The conference has finished…

Maddog was the last and I was so glad to meet him. I’ve been missing him at several conferences, and we had a great chat about all things πŸ™‚ Many people are worried about the patents issues, and frankly I’m worried too. We seriously need to make sure there is sufficient information out so that the US-AUS FTA doesn’t pass in government. We will be in so much trouble, as will Australian industry if it does. I think the problem is one that will come up inevitably anyway, but the FTA compounds the matter.

Maureen O’Sullivan has come up with some interesting thoughts. That authors of software should be protected against litigation of unknowledgable infringement of copyright or patents, and that free software should not be subject to software methodology patents, as it is in the best publics interest. An interesting argument, akin to the council being able to put a highway thought your garden if it is in the best interests of the public. Ownership not being total πŸ™‚

Going to Sao Paulo now, to give another talk. Am quite happy with how everything has gone, and will blog in a few days of everything. Simply no time!

Bdale has said he’ll come to the wedding in November if it is middle to late november πŸ˜€ YAY!

I have to say, that I was not so impressed with Lessigs talk, it lacked any real substance, although I understand he only just got there before his talk. Maureen however, had a legal talk that rocked everyones world πŸ™‚