Birthdays, tenders and forums

Since last blog, I have travelled to Cairns to give a presentation on open source to a consulting firm, which went great, I have changed jobs to working full time with the same company on their open source strategies, I went to a kung fu camp and learnt even more weapons ๐Ÿ™‚ and today is my birthday. I’m one of those rare people who absolutely _LOVE_ birthdays. I get excited, I run around happy all day, I look for presents. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I seriously love having something wrapped up and knowing I can’t unwrap it till the next day. What can I say, I love surprises!

I also managed to pull together some great speakers for a software patents forum. Information will be up on the Linux Australia site under Australia and Projects soon. I’m really glad the LA committee has some awesome dudes on it that put such an effort into these things. Yay, team!

I found out one of my bosses is going to China. I’m pretty excited because I may be able to tee up my love of China and my job this way ๐Ÿ™‚ Look out Simon, I told you I’ll be back! The Beijing Linux Users Group was an awesome array of individuals, and I’m looking forward to catching up with them again.