" knowledge but really you need to think for yourself πŸ™‚ #
  • Stephen Few referenced Hans Rosling Few says gapminder a good eg of how imprecise #datavis can still be useful #
  • As I sit here in a 9am-5pm 3 day course, I'm reminded how completely ill equipped we are to just sit for hours on end #schooldays #datavis #
  • RT @infoholic: @piawaugh I tell my students that every time a pie chart is used a kitten dies. #datavis #
  • RT to #datavis @chris_bloke doh! that should of course be #IwishIcouldType #
  • Stephen Few's paper "Save the pies for dessert" (find on #datavis Funny how they're so popular #
  • If Stephen Few ever comes to Canberra, I suggest all #gov2au #opendata and #opengov ppl attend. Great stuff! #datavis #
  • Turns out a lot of people at this #datavis course are vendors & "dashboard" experts. Less ppl here to learn how to analyse/communicate… #
  • Guilty RT @xSunili A common experience. #OWtime RT @njba: Walk into officeworks. In what feels like five minutes half an hour passes. #
  • Yay! Latest recording from "Therapy" (our nominal band name) I present to you (the hopefully amusing) "Leave you blue" #
  • Totally! πŸ™‚ Add her to the slidedeck! πŸ˜‰ RT @kattekrab: @piawaugh @philipri – does that make Flo Nightingale an infogeek? πŸ˜‰ #datavis #
  • Thanks! πŸ™‚ RT @SMinney: @piawaugh that is in most psych introductory texts if that helps #datavis #
  • I didn't know, thx! RT @philipri: Don't forget Florence Nightingale pioneered the use of charts/infographics during Crimean War #datavis #
  • Totally RT @mtchl: @piawaugh @brendam interactive data vis is the go for exploration and insight, IMHO #datavis #
  • And for anyone wondering why I'm tweeting to #datavis and not #dataviz I'm an Australian πŸ˜‰ #
  • Great to be in a #datavis course that is so practical and applicable to *all* data visualisation design tools, from spreadsheets to BI πŸ™‚ #
  • It can be hard to get balance right between clarity of data presentation and what might be interpreted as highlighting info #datavis #
  • Currently looking at visual perception & how the eyes work to try to better understand good design practice. #dataviz #
  • #datavis tools I'm playing with atm: (which I love) & now via @damiendonnelly (thx!) #
  • Currently looking at Paul Grice's "conversational maxims" #datavis – very interesting #
  • Few: Today/tomorrow we be focusing on effective visual communication of data, Friday we look at how to think about/analyse data #datavis #
  • Hey #gov2au peeps, some of you may be interested in my #datavis tweets today as I'm livetweeting some of my Stephen Few course πŸ™‚ V cool #
  • Few: "I asked vendors why they encourage 3d graphs when they rarely work. Response: that's why we let customers rotate them" Insane #datavis #
  • Interestingly, so far the course on good #datavis is reminiscent of #gungfu principles: no wasted effort, reconnaissance, act don't bluff πŸ™‚ #
  • Few: "Don't be limited by your software." Great sentiment that should be applied across the board </grumbly-techie> #datavis #
  • Few: "People incorrectly think tools make you competent but we need to ensure we bring skills to the table too." #datavis #
  • Interesting book about problem of ppl using numbers to misrepresent, I'm sure my Dad would like πŸ™‚ "How to lie with Statistics" Darrell Huff #
  • Anyone that uses The Onion as part of a training course rocks πŸ™‚ "Do you see the concentric circles?!?" "click" #datavis #
  • Heh, line, bar and pie charts invented by a Scottish guy a few hundred years ago. Funny πŸ™‚ #datavis #
  • Personally I believe, data visualisation is really useful to both make data more accessible, but also to find new insights and understanding #
  • Just met & chatted 2 Stephen Few prior to being in his data vis course. He's awesome! Course looks gr8! Passed on ur comments @DorisSpiel πŸ™‚ #
  • Wow, great article by George Brandis "Politicans must defend the multicultural project" #multiculturalpolicy #
  • Had to hold myself back from buying Assassin's Creed Brotherhood book at airport. Realised it'd probably be awful so will research 1st πŸ™‚ #
  • Suit:normal clothes ratio in Canberra fights is always far higher than other places. It's funny to watch ppl try to figure each other out πŸ˜‰ #
  • Going to Melbourne to learn about dataviz from Stephen Few, very excited! Bought new pratchett for company (unseen academicals) πŸ™‚ #
  • Check out "Innocent Arctic", awesome photo exhibition. Proceeds sponsor polar bears, yay! πŸ™‚ I'll visit this weekend #
  • Another way to read this article could be "Yay, secular citizenship ceremony doesn't include bibles" πŸ˜‰ #auspol #
  • For anyone in Sydney who loves photography, check out this awesome exhibition, opening Friday night πŸ™‚ #
  • Interesting RT @australian Redneck radio may be on the way out, at least in the US | The Australian #
  • Thoughtful article RT @australian Home-grown values a multicultural triumph | The Australian #

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